The Demonftration ofthe Probleme,or Pojition. THeDemonllration of the ProblemeO!all be 01ewedin thcfe poGtioos following,which I hauccompofed ofthochiefell places of diuinitie,which are now in controuerGe. And the [cope ofallofthem is this,to OleW and prooue,that the Religion at Rome DOG' profelfed, is fau: ly callod Cathohke. And the fumme of my Demon(iration tenduo !hew,that rhe chiefc and proper heads thereof, either 1. were not recciued from the timeoof Chro(!,or his Apo!lles; or •· ifrhoy were receiued thenc~,yetnot as Amclesoffairh,but only asOpimonJ ar.d probable(on· ielfum;or 3· that in all places the Purt.f1Churches neuer held them in thefame fenferhat the Papills held them in the Councell ofTrent. The places and heads of the controuerfies are thefe: Hoi]Scriptur<, Trttthti·onJ, The MediatB,f~ The truthoftht Hum••ilp 'Dt(ctn(ionintoheU, FrurriU. so8~ B 511 The rcnHi,dert of Co,cupi(cet~ce• Venitttl ('nne. 513 ibid. 514 516 519 510 su ibid. Images. Rtlsqucr. Signr ofrhe Cr~J!'. Churchesfor praJer. Canonicafi hoMre'• lntnw.lfion, lt~U6C4tim, 4ntl Sainrt. PraJmfor wedead. bu1ificAtion. M~it. Faith. FulfiUingof thelalV. SHptrerogariolf. Pitgr;mRf.~. Fafflng,SrAtions,l'r~ctjJinl. SacrArnet~tt. Wor/:f wrought. The Mini.ffersint~ntio,. The CharaCieror[ea/e. Baptifme. Sa<rijiceofthe Malf'. . (ommunionvnd~rone kjndt. Priuate .Maffe. 5t3 c 515 ibid. WorP,ippe of ibid. 130 533 531 536 540 ibid. D 541 54• 544 546 ibid. 5-47 ibid. 550 554 555 Mlxturtofwin~llndw~tttr• 556 Keeping oftheS•cramtnt, ibid. P(eoJ. thtlatinetongutiwthefmliu, 557 Tran(ubfta•tiation or r<AHpreft•«. 558 Adtmttion,&~ltHttiWMo{thtSacrammt.564 Sacredritetptrtaining to tht Mafli, ibid. Penance{acramtntaU, 565 SatufaC/i..,, ibid. l'urgatorie. 56S Sa<rammtaU c"'!fo!Jion. 570 (onfirmation, 571 Chrsfme. ibid. -•· 574 PriePt marriag<. 575 Singlelife. ibid. Extreamtvnllitm. s8o The primaciufthe BifoopofRome. ibid. Bultw Jndulgmcu, 589 Of tbepO!Verof King;. 590 C~trdinalt, 593 M•nftu. 594 MttriethePirgin, 596 Ftaft daiu, 597 7h• Ch•rch. 598 Sumffion. ibid. .Antiquitie, ibid. Councelt, 599 Benrditlio11t~ 6oo The Clerg1andh]tit, 6or AdditW.t of fom• Wtr Papiflkall opini. ont. .So• Vu z. Holy