" Preparatiues_ to the Councdlo!Franktord. Adoalfo,inrhe!ixt A age,flontdm,&~. Albert Pigl1ius rc:fufc:rh to hold the Coleine ed1tion of this Councell for rrueahere arc therein many palpable fal· 010od•. CAROLJIS MAGNJ!S, minu,tbere it an Qathfetdowne taken by rhis Empcrours legates in his name, vmo John tben Pope. Now all thi$ is astrueai!h•tthe fea burncth.For Orho,comming l'nto Rome, as the Soueraicne Lord andcommander of rhc Pope,depofodJohn from tbar digniric for his villanies, all tbe wholecitie, clergieand layitie approouing and applaudrng his iu– ftice in this doing.VVttnelfe,Luirpr.nAus,& Paulut Diaconus, hifr.lib. 6. as a][o Thml. a ~Vi~rn. ANAST.ASIJ/S. There isabooke ofthe lines ofthe Popes, vndcr thi11 mQns ~amc.whcrein are diue1serThere isa booke ofhis again A the Coun- , cell of Nice which the Papiilsdoefay isfor– g<d;but without anygroundat all. tor Htnc· ,,.,Archbitbop of Rhcmcs in his booke a– gainil H1ncmar B1thop of Ianduna maketh mention of this booke, and faith hee read irwhenhewasaboy in the Emperours Pa– lace,and cited almoil word by word the z8. chapwi>b.4.B:Iides A•g•f/ineSuuchus,~ceperof rr.e Latcranelibrarie at Rome, dorh ceilifie in pub!rke writing, that rhe copie of [his booke is there extant wnrten m old l•mb.rdlctters.Tbus much out ofthe moil learnedHuf}mian. B rors fer down,not iuGifiable by any auncient or grauc authors tcfhmonie in the wodd: manychronicle Oippes, fornecontrariettes, and fomeimpoflibilities. Baroni111 thinkc•it done by diuero, at leail by two feuerall au– thors: It is in f9meplaceaaltogcrher depra– ued by the forged additions and detrad1ons ofothers, byreafonof the extreame igno· ranceofformerages, The firil part is fathe– red vponDamA(us by P!t:tina, Tritkemiru,& Onuphrius, Itfwarmeth wtth abfurd ~arbarijmes & fola:cifmes.Thus much Aibinus. DAMASCENE. His Sermon ofour Ladies Oeepc,is <alJc.l inqucliion:for itdteth Euthrmi:u,who liued longafier"DtimAjcme, vndcf thcEmpcrour A/,_,illt. Tbelttde bookeofthe bodicofCbriil fet forth vnder his name byTurri.1nUJ the Iefuit, outofCardinaliSfmi•'shbrane,is(tofpeake C in a word)worthy of nocredit at all; for his writings by reafon of their 0Jamefull errour• .haue no great refpcd amongilvso LJIDOJIICJIS PIJ/S. PASCHASIPS, His booke of the bodie and blood of our Lord,is dcpraued by malignants.For the tale ofChri!ls body vifibly appearing in forme ofanlnfant(m the >4.chaprer,ioBib/101heca P.r,um,) is foiiled in by fame garrulous Mqnke. For it is oppolite vnto all the reil of P.(cbaf111 his dothme of the manner of Chriils prefence lo the (upper: and beudes difl'ererh as much from his,.phtafe and Uyle. This HoiJini•nbath noted in his$. booke de [AcrAmtnliJ. Ann.88o. Ann.88o. . ChArlemainn fonne. Hisdun:ation{wh~re10 he giues Rome, aod the Popes elethon vnto rhe Pope and citizens ofRome,dif/.GJ. c•p.Ego Ludovie,us,&dsamcere forgery.For Pa(chali• beemg forced by rhe people ro rake the Popedorncvpon him withoullheEmpe– rours aurhoritie, clcarerh himfelfe by hiS legate vnto rhe Emperour Ludovic•s Pius, and lay<rh all rhe fault vpon:rhe clergieand peopk.Th'Empcrour was herewirh (aris6cd, bur hefent a O>arpeand feuere command vn– ro rhe people ro beware euer afrer to offer like iniurrevnto the Impcriall maielhc. Sa– heOrcusEnnead.8./ih, 9; Pl•tinai• P4{ch•lis his l1fe. MolineUithe <;;:1U1lian rhinkes tharfome librari!lof rhe Popes tookc pamcsto force this Dooarion, and therefore rha11hat iuil fufpllion mat d1f•null rhecredir thereof. SIMEONMETAPHR A STES. Ann.?so. A triuiall Pedant in Connanrlnople, be Be!lJcs,the CanonDif/.6J.cap. EgoL•M· vi~uJ isconuaricto the canon D1/f..G3. cap. Cum Had•ianllm. For if Lodwick the 6r!l, haue giuen away his freedome of the Popes cled,on, why nu,uld Lodwick the:. his ne– phew thinke himfelfc any way wronged therein I writ theliues ofthe Saints, more truly to bee intituled,Thc Legmdsoflit~. D ANSELME. . His two bookeo dt lmttginemundi, are by A••· ._ fome imputed vnto H~nonut:Simler,in Bib!ia- 1 o8o. theca. In his commentaries vpon M•thew, Bellarminetie t'Hcharifl.lih.q1111rto CtlP·,9· fairh that the G!eekes (or therr fauorit<f) haue rhru!l in aplace,namelyvpon the l7.chaptcr thereof, concerning the time of Cbnils fitll inilitutionofthc Sacrament. 'Bernards counterfeit, or at lea(lfu{peCled ~Jrkf arethejefollowmg. Othotheempmursoath. Of rhe folitarie life to the brethren J, _!n thf decree,diUin~i?n63. chap#vbidD- ____mm•t!!.!!_~:__--------- 1 Mcdit2.tJOns