Ann.;6o. demonftra~iomoj tb~J., .JProbleme. 5dr I 14 !Jo;ifactthc:, (li•I'P'(!Je, a,nd;rl)e~r' A verY,late tlme1 ~~i~ b,ew.r•yed by the very prec.qon of A•r<fiKI os~~rth~g· thereunto llyleit[elfe. Befides,~opbroniu,andHimm< ·~~<JI5d.. ,E;Icretq q'.enf!OJll~,ffi!l~e ,of the lmed bothatonerime. as appeam~ by the ' Pnnfn!•,Pw, wberF~!. Bq•tf•« 1\•0•.?P of bookeof Eccleuall•kewmers: outthioSerRomeljped in oct~er, o(theIK/Imuq~es. It moll'talkethofEufJcb<Jand N</lm•s, both is like robe the han91worke <?f fo"!.C:.•ctf the whofeherefietw,ere.b•cx:hedaf~.rthe death Popes ~arteren, • 1 • . ofHitromt. 15 P,gjli.•s hisfirfl epHlle, avery mRmg peec,eof worke, hce,!fBGheth th~t ruinated Churches may be re~di~ed,and confecrar<d with the Ma!fe onely,wirhouranyfprinkling ofholywater. Hisrh(rd i,s[oconfufedly pat– chedrogethcr, that·it isimporlible romake ) ,, "' ·'·! .M.AXIMP.S, TAYR!Ji\E.NSIS, I ,,. ,, Thecredit ofthismans'(dr~o~s,i• ~nm• 1 taine,formany~ofthemareafcribed vntodi- !Ann. 4 zo. truefenfeofir. · J.G John the third his epi(l!e, .. I 7 Qenedil1 rhe fir!! hisepi(l!e:Part ofJt IS afragment of.Aiex•nd:rrhcfitll,his fir!! epi· !!le decretal!: the.other put is altnoll the whole fpunh chapter of rhe J, ~nroTimoth;. · ucrs Authors,asthefe. ,. , , ,His fermon on the natiuitje of Chrill; i whofe beginningis, /1: asb,entuD~minico, is a– B mongfl SaintA•g•Pinesfermo!l~cii,dr7•."'" Greg•ry therhird, hisrhird ep1flle(tom. 3• {•ncilsorum)ad Epi(<op., Bauar.,, d1fagrees tfom thecopie which is in Auentmer .dnnAirs, ''··3· ' Z acharin fifth epillle(tom. 3,C•nc,!.) con· tainerh friuolo41 anfwers to moll foolifh que[lions. One thing chieR.v to be noted is, his command of the time when to eate ba– con. HIS lixth epiflleis corrup!hY fomefiJ. thy interpreter.(atalogutttj/ium, 1 8 Nichol.u his epilllesvnro theEmpt· roue MichaeU. Therein heefaid that godly C Emperours neuer would commauud the Priefls,but intreat themas Fathcrs.But Eu(<· hiutfaithothetwife, lib. to. cap. s. andNt«· phorur,!ib,7,<•P·43· Thefe fay that Conftantine 1he Emperour commaunded Miltiades Bi– flJOp ofRometoiudge the caufe of!ia· nusBilhopofCarthage.TheepiflledtheSy· node of .Aiex.mdri• to Pope Feltx IS coun– terfeit,and full of!yes, Hilarius his epiflle(rhe 88.amongfl Augu· /fines) is aot rightly, afcribed vnto Hil•rJ of PoiCl:ou.Er.j-s.TheepimealfovntoApra his daughter, containeth nothing worrhy,!Jf flilarius,nor the hymnc\·ntoher~ The hilleric ofAmbrof•his life attributed vnroPaulinus isa.6Cl:ion. Er.c[musinhispre- D facevntoAmbro(ehis workes, ET'O'DIJ'S. Two bookes of the miracles of S. Steum, extanr inAuguPinestentb tomc,arc both for. ged, 7riremtusindeedefaith, thathe wrotea volumeof rhe miraclesdone 'in Africkeby thereliques ofStcuen theMartyr, which re– liques Oro{lurthe Prietl carried thither: But thcfe bookes now extant containe nofuch matter, neither a<e they mentioned in any Author at all. SOPHRONIJ'S. That Sermon oftheAlfumption ofMary inHi~rome,is noneofhisJbut fometriRers of pore, , . Hisfermonvpon'the Epiphanic, begin,. ·ning LicrtfratmdilrEiilfimi,&i. is the 37· de I Tempore. Hisferrnon of Chrillsaccuqngbefere pi. ltde, bcginningMirumf(lrfnnvideAtNr, is the IJ Tempure. r . His fermon vpon the foleinniry ofj:allcr, IS the u8. dr Tempor<, ·r Hisfcrmonvpon Soint Strumsday, b~glnning, LeClio Afluum t.Apojlo/arum, is the ;.ofSaint Auguf/ins,d<San/Jis,andhath anp. ther beginning out ofAuguflin<, as they of Louain doe confc!Te, Hisfermon vpon the natiuity ofPrrerand Paul the Apolllos beginning, Gfori.Jif]imos Chrif/i•"" fidei,&<. is Auguflin<J17. deS••· Clis. His fermon beginningL•tJmus in libro qui Ac1i6usApoft, &c. i• Am6roft h1s J). (ermon and .Aug•ftin:s :s. drverbis Apoflo/i. ' CTRILLYS ALEXANDRINT'S. Hath a commentarie vpon lohn in u . Ann,43v. bookes.. , Butthefourcmiddle bookcs o! the twcluc were loll;and Jodscus CMJoueusbath added O· thcr foure in their places: vR.. the s, G, 7, and 8. Sixtecnebookesof Commentariesin£<, uiticm'l. HisEpillles vnto Cot.fyriur,fu[pcCl:ed. It isnot extant among!! his workcs, the frag– ment is cttcd by others:and u•he1hcr CJri/1o Alexantiri•wrote it or no,ir is vncertaine, EJ'CHERIPS. His rhreebookes vpon Gme/is,and Corn- A nn.<fJO. mcntar1c vpon theKsng1, is Come vnknowne moderneAuthors, Smm(.prif•t. in Biblioth. aod/lh.4 HishomilyofUWuiuA!Tumption, for– ged, Forlhereinareth<fewords: Worthily did our Farllers decreee, rh•t this GofFe!J Jbould beread vpon this folemneteafl ot rhe VirginUU.,rie:where•s this feal! had r,JOr lm in(liruuon vntill16o.,