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demonfiration oj the Probleme. Med;tations. O frhe inward houfe. O fthe orderofour life. The ladder ofParadife: reieCied by the Louainifls. The formes ofhonefl life. ThcMonkeslooking-glaiTe. Diuers fermons,whiCh marke in rhe Anr.- wcrpe edition : Among rhcfe, A Sermonofthe Lords Supper. A booke ofConfcicnce, A Sermon of dndrew, T hodefcription ofCl41'<·v•ll<. An Epifile ofB"•••dSJluefler. 48.Sermvns of Gilbmm vpon rhc Can· rides: Btrn•rdwrote bur86.and died: the reil GillurrHJ added afterhis death. OfM•ruJ lamentation. BernArdtdoClrine. AnHomilyofrhc difciplco rharwent to Em4HJ. Abookeofrhc loucofGod, Aoothcrofrhc nllturcand dignitieof dJ. woe loue. A bookcofChrifls Pallion,vpon the text I am the trueVme. An oration in mcc:tervntothe members ofChrills body. Another ofrhe Pallion. A third vnroCbris1 and Marit, A fourth ofrhe NaiiUIIY ofCh11fl. A forme of priuarc confcffion, The manner ro liuo well,vmo his fifler, A fccond book ofconfcicncc. A deprecation vnco Mur1~. Of mans miferics. Sermons of rhe fpiriruall conlliCI. 0 rz,dcgrcesofhumiliry. A Sermon vpon the funday next after twelfth day. F1ftccne fermons of the Supper. Peter UltariJr faw them vnder another mans name. An hoonily vpon rherexr:The kingdom< ofbeauen is likevnro a merchant. AnepilllevntoM~tt/,., B•lhopof Alba. A meditation vporl Salue R~'giM, ASermon in aduenr of rhe rr.Burrheos. The life of S.Mal•chi. IEFFRET ARTHPR •f Monmouth. HIS foure bookcs of the Brittilh affaires, are thu• cenfured by W.Uiam ofNewberie: There i• (faith bee) acerraine writer of late comeforrh,relhng many ridiculoustalesof the Brittaineo, extolling them (with impu– dent foolcric)farre abouc theMacedons and Romanes: bee is called ''Jf"J.furnamed Ar– tl,.r,becaufcrhcoldc BrimOr tales of Arthttr, arc by him augmented, and with alittlerhe– thoricall painr, pubh!hed as hillories of au· rhentical crcdit.Nay bcfides and aboue this, bee harh publi!hcd for moll•mpeachablc A and impregnable verities and prophecies, ccrtainc moll dcceirfull diu•naticns of one Merlm,ro which he harh alfoadded much ol bisownfurmilings,in f11s rranflat1oo ofthem mto Latine. ~gaint-,bow egregioully in•pu– dcnr Js he 10 far~;ing mfid10ns Intohis book which he callcrh the BmuOr hillory, no man that readerh it, (vnlclfe wholly ignorant ol antiquity) can choofe but perceiue. For hcc that knowerh norrhe truth of things, quick– lygiues way to the currentof illuding tables and ~abulous illufions. IomiBo r<capitnlarc IllS fict•ona ofrhe Brirramesgcfls before C•· (ars conquell: flrcames flowing either from his owne inuenrion,or els deriued by him (as rhroughja leaden conduit) from other mens B braines into his booke,2sirnmoou:able veri– lies, Thus muchNewbcry,fomcwhat Orarp– ly,con{idering hisowneworkes;refubieCt eo thefame cenfurc that he fo roughly rhundc– rcrh vpon Ar:hurs:far he h•mfelfofrenrirnes Ieauet the true rrad: of hifiories, to terch in trilling fablesmto the bodyofhis h1flcrieof the atl:.ires ofEngland. FRANC IS. That Epiflle of his vnto all his brethren is aforgery.Bei/.,.,.J, .Mif14.!, BONAPENTPRE. C ThcPfaltcrof theB. Virgin isfalfelyfathercd vpon him,for hce in IllScommentary vponLumbard, faith, rharWemuflbeware le(! in honouring theMother, wee dimimfh the honourofrhcSonne. IA.COBPS DE PORAGINE, HeewasB•!hopofGenM: bis bookecal· led rhegoldenLegend,hath nothing init bur whole myriades ofmoltlhamefull and ridiculous lies, .. NJCEPHORPS CAL· LIS TT'S. D An author fraught with fableo,bec rellcrh atale of Chrifl•Image fenc ofh1mvnro A· b•g•r"' : But e•fobim foun,d no fuch thing inrhetreafuriesof E:a•JJ•: Mro primohm. m fint, All ancient authors, vncited of fame fuc– ceeding writer, and vnauchorized by fame good author, are euher really forged, orby the Church vnallowed : and therefore of OJoredoubrfullcredir: andfuch is L•dt."'"' of S.Suih"'tsmirllcln,&c. J Alfo all bookcs rhar haue theiroriginal! fro fame Romi!h librari(i. uhar are <xtanr cndy ~n the1'4ticAn,or LAUranr l1brarie.3.0r onelym the Monkcs cloyflers, all fuch IV re mflly fufpeCI. I Wharfoeueranyoldewtitcr bath vnfitly \ Vu fer An.uoo A11.11.6o An.IJOO