I \ l l I VemonfiratirJn•of'the Probleme. 4-99 Thebookeofu.qudbmd quellion.6s •. A A bQ<>keofmeditatio.ns, . . ThequeUiono of the Old anu New 'IeAfermon oft~edeluge• . !lament. '" , OfthctimeofBarbarr{me. The worl<«ofithe lncA•nAtio~of thewor.d. Ofrhe oj.v.ertucs of Chadric. ortheTr mity and Vnr.tie of,God. Ofthe prolite off•Oing, ofthe EtlenccoftheDiuinirie. ·" Ofchecocnbat ofrhcfJu!e. orFaith concerning things inuiGble. ·' I OfriJedeflrutlionofrheqtieHierll{.lem• .Of rruc and falfe Repenraoce. Herein is · , Ofthe gQod ofdifcip)ine.. · .A•~·ftinchimfclfecited. Of the. medicine .of. r<pencaoce, one Qfhcalrhfull In!lructions.- booke,and.ofth~profi:tof repenranc~.- · ·ofFriendll1ip. /nth~ JO,t~me,t:ounur[tit{ct·moru. ;.· Dou6ttdof. : Aftrmonofthereudadon.ofSuuen• . 1 l~ • The booke ofCominence. Sermons ID the hercmuicall bror.hers. , OfPatience. The3· 14.18,t9,>o.;..~&-1i·l~·-47· sz. , Otthes0o~nelfeof widowhood. 54· s6,s7,s8. ot hi•l~rnionsdcverb" 'DoO f 3J.que!liom. . B mim: In the fife Tome,forged, Theu .15,z6.j'oj 1 Js..Jevmlti .Apoftoli. The booke cf the contention of the Ofhisbookeofso..HomJI•cs. the z,J,i· churchandthefynagogne. 1.9,tO.IS.1t,u,Jo,J lt<!I-45,46. SufPeaeJ. . Ofhisfermonsdttempore,the 9,Jo,n,18. TheOrationofthes.bereGes. 14. 18. B·l7rl 8,J.9·43-47,48. 51.59- •6:. Againfl Ftlie~Anus of the VQitie of the wherein hee'faith rhat norto t:.flin lent(s a Trimtie. linne,butth.r in his pnrer works hedenieth. TheTreacifeofSroick<sao.dEpiCures. Ofthe IIR. EpiflletoJ••••~i,.,, ciJ.;~pteJ A crcatife vpon chefc wordes: I am thAt the 4.6).68.77. 95.96,97- 99· 11 J,ll4~115. I 11711 • . For thcantclcs.of rheCretdc in:Saint 41-J .. ~ft~ [nth•7·''"'',jqrgtd,or(•f'leUt~- . ftmcstime were notfoJl•ipofed, I mc~n,ejn The worke againn Fulj,tntiU< the DQna· that order they~re he·re-let downe. For he in cHI. , his booke of the Creede·Jo theCare.cnuQl~· ThebookeofHypognoj/ica, nillsomiuerh the defcenlion inro hrJJ,; ao4. OfPredclliqacion .andyr~ct, C thelifeeucrla!ting. chryfof/•mt, tome.s.\de· OfGods P1cdellinacion. Symb•i•,ornitrcth thccommunion ofSa•n."·) lntbt9.tome{.,.ged-.-- 1171 118. Ho,ut. IZ,pz8, 1JO.IJ1. IJ<:i· E•pofitioi.IVponthcReuelacion. 137, t,J8. tsz. 156,157.,H8., •s9:Hi1<16.7, pFtnumgofGod. 169.174-I76.t8J.I8J. >88. 196, 199•>07, Hi<tSoltloquja. %1 J,ll3,224. !l(i, 2.z.S,z~9· Z38 1 2J9.141, HISM•nuall. 141. And others alfo are bythePro!cllajlts Ofthcrriplehabiuc)e, -; , thoug~ttobethrufim, asche9J. ~15, 151. Ofchc ladder-ofParadice. ,. . •ss, .. . .. 1 ,. • • .. , Ot" r1.dcgr~·· of abu(cs. "·"' o•.hf•fermonsdcf•·fl~.lhe f.s.7.tO <II. Qf contnrionof heart. r\ ~;c:· I $.19,lO,:.t..z6>%7.jOi3 IJ'J).. 34,J5l il":V.ilalj Of.the GlatTc. •boue so. theP~ris DJ~io<S hatieaddcc).J'.J!~ OfaChriflian life. ·; J>rot~(lanrs ~.hin~e all cher~ll to be ba(!ar)ls 1 OfM•rics atf~niption". , Jl'"' neither A•g•PinrJ,norFlflgemimhi(,bccaJtf~ Ofrheconte'!'ptofthcworld,; ~ ~mo)lgn..Pthcr things the author oftqem, Ofcheval)itioofthc-tiUlcs,' fcrm.;s mak~ch rn<tltionof·Ifdorc ,,that li'- .. Of obedienceand humilitie, . · ·o q~d loo,yll'ar~s after A•g~f/ine. ., • Ofthe good ofdi(~ipline. ··~ ·L 01 lH~f~tulOns,afdi~vh~:r-allaboue ' Ofthcvilitation ofthe licke.BeHarmint!"e l. 43-.wer~~pdJ:d by them of.L.HAJne,wcthinkc extumAvnUi~ne,l!fl:t.c;~p.4 ' EhcmaHt~j(~c.oyocd. ,:· " ... Ofvifitingth~ ficke. . , · ~:,, P•fi•dtjq his h•fl"iii:Lftu{iaca, is OC\~i~g Ofthe comfort ofthe dead t.wo,bookes. .bur afardle-o(v)~ wiues tales, as mar. ea(!ly O fthe praife ofcharitie:a treacifc, appear~ tO. the reaJcr :.·anllshereforo ofno OfSobrictieandchaOiti~. cllecmeatalln ·. ,, · 1: [1 j Anw,uo. , A finners lookingglalfe. Ofthecon~ictof vertuesandvices, THE D'EJSRft-~L!:_ EPISTLES~ A'>•no,8o, ., OfchevprightnelTeof<latpo)ikcconuetTh•fe cp•fHcs pecr~tall••hich pofTe vn- adJoo. ' Cation; . . rdcr tl;ehalll~s·.of Clrmeilt, E••~ift, Td,fPhoOftheOrfl manicreation; 1 1 rus,Fiigin:-w, .Anicetm,S.Qttr, Cnlixtlfl, Jfrb 411• Otthe tree ofknowledge ofgood & euill.. P&r~tian,YJ•trr:•s,F.•bi•n,ft'r,andSJiurfler~are OfAntichri~. , ' \ ·•c • all forg<d:and that for fixerca(ons. F,irli,all Vpon thehymne, .Magnificat, ' , . th<fe'cplflle• ·had vne and c.befame avthor, Dou&tedof-.--, - . ' forthey~teal.hvtrfl<n iuthefame !lytcand Abooke ofthe Loids hus,Qandrie·, or of :forme ofwriting, and_cl,le fatne pbrafes are 'Wednefday. ' ofren repe>ted in diuers EpiOJes. Now it Tt 4 is - 'I