· ;o8 7 he Vemonflration of the ProbJeme. Holy Scripture• A Lyra,Prolog.inApocrrph. Dio"lfiusCanhujianr.u,&Hugo CatdHMI;~, Prol.in /o{HAm, follow. 'uv ·· HE auncient and Chnflian Lctvuakeateflimony(CaithGrrgory.'lnlob, @~ · Church hath acknowledged the '·'9·'· 17.)outof theM•<ehabm, which al- ~ Iewes Canon ofthe olde T cf!athough they bee nor Canomcall,yer were fct menr,to be rrue and perfed, exforth10 edifie the Church. TobJ,!udirh, and cludmg wholly from thence the bookes of theM.cchabm(CaithRadulph>M,in Lemr,/.14. Tobu, !udith,mfed_IJme, ecddiaf!icm,and the C.I.)arenotofany authority)thoogh they be Macchabm. Tdlimonics. Be(rdesrhefc(fairh read forthein!lru<'lion ofthe Church.After .I Athanallus, inSynopli,)thcreareothcrbotJk.!s thcAuthentikebookcs (faith Peerm Cbmia· ofthcoldcTcffamentwhich arcnotcanonicall.fmt an{is,cpJ[I.z.l.l.)thcrcrqmaincs orhc:r fixe to oniJ read 6y the c atttch«mmifls, aJ the book! of be(pokenor, VI"-, Wifcdomc, SJrach ,TobJ,lHw,(cdome, ecclc[iafhcm, ere, Of thefc (Ca1th d~th,&the two of the M•ccba6m: and thcfe CJ"lof Huru(alem, 9arcch, 4) readethe "· j rhaugh they could not arramcto thecredit bookes, but meddle not wtrh the ApocrJ· &aurhoray ofthe former,vet for rhcitcom ~ ph~. meduare dihgedy V pon rhofeScnptures modJOu[neo& good wonn; they baue deCer- \\ hll;h the c.lurCh doth CO::lfidemlyreadc, B ued admlctancc of the Cburcb. CllUMnc in andvfe no other. Th_oApo!lles and Bin•ops the end of Hc/ler,[anh, that reauen chaptets atthefirll rowJng of the tvord, who left VS ofHejler,thcbookesofToGJ,/Hdirh,Wijdome, tj1cfe bookcs,wcrc farre wifer,far holier then Ecc/cfi"filcm, and the M~tcch"becs, are all Athouarc :therefore Cinccthou art the foam~ pocrypha. {harlesSigo'n.Com.in Scuer,SH~Ot· of.the Church,donot break the bounds t,hcy tmm,denics rheM,.cch:~bcnto becanonicali, liauc fcttbecin:and as Ifaid bcfore,Gudy the becaure of the dilfonancc of the llyle from n.bookcsof the old Tcflamcnr. Thcfc arc the rell,and fcemes to preferre thdJJfiory of they (faithCypritm,or Rujfimu,inexp.Symb.of /uffmtbcforc ir. Hicromcfalth,inprdj~t.in /u· the k.oics Canon) which the Fathers haue dith,tharthe NJCeJc Councdl reckoned l•· ~ut mto the Canon,by which we rnufi lay the dirhamongtl thchoJy S~.:nptures: rhercforc toundauon of our f••th: yet note thi•, that rhat Synod held all rhe rdl vf the Apocry· thcicare other bookcs alfo called by the Fa· pbaas vnwunhy ofallo11acc m the Church; chers, Ecc!e{iajlicall,not C4r.onicAII 1 aod fucb IS yet IS not that certaine wb1ch Huromt affixthcm{tdomeof Sal"mon,and anotherof lcf;u mcth ofthis book.:for his words arc,we reade SJrach--,as alfo the bookes of Tob;,iudith, & the Councellto haue reckoned it : hm At/M· the Macch~hen. In the newTdl.amcnr, the C 'uz/iut, prefent at that Counccll, vttcrly relubookecollcdPaf/or---,al! which bookes they feth it. Alfo the Counccll ofLaodicea,inca. wculd haue re>d in the C IJUrcb, bur ~ot al59.decrecd,\hat no part ofthe old Tc(lamer !cadged forconfirmingany point of faith.t'- Owuld bee read in thcChurch,but onely the piphan..l.de p011d.& mm[. after he bath rccko· Hebrewes canonicall Scriptures, Inde<d the ncd vprhc Canon, thusc<nfurcth rhc books l· Councellof Carthage, in the '17· Canon, oftheW•[domeofSalom.and Ecclef. They are nubreth all the aforenamcd books amongf! fit and profirable,but notrcckoned amongf! the holy Scriptures: but Hay that the Carathofc which arc approoued by the Church: logue of the bookes of that Councell, is eiand thcrforethcy were neither laid vp mAa. thcrcounterfcir,or iuf!ly doubted of: for 1._ ron, nor m the Arke of the Tef!•mcnt, The this Canon wh1ch JS reckoned for the 47· of (ame words arc inDamafccn: and N a~ianz:.tn this CounCeH,is inCome bookcs the 24.. ca.. doth ccrtenly determine ofthe Canon in his non of anorher Councell vndcr Bonifaa,a• verfes ofthe true booke.sof holy Sctiptures, Snriuswill rcf!Jfie,:.In this Capon ate allcw· Io EngliO,,thus: ed s.books ofSalomon:whercasthereare not Inourold Tdbment tWO and twemybookcs are fee, romany.3.TheCanons in T ruJJoappproue Accqrdingtothcnumbcro£ rheHebrewAlphabet, D boththeLaodiccan CouncdJ,& this, which L'ookeaiCoin the fame Na<:ian. his lam· nwuld not hauc bin done if they had deter· bicke poefie vntoSeleucm, ofgood educatimined iull conrraries,the onemaking that a· on. HuromeCaJtb,in prolog. Galeatoinlib. Reg. pocryphall, which the other makes C•noni· TheWi(edomeofSalomon, le(m Srach, ludtth, call.4.lthink the Councell ofCarrh>geheld andTiG,,are nor in the Canon. And inanoall bookes Canonicall,which the ancient Father place,Pr•fin /.Sa/o, As the Church rea· thers admitred robe read in t!:c Church. dcth the bookes of Judirh,ToGJ.and Macehaz.The booke ofBar«chhath bm held apobees,andyer allowes them not for canonical: cryphal,bothby rhc Farhen & Coucels, euc Coalfo we reade thefctwo(rhebooksofWs(eto the y<arc 14J9·atwhich ume the Florenlome,and Syr.ch) forthc.difyingofthepeoine Coucell canonized Jt:and yet didDried• pfe,but not for confirmation of any eccletladcnic it to be Canonicall after thJS. De dogm. !llcall opinion. And in a third place,Pr<f. in Ecclefi<,bb.I.cap ·4• . Efdram& Nclum.adDomnio'nrm& RoglltiA3H41crsla!l7.Chapters,DAntdshymneof num:what booksfocucr arc nor from rhe Herhe ch!Wrcn,rhc h1CloryofSujann.t, BeU, and brcwcs,&amongthe :4.old ones,arc wholly theDragon. areall rc1edcd ~s counterfeits by ro he re1ctl:ed. Th1s opmiono(Hieromedoth rhc Fathers. Hi~rome, pr~f.•n D~~ul. cali the hillory