)-02 . ·'' .Pr:'epar..atiuMtv 'the v;.,,,·~d:r i'ti,,.ririr/s awJ.s'9_f LookeLl•~.iJ!:'~ A- the firU Couocell ofCon!lantinople;and'in dru htS ""'~"'1""· Ou~·?~_, ..h.ec .. re~rt otfil~s the C1 ~1Jt!cel! ofChalcedon, fay rhus ·,~ rhe Homtly.confidcrthe,·al!•.~ of,~hc,refl, . . 36.cHaP,!CJ: Renewing the Decrcos-6fthe . " ...lH•u · .... l<·.:--· -~ .o 150. 'Fathmrhatfllctin thisroyall~itieof !() HN"' C A_S SIAiVf/S; '';;1N•IJ F' Aft;'" Con(li~fno.ple,&ofthe 63o.Btlhopswhich T-YS· RHE GlEN S'IS: -;_ 1 a!fcmfiled at Chalcedon, ru/ik_mi(,J,rer. Ann.4J5· Both thcfc authors boo~~s.Gda~tU i!'." m~~~#.thff_t t~eSMoJ;,Co,nffantinople haf!.eeifua/1 ! prtuJ/tdgu and honours "UU'ith the Sea. of E!dtr l Rotm.and iriAilEc&lefiaftic~tll matters be.tdffan. • adrPith IllgrtAt houqur-imdrtuermce 44 it, f,u. & 490 . Counccllof7o.Bt010p• did condemnc. And with realon.. For thefir(hyrote agamfl Pro– )J;ir,:ind thcf;cond aginfl fulgmrim, concer– nirlgthePred·elhnat1onoft~l:Saints,an4 the go<;>d,ofperfcu~rance. Befides, Fauflm was liDn'Cicri1ned BY Pnrus7Jiaccmu; lib. de I"~A.~· 'Hor"!ifdaPopcin hisEpifllein s.Torn.Brbli- .. ( tB.AdbmCbror;fCU :andTri.:hrmi;u inFanjlo. B And tberefor~Dri,doand Ru•rd~<~ Tapp<rr~< ·in':iJiprooufrigFau/lru his writings doeOJcw ·&cmfelucs halfe-Pclagians. i11gnext 1Jntoit. . .ThemQiuall Epi!!lc• ofJohn Pope,and Iu- Ann.450. fhn~tm,extant in the <Sode, bh. 1.rit.4:de$11m· m•Trinit4u,are ofdoubtful! credit, For fiill l•.f/inianfaith therc; th'at he bath lab0ured' that all il'iePrieflsof the Ea!lerne lllrifiliai: ,{'I .. ~ on 010uld beo obedient vntorhe Church of Ro'me.Burall htflories fay, that thi• was Pho. c11shis deede. AdoP'imnmfs,chro,.ic.ad 11m~um 6o4.luoCarnoun(lsilf Chnm. Plari.nam Bonifa· ciorertio. Iris a1foafcribed vntoMichadPa~ lzologm. Befides i in this Epillle rhe Pope is I Afm 440 His t:.bookes,~l'ctJraticH_~ Gr"carum affe· caiJed the head ofaH CPurches.Burthe con- . ' l1zonsmJ;arcfu(pellcd, .becaii(e Nic~phortu in crarlc is to bcfceneJnGreg•rr fbe fourth his his, catalogueofTheodorets libours ncUc..r naReg£{frmn,epiff;3%·34·~ 6.) S.Thirdly,th:s £. I meth them. And thcfebookes make fur chc piUiearid !he otherof lohn, arCnot~xcam in 1 Ioilbcationof Saints, whithT/Jeodorervpol1 theoldManufcripts:witnctTc Alcinte,PMerg. ' tfic lccond of the. Cololtians, doth ,con; . /ib.s.cap.z3. ... . ~emn<. Articu1hisEpifllcin the end ofrhe CounH15 Epifllesalfo vnto L<o andRnwmare cellofChalcedon isa counterfeit. Looke Iu- .. doubtfull. · ' • . C niuJhisAnim•d•"fionJinBfllarmine df PuntiJ. Hisbookc·D,Sinuishath Comethings inRom.<n.l<b.ua'fz4.& lrb:z.cap. 25. ferted by others. '' TheEpillleoftbcfaidCouncdl vnro Lro isfuch:tnother. Newlyfound (as is preten– ded)in the Lrbrary of the Friars preachers :LEo, dr.n. 45 o. Thele workes of his beare a counrerteit n~me. A Sermon vpoh AII-S•in'11day, either wholly torged,or at lea{! in theride. For this Feafl had his driginall from B..if.ce the 4· aboutthcyeareof our Lord6to, long after Leo.Peirus deNatabb~t~,lih,J o.Cap.i. . His s.ScrmonofLent,is A"g•f/mutiJ,D' Y.empm, and his eight Scrmorr•is·duguflinu nder<mpor<. . Some ofhis Epi(l!cs,asthe 84.and the92. :p arenowhere e~aanr,but in qrAt~A,, w,ho(like anotorious fa!fifier) thrufliJiany'workcsvpon rhc Fathers which they neuer wercau– tlion of. And it Is a flrange thing that Leo !hoold offer to fend his imperious EdiCls through Europe, Afia, and Alfricke, when as he was con!lraincdofneceffityromake a luppltcotion vntothe Ewperour for thecal– lingaCouncell within lraly. And hereby it iiplain~,<hathis R4. and46. Epi(!Jeo aree!– rhercountcrfeitor at leaf! corrupred;becaule at Calcine. -- GELASlf/S. The booke ofthe twoNatures, Bdl•rmin' denieth to be written by G,/ajiu1 the Pope, DePonrij.lib.4,cap. I o. AndMt!chicr Canu1, loc,comrn.lib. 6. cAp.S. yctthey hold it tlie worke either ofGennadiu1, or qeiajiu' Btiltop ofCo:farea. · · P1GJL-IPS. ' His epinlevntoThmJefius, A•rb,mim,Se– uerNs, Eurychianhcrctikes , wherein hepro· fetferh htmfdfe to be oftheir opinion, i< cen– fured to be acounterfeit • byB'AroniHs, rom.7. vpon theyeare s-38. and aftera fort byBel– l~rminede Poxtificeli-b.1.c•p. Io.Bm rhecplfile is cJefcribcd by Li6tr41Hs, and i.textam 11.1 the u.chapter ofhis llrcuiarie, and is alfo in the Chronicleoff'JI1or. The fame doth teilifie thatitwaswrirren after PtgiliHs hrsordi:Hlti· on, and rher~fore Bellarmineerreth in hol~ ding thecomratic. ANDREAS CRET'ENSIS. .('' he arrogatetb tqe fulndfe of poll'er in for– rainc andfar dillantregion•, and enioynerh A"atollm Bt010p of Conflantinoplc tO exe· cure lli~commiffion in the beginning of the 46.Epiflle. Butthe Fathers ofthe fixr gone– lrai!Councdl, expounding and confirmin(: I '~ whi~ had bcenc·defined in His Encomiumde dormitidne'Sanfl£ deip11.r.t, c.1p. 6. makerh mention of the fcafi of rhc .Ann.soo· [ ------ -· ·- Atfumption