Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

--·-1--· demonjlration of the Probleme. IA.tlumptionof Mar~r, whtch was no<jnlhru- A rqn~rted) and th~t thi'":" hrlalongaft~r bphe I ~ red vntJII rheyearco(our Lord,595· many commftndof!HftmltmRzmthmtflu.Butl,notin. · ! yeares after rh is: authors death: therefore dt4ringthU, •ndlook,.iug n(arer int6the roherenct I 1rhefeoraciooi ftemcf.,rged. ofthi4malttr, andimothulfn9nt0'dtr!J follorP· / ing;wriltenintbefeword1: The holy 4ndgener~t!/ /A.ow.po, :THE eoPN CELL 0 FAG ..ti.THA. C41mce/1Jrjimththtuandtbm: lmingpafethe I modernecnnom, whicbAreffeitb~fub(cri!Jed hy The canon> ofthis Councell which arecitbe Kingt,nor tb< Fnthmthat hddthtConned/: red mthcDecretals Dec""(, dift. 1. C4p. .. taking vnder tX4min4tion the mo/14uncitnt co– Mij{tu.arc no where extant. nesofthe{: cAnOn/, 1fOund Mnong[ltb~ nam~t' EPSEBIJ/S EMISS ENT'S. The homilies l'nder this name were not writtenbyeu[tbimof Emefa in Greece , bur byacerrainefrcnchman, as appearcth in the homily vnto Bi~ndi~a. Fulk..,e. BeOarminr.conr fclfcth this alfo, D< t>'lrtma vnflion<M. I, cap.>· Lookealfo in rhc(ameli<llarmtnedt facram.euchari{t.lib,z.cap.z9. Ar.n.>7o. The fermonof rhe fea.n.of rhe Natiuitie, beginning N t~CtsuJJiU D(Jmrns, excamamoogil Fuhmtituhis workes,isafcribedvnroAugHAnn.6oo. l fiin~andi,his 15.fermonde Tempore.Andin fomeManufcripts iris fathercdvpon Sm<- rtant-u. GREGORTTHE GREAT. The book ofhis Dialogues is doubted of: it is fiutfed full oflralian wonders; and is not con(onanrvnto the reft of Gregrmeswrit1ngs, ne:irherin matter nor forme.Chemnititu. His booke ofthe Sacraments,and of An– themes,Pamr/isufetforth,bucic is not nJcnti· oncd in any author, buconely in Micr#logut in rhc z4.chaptcr. In the>. CounccllofNice, an epifllcis afcribed vntoGreg"rie the Gres.r,cvncerning Image.worlhip,which was indeed the 3· Cjrt– g~ries: forGrtgorie the Great prohibicedado– ration ('IfImages. 1Ann.67o.. .CAESAR OF. ARLES. The homily of the wordes of rhe Apo. ctle,Si clliHsopt~st.nanferit, &c. which is afcri– bed vnto this author,isAugnft!n<i41,dtSAn– l/11 THE 6. STNODE. The canon• ofthis CouncelHnTr•l/o,are condemned by the.Papi(lsas forged, bur in rhefecond Nicenc Councell they arc com– manded to be obferued, and are byCjr.tian himfelfeapprooued, Ji,1.•6.' cApitt Stxtum: Ma/fer Be'-• citeth an old glolfe of lJalf.r·· mmr,taken our ofa very old Manufcript.The words in Englifh af~thefe,And thiJ iJ al(o• ge– ~"a/1(ou~e</1: For althoughth~ ;Bifoopt of tht Wtf/,na;welr {{,, I;_atinu An(flra!ianr(to wh•m• thUC(tfmcrllinfomecllnontgiHefa[ore /J!ow)doe vrgeit 't'tryearnefl!y thAt it Mno-vniuer{lt!lCoun.– cel/,nor that the Popes Drlegatew.u thereprejfnt: 6tcauft that thrre~~another 6,{oFmcelt,heldV7.1• Jer{onpa,ttine(urNAmed!ong-~earded, ( 41 it M fiJV{crifNdvvto thU CQUnc~/1inTru!lo, tb~t th~r~ werepreftnt iJ1 that Collncel~ 6ath the PllpUv~PTitia, one BiifiliHt, Primt~teof(8rtin4inCrete, a~td awthrr '9how.uBi/hop ofilAumnll, andn1t or~eiJthm.,6ut alfocth<r•ftht Pcpn!tgattt 6"– ing Bifoopso(Thej[otlonica,Sardini4,Herac!~a it~ B T.hrace,and{orinth.Thurmuch Balfamon,And BArtholomewCtUan7-a writeth thus. In the vo11 '"""oftbt(ouncrllrprinttd at Colqne,thOY~ar< nine C~tnontafcri6ed vnto the/ixt S1n~dr,where~ M tt~ek.,_11o'Wtbat the 6. S;nodc 't'.1hf&h WIU cal/rd vnd~r Conftantine,fttforth no Canom,lmt 11[ter~ wardvnderluj/intAn, ther~were 2..1.7. Fathert gdthfred together in th~ &'mpfrollrt Pal/ace at Conflantioopl<,andth'}[ttforthth< IOZ, [rll"r_! ing Canom.ThU i4affirmed6; the Fathers f'j th~ 1· Niccavnder Conftantinethe (fmnr of Leo, 11wd [rene hUmothfr in the 5. tJUc of the[llidCouncell,antlrnore at large in the 6. a[f, tom, 1. Jnb,hplawcitingtht 8z.oftht(<C~nom. BeftdetNicholtMtbe 1. "Mk$thmrntionof thef~ CAnms,inhis epifile vntoMichae/1 the Em~ C perour, .41 alfO Anafflljius, AG!J11t, & /J~rarit ~"P"vntothefta Apof/oli~e,inthtprifaceofthe 8.SJnodt,[afin,r: Stting that the 6. Counetll(<t fbrJh m rule at all, bm one!; the Creede,it iJ etr– tainethtrt the Canons 61 thema!leadrnd, wer~Jet forth priualtly andb1 thtm/dun,long ajitrtht 6. Coun~en. Moreouer,theF11thers of6orhEmpirr.t call~d togetherllt the CottnceOo{Flortncc,doe cite th~fe 102.Canons in tht s.{efjion, Gratianalfoin the durttciwhfomt ofth<(<Canonr,&•fori6n th<rnvntothat 6.Counu/l,Thus much faith he. Di/f.J6.cap.Stxram• .Adrianthe Popefaith: I recei~thc6. holy CtJunctUwith~t!l the Ca,mu. Andthefame .AJrianinhi•epiU!e vnto Ta– ra[iur bath thefc words: In tht Dinintand law– fully p•bilfoed(•nontofthe 6.Counctll,&c, ' D Suriut graunteth that the 9· Canons fathered vpon the 6.Councelltom. •· Conci/ior,' are counterfeit. · BED-E. HisM""tJrolagium Come thinketo be cor· rupted byfundrie additions. TEE '%\ COJ/NCELL OF NICE. Ann. 7 S 4 . This Councell, bceing wholly for Image– worlhip,ls both impiousand idolatr<.'US and therefore reie(lcd by the Bifi1ops of the Wefl, aswJrnelferh ANenttnein his Annals /.4 Thcdocrcesofthe Grecians(quorh he) forImage~wor!hip, were nboltfhcd by rh~ Councdl