506 Preparatiues to the,&c. (er downe, cm1cernmg any matter of faith, A were itwritren befme any herefiewas rifeo vp aboutthat matter, it isto bee firly and fa· uour>olye~pounded: but if it were written alterany (uch hcrcGc 1 it ia flatly and fairely to bewetted. I I 1. 1 'Ihe caujes ofthe Cor..– ruption of the .Apoflolzf<; 'R.,eligion., · (with fornelitle change) haue bccne brouobt into theformeof Godsworlhip,and that"by Cbllll~ans. It wasacullomewith many, to banquet vponMartyrs folemni ties,and this was fetched from an olde ethnickecu!lornc. Aug•JI.c.nfeflion,l.6,c,:.GregDTJTh••m•torgt changed the Gentiles folemnities into the Martyrs feafis: Greg•TJ Nifftnll4 in his life, fa11h thus : Hec f•ffmdthc celebrations•fth• MArtyrs meiiJQries, leflthev•ukJI[ullmullitude fh•uld (throughdejireof VAincdelight) per(if/ io the 4dtJrationof theirg~rgeous iJc14try. Theod. de£114ngel.verit.cogNit,/, S.faith,for the I'andia~ :lhafia,efrDionyfta~tbat is,thc fe~lls of/11'piur, andBacchsu, :h~ people doe tllO»' m~tk! their Uan– 'l!!ctsto fD!emnk:e thememories of Pctcr,Paul, Thornas, Sergms,Marcellus,Leontius, An· 1 THe dotl:rine of religion, is by many, wrung,and wreflcd vnto the opinions of theHeathen. So doth Caffander te· llifie in the appendix of the defence of his booked-.fjicio p&viri, We cannot(quothhe) denie, lmt thllt the aHncient ChriPiam (r~ith a wonderfulconfenr)haue affirmedthat rj'the lawet B toninc,MaurJce,Andlcther fnch h~IJ M~trtyr1. Painting and Imagcriewas anhearhcnifl1 cu– llome.f:u{th.l.].c.r7.hijl.eccl.as alfo to burne incenfe,and li.ght tapers VDIO the images. Ci· ceroofjic.lib.3. ycarely vigils werevfed of the Gentrlcs before they came into the Church, as appeareth bySuetonius inJiejpatianshfc,c.7. as alfo fprinkling of holy warcr: luvenai.Sa– ~r.6.whichSoumcnecxprefly cals a bearhe– nilh cuHorne.l.6.c.6.Aifo lighting ofcandles by day light: Sencca.l.vpif/.1 S· alfo fl1auing of crownes: Apnlesusdeaurco 11(ino.l,t1.The priejl11[.1/)s(q,oth he) hAd thcirh•ircfo•um, And theircro-wmsvery(mooth. Ruffinru hift,l•.a.c. z9· faith, that for Serapishi, brrft-plau, euery one pttinud thecroJTtvpon the pofis, entrio.wtnofthei•-rdigion,which !Nth theRomans,otttdother na!ions ine/d~rtimes hafte affirmedoftheir IA'WeJ; Vlz.tbtd they were part!] writttn, ~tnd part/7 t~r. .. writtell;i?tc'""',il..::H'.-'1l4: The Greeks thC(c:Jues doe vfe thefe words: cuenClcm. Alcxand.Ba· [il,f:piphan.& DionJ[iJU. And theFathcrs(lell thedoCirine of the Cburch lhould feemtoo harfl1, doe r.vine it towards natural! reafon, and phyficall arguments : and in the que£11. ono of finne, frec·w1ll 1 and faith, they argue more like Philofophen thenDiuines:as for example, Ath•n.;im in,his booke again!l idols,and Clemtnl in the z.ofhis Str~mat•. C The counfels of fupetcrogation arena· thing elfe, but the Philofophers u1!,:>-. or decorum. Thedoarineol Pmgatoriecame into the Church out of the heathen writers: for the Philofophers and thePoets were the firllthat euer wrote of thepainea of Purga– torie after death: as Plato in his IO.booke,dc Republica: Pirgilin hid 6. of•Aneads,tUJdOuid in his MetAmDTpho[is,l.t $.ThePIAtomfts (faith Auguf/inederiuit.Dei,lih.>l.cAp.13·)•1rhough they w1fl bafleno finne v"put~ijhed,ytt ~tUthD{epu· nifhmt»IJ they w1/l h~t~~etottndvnt1 reformation, whether th•r bec P>(UllcdhJ t• .,,u,;.,, .,.b,.. mant 1 inthid life,or•furdeAth. z Theritesandcufiomcaof theheathen dcrwes, 'W;;Us, And piUATs: and that Confianticc: 'O(edthi< fig neofthemJ1einhism(ignc,So<.omene tellifieth,l.r.c.s. 3 The Chutch bath «fumed theabolilh– ed cuUomes and ceremonies of thelewes:as the making of their holy vcRimeots accor– dingvntothe PriefisofM•fet law. Alcuinos de.ffic,diuin, alfoAmaiPimdeoffic. Ecc/.1, >,c. u,Grarian.deconfccr.Dij/.l.[aitb,th•t thecon– ftcrations, And bo!Jvnflionsartto~e madeaml performedae&ording vntoth•prifcript of Mofes, And thcimitario•ofthe Leoiw. Thelicence& too (roe liberty which the Church vfed m thefe threethings,htth beene thecaufe ofall thefe corrupted fellers now predominant therein, and ranckling the chiefeand choifc part• thereof. The