Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

·......----------:de_m_o-nfli 7.--:-'a,t--:-i.o-n- ·of--;:--;~/;~~-;:;P~r-vblile_m_e-.___4_9_7-;---:-[' Sujjl[/rd; · --- . .. . A f•m :and,Omlti4SoriptHra. , OneHomiliein Pfalme I.BtAiitNdorfl 911#1ill111. Two epilllesto .4sgufi.,~, qne begmnmg 0!_,.,.,;..,,be:theot'ner,4111'•P""r!l•· · Aqopi(fJeto Apr••i"'· · no .•,. Another to'Ib"pht/~I,B.~·'tirt«i9 (N~, AnorherrqCel~f)il(. c\ , in<!;;, l om>tiJ /iber,calledbyMimlqgl#..oap. :5. Lt f:I,qn,ariiU, bcarcth HttJlOWJ(~ n4me, flonori· oo,Iib.r.c.8S.but it;, fOJllC far law .1\.uthor.s. Herenote, that in the r6. diHinabon;cap. SAnCla Rlmana, Hirromn iudgemrnt is al· JowedcohcerniqgQrigqt, RujM&~~. and in all things whctcm he reprehendcrh them. I f\J 1,.:. v 'A•MA-!IPS. ''·· His P•ntiftca/1 is offufpeC!ed authority. B TheVenecian edit)on of tho Councels, con- / felletb_that it dttagreeth from all approoued and recemed' holtoties: the fir{! romc, page <:117.&: 684-and tbefccond tome,p•!HGJ. CHRTSOSTOME. Qne vpon the a. Q!!.!1114d,..Jsmqui inS•· "km. Two vpon the 9· CreAtor~ <m~~iHVJ : and DtzugenerMnojlri. _Onevponthe '3·f<.2m•dmo4HmtumDo7tJimu. , One vpon the14.Ef1pnlcbrrPf•/mtU, One vpon then. CircHioc,.fo<ra,.. One vpon the 24,Pi.,oris .rfl<, One vpon the :s.Fil~ Lucii. One vponthe :6.Explmitudi-.'"t:~i. Onevpon the:9.(elebrit;u ctmfrj]ionid; One vpon the 33.Srrmo ditiinm. Onevpon the 37.S<peanobis. Vpontbe 38.pfalme,oneHoljlili~bel\ln• ning,Et quomodopotrf/Pfalmm. On,N<e h••cquidm•Pfalmsrm. Twovponthe4b.NNUiq~idem:and.f.iwn· fi Prophtt4, ' Twoon the4•.Hic P[Jmm t/1: and,Coh•· rtt p1'-iari. SixtlllSmnfit in his Bil?lioth<cA,Iibr. V pan the 68.oneQ_.f!1<>r•fi,Ubm•. 4rec/zyneth aOthrfe,or/efsM fAif· Vpon the7t,oneDomi•!l':virtHtl(m, IJ impofed vpon thu Father. The 84.0ncOmnu q11ift•!J!•I~it. " " ; One Homily vpon G<nelis, ,the :.chap·· The 9o.onePf•lmNmnon•grfr!'!'_m, . _ cer,beginmng'Dignit"' humam,c!rc. . The 93.on• Admrfm j/H[/us. 1 Another vpon the fame chapter,begmThe 9s.oneegregiumv<>'"f"'""irAHdllm. : ning Desu inf/stu,.r, gathered out ofc.d•gHThe96.oncltiusaviptra, , fiinrs fragmento: there are tw<> whole chapThe 1 e6,oneSpiritus SAnf;Hs, ; teraJakenout of this bookc, de.Eccie.fipfhcl4 c The tl s.oneN .,.,Hrquo.dapicul~. I Dogm<~ibH~,namely the Jl.and 3:. ' The 11 8.oncBmigmt.u·dei. -> , ,. Anorper vpon the l~mechapter, lHbetur The 1 1 8.oneP;ritatem pr<dicJ!ndad.. · 1 The JH,oncDominmii4Jer, . Tbreevpon thethirdchapter ofGeneOs: The 14z.onc-l!'di~i• D~i_(rCJit ~bJJfor, J,beginningD<mfin"nitio. :. fl!!"i"mecum V pon the J,ofEfay,ojieSi-vo/smifu, · umporiJ. 3. CbrifiiaH<eHrn hojlt. V pontlu: 9.oncChrijl_w v•<i CH11J Patfe.. ' Onevponthe If. chap. Fideu{Jrtligi..U. Vponthe4~.oncPit4innou<11•. 1 One vponthClf,Pmab.u /Ubuca, V pon the ~.,;.,,..,,,,"'Vit, 1 One vpon the37.Filij 4Httm /acob. Vpon tlu: J.oflcremie,one l>1•,g,!111r1Jitr•· Onevponthc 17.ofExod. Stabat MoJ{tl, 1 mi.tmeritum. , -, , .One.vpon the'1J.ofludg. Desuq•ivoluit, Vpon the 3.of.Qaniell,l)f ihe three cbil· One vponKings,a.• 3. Domi,lu D:JU CHm drcn,oneTriu., pfiN"PfH11i{, '1· ·/ ! Dauid, Vpon the 1 3.ofSufanna,one:Di,.;,;../,[/1' Onevponz~Kings?.lmitMorts{brifti. cnu. \ f ·l r:i·o"l i :,~'lif" ··J • One vpon >.Kin~s 17.PerJulis Abfolon. V pon Zacharythe6.oneNpbi/'-'l'""'· I Onevpon 3·Kinn.ofEiiao.Gim-iofu,./im. The impccfett worlce vpon Matthew,eAnothervpon thefame.(""'g<f/J' D uen the Carholikcs the,mfel~es thinke to bee Oricvpon 4.Kmgs •· of El•.uhis afctnli- , :chryfoflMm!',but fome doedenie it, becaulc on, begmntng,·Apud qu•(Jam '"''"'· 'fhiS -tt.fauours ofArlani(m•: butyet lt,is genc:r&l; Bed• 111 hiS que(lions vpon the booke of ly commended fore tbc v;triety oflearning Kmgs, thinkethtobeeChryfoflomu,butthe thercincontained. r ...... '· · , . {tyle fauours of that Homily whiCh ioput aThree Homili(s vpon~:Ra&/uJprwm. · mongil Himnm falfe children, for Eafier · the J.ofMatthew, DedlcAJutn~VIiJ< daies,beginningExHitttcorlsm, and it ilalfo beginning, !~eoquoddixil; , among{! Eufebitu Emtfonmhis fermonr. One vponthc4.0 imcomparAbilrm, , (·,' OacHomilicvpon4.Kingss.CumN•,.. ·. ' ·lNoatAHtu.,.. ,, , 1 m•"· Three vpon theS· Cum'nobidpro•ffi<io." \ Onevpon4.Kings 6.0[Htlium.Et{ifrt· beginning; p,~•mnht· · "r io q'"""r· ' ' ·' '", ' ~Domini<;• ·,.,." .,;il Two Homilies vpon lob,cap. r. Ptrunta· Thr~evpon the 6. ·•fic~iltfuplrioriOus. mtn(r4lrn; aud,AehletArtl i11Ctr1Amt;,: . - Sersrs /eElmm. Two prefacesvponthe Pfalmes: P•/1 Mo· One vpon the7.0mni6umot•"'-'· Tr 3 Two \