; 500_ Prepara&iues to the_' ., is athing impoflible, fotfe many B•lhopHo A' fii<ifratmjn,tuif/il,(or i•Jir.j/il. Such like is fpeakeall iu!l after onoformt, thoughrhcy that ofhis adEpi{ropos NNmidi•,land anolhould labour to imnare one anorhtr. :.Marl]er •d Epi[ropos liiJrim.J · ny thingsofrhefc Epi!llcsarewrirren fo fatre ,. ?i SJririus his fir!l EpiOie vntoHiwmius from the rruephrafi:oftheLarin<\•hat tl\cy Bilhop ofTarracon. The barbaroufndfo of i remeerelybarbarou<:asthis: Epi(ropi(""' the !lyle maketh it fufpeded, as in rhefe obedimdi, diligendi,'& fummopert vemr-.c,di,& words. In trgAftuiU AHttm{NU tAlesperfont:~-rt· non dflrt~hmti• v el l~cerand1: And thfs, PA~rei trudtndM vt tAntum {Acinuscontinu~'l~tmtnt~ti· omittl[HJJ1 venrrandi; mmrefPUtndi{hHtin(idiAJJ· one deflenttspuri{ic~ttorie paJJitudinU ·itntp 9 /}lnt · di,&c-3-Thefe epi(llesin their quotations of decoq•<re. Befidos,heimperioufly commanholy Scripturedoe follow Himm<lrranflati· deth the .&1fl1op of Tarracon to publi0 1 hio on, which none of the Popes rhatthcfe dedeercello beobferued ofall the Bilhops:But creesare fathered •pan cucr fawe: for it was the Church of Romeasthenhad nofuch iunot ttfen extant. 4• There is n6t one epillle ri(ditlion. Ofno greater value is his Epifile almo!l of them all • but containclh fome totbe_Millaners; northe3.and4.torhe B. rhingse•prelfely again(lthecredit of all Hi· of Atr~ca. fioricall truth,forrhey_fpeakeof,the Prima- B 7 Two Epillles of An.(lajiss. The date, cy and rule ofthe Church of Rome,ordinaand the Confuls hereto fubfcribed, d1fagree uon ofBinwps, and,oftheir immunities, of from all true hi!lories. In thefir!l you !hall the accufation& degradation of Pridls,and finde thefewords. !J!!aji ad caput rb.ritatiue of<~ppealmg to tlrefu of Rome: whereas in mium nun duhiwu. And hcecommandeth the three firfl age~, bedufe of the multitude with Apo!lolike autharitie,j/andum<.f[<adI<· of perfecutions,little,refped(as SJ!uim faith) flicn<m eHang<ili• .,.; had vnto the Church of Rome. s. So 8 The Epiflleavnder l•nmntiuJthe 6rtl faith Cufanm in his bookeduonccrdi4 Carh•- his name, ar~e iu(IJy called ln-<jue!lion, betsc.lib.s.cap.z.and Be{t;rminedt Ponc,ftalib.z. cauCe rhere are in rhc:m many rraditiont, r.14. ccmfc!fcth1 ihatfome error~ hauccrept wh•chvntothe DIUines of tbofetimes \llete· in"t\> thefe epillles 1 and·rhat bee dates norafaltogether vnknowne. And befidcs rherc!"arc firmerhem tobeln~IJ,bly theirs,whofename whole Paragraphes pur into themwhich·are they beare: &Jfidm in liisprefa~ebefore the extant as wdl in r,he later Popeswritin~;, •• Couhceh,doth not mention them all;t'u{<hiin the formtr:'Th!: tliirdE!ilfrle to E.<up<rius' m fpeak• onelyofthe epi!lles of{i<mmrand maketh mention of fiue bookes ofSal•mon: Vilfcr,which yet arimot now extant, Dama. C the :z.fpeakdh ofthe Billtop~Myrer,which (us \Vtiting of his predecelfou, ncoer fairh the Church then knew no~. 1.ind the Epi!llc. word oftbefc epi!lles. No more dothHi<ran. ynro the Cooncell of Catthage it ver)'{coBefides, theJtrrtttalt <pif/l<s of th< Pap<s lilh and idle. ' ' · . (extant in the tomes ofthe Councels)from The Epi!lles alfo or ln•mntius which arc Syiti<fltr vntoGregOTJthe fir(l,&•[o forward, the 9' · and the s> 3.amongthe Epi(IJesof S. are all either counterfeit, or iu(IJy fufP.etled. Aoguf/in<,arecounrcrfcit.t'rA[m'us. •1fhisisjllainly Oiewedby the groffc'al:)fur9 Sixtusthethird hisEplfllevnro the Ea- .dn•·43l· d'itic!"dftheir !ly.le,•irrthe•nil!lef rhem! by llerne Bilhops,hath tbefcwords:P.Jmtini.rnus their·vnaptalleadgin!J!tieScriptures,& rheir Augu(/m ••fir• .turhoritatt Synodslm rcngredefire of rule ouer tlle•Catholike Church. gariiuJlit. Mofl foolilhly! Palmrini.,could Foranhisrbey a!ldoayme,.namely,toercd callaCouncellby hisowne authoririe, !tnd and protetl the fupremacrtifth,e•<:liurch of needed no Pope• afliflaQce, the Epi!llciber- ·• Rom~ ..ChieAy-thefe following;• ., < fore isforged.In bisthird Eplflle;J<ma/u d•- 1 1 kfark!sEpi!llevnto the Bif!IG~-ef"E' i floribos,&Mhe(ewordo, [Sni.>)><r r.m<n Pur– gyp!. fie fairh ~hat·thcRomane (lhurch llid t,•t.riilcrum txcipio inqu• llhi~ h•minum_<Dr-~ nouer erre,nor<tlerhereafter fl1all erre. Bur D jioribus{6/Nt~adumpot<xpianiMr]are rhru!l in that opinion of the immDbiHtieof the Roby fome other,forthey baueno coherenceat inane fairh,wasnot a'dmitted into the world all, either with the precedent; orfubfcquenr v\ 11 il inthe(elatertimes. Catbltfinwsinqal.:. daufcs: for:s'ixtusfaith, rhe~eia butrwopla- ~ !uliushio firll Epiflle vnrothe ~B•O•ops ces, Heatien and Hell, andthat outolrhe ofthe Ea!l for Atha•afiHJ. Tbis llifagreeth kingdomeofGodthereis"ofaluarion. quite from rhcrruecopie which is in Sorratu ' 10 Hil•riushi•Epiflles. . I.>.c.l ;.and inS~z.omm.l.3.r.8.Hisfecood alJ • An'Af/6jius his Epillle 'fnlo Ana]/11(iru (ob foohfh arid ftiuolous. !heEmperour, hewarneth him to obey the 3 Lihrrius bis anfwer to Alh~m•fus: and ' Apoflolikeadmonition. oh. rhcPopes dehis Epi!llevntoaiiBilhops. · . c.rees, wberasrhe Poposof'thofedaiesoBey4 Fei•x-his EpifllestotheSynodof.dl<x- 1 ed rbellmpcrour•decree•,•"'~""""· , I andria. - ., u Pope !eh"' the 6r!l his 2.Ep1(!Je lsop- ; St<u<ns vnto Dam•fus, anaanother ofl pofite vnto the bi(lorie oft~iJtume. 'Damafus vnto St<utn Bilhop·of Africa, ' 13 Fdi.<theiV.h11Ep1Hieo,thefecond l whereiO there arc tliefe words of !lCW Latim:: wherofbeginneth thus•.fl!!M1Am•mporrnbrl•- i Cbarilaritt'e ,compalfihilitrr, Qrain~'hilittr,-:;r.e. /JHJ verbisgarrujfljii. . - _f 14 Bcnifc:ce! ·-