Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

I The Vemonfiration o/ the Probleme; l b,(lorio ofSg(A•••· Btl, and theDragon fa- A blcs, and [aJth they beare not the aurhoririe I of holy Scriprur<. Andfo hefaJth,Eufeb.A. r ,u;.. ,;.,andMttimJiiiJdoe all iudge. The aurher of the booke de mir•hilibm fcriptur4,in S.Auguff.l.z.c.3 z. faith,that con. ceroing the other denne of.Lyons, and the rranfportatJon of Ab•c•k.,inthetalcofBel & the Dragon, nothing is purin this ranke, be– caufe they arc not contained in the diuine Scripture<. AndS>xtti4Smm{l<, B<blioth.lib. 1,cap. 8. reieClerh the 7,chapten of Hej/tr, & rhehHloryofSg(,as additions. brew and Greeke textoftheholy Scriptures to be vncomipted and pure. ThJS not one dcnies.Hitr.lnc,6.1(4.detideth them thatfay rhatthc Hebrew bookesarc corrupted. The fame Father will haue more credit giuen to theor~ginall,then to thetranllator,Ep.adL•· cin,de opt.gtn.inttrp.lnc. 3.M.U.tpi~.aa Auguf/. 89.Pr4f,mlf.Euan,Augojline al{o,Deciu>.Dti, I. 1s.c.13.laitb,Tharwhen• diuerfitJi; found in the bo(lk,tJ; trufl thAt IJWluagefrDm -whenceUU k_norme,tohauebeene ftrjt tranflated, So faith Lndo•icu<V.uesvpon thisplace of Augufli•e: + The word Canonicallis vfed by the Fa. thers in two fenCes: vi....abfolutely,and refpe– clluely, .m.;;,, & .,•• •I. That which JS abfo· lurely Canonicall, is theperfect rule both of faith and dJfcipline.Refpecbuely Caoonicall is that worke, wherein are contai"ned fame fenrencesraken out of the writings abfolurely Canonical,andfame hi(loriesconcerning And A•guf/<nt him(tlfe in diuers other pla– ces.v•z:..Ep.loS.T•alf.3,inloan.Jetfo[/r.Chrij/. l.>.c. J t.Ari.u Montanu<faith plainly,that the l:~~<cs ncuer corrupted the Hebrew booke B which wee now haue 1 and if therewere any change, yet was there not one word,onelet– ter, one title whiclw~,, notkept in rhe trea· fury c•llcd MlZzoreth,and therefore he cal– leth that M•zzowh alaithfull cullody. the Church ofGod,and aretherefore allow· edtoberead in the Church at publikemee· rings. And in this (enfeir is oppoGte only ro prophane and hearheni01 workes. In this fenfe are rhefe Apocryphall pook<s called Canonicall, anddiuinc,or,of diuincautho– riry, byAug•f/. Deciu, dei!ib.I8.q 6,cgm c, 23.!.~.c6ntra 2. epifl. Gt~~tdentiJ: and Hierome, Prif. in Machab. And In this fenfe doth the Councell of Carrhage in the aforc·cited ea· non acknowledge all thofe for Canonicall Scriptures,which(faith it) wee hauercceiued C from the Fathers,to bee read in the Church. And indeede, when as the Fathers doecite thefe Apocrypha,they do notalleadgethem as properly Canonicall, butonely as hifiori· call. Ambro[t lib,debonommw:& Lu. cam, citeth the+· bookeof ez:.r•, yet who is he that holdcth this booke for Canonicall/ So isthethird ofez:.rA,and Hmrmbio bc.oke called Paj/or,ofttntimesalleadged by the an· cientwritcrs,and yetare Apocrypha. Bythe .Canons ofthe Apomes,Can.8-t.the 3,book of theMacbabm is Canonicall, but not by the Councell ofTrent. BtUArminefaith,that the decrees of the Popes are byq••tiancal· led holy Scriptures, but "'""A':"''"·,, that is, a· buGuely,to difiinguifhth~mfromprophane ·D writings: and Caoonicall ti>di(\inguiO•them from the Fathers holyWorkes, whichare neither rules for our faith,nor hauepower to bind vs tobdeeu<them.For althogh (quoth he) the Canonsof Popeund Cooncels are dJt\inguin1ed from,&fet aftertheholy Scrip– rures,yet in their kinde theyboth arc,&may be called holy and Canonicall wrirings,·--as J,mqcentiUI cap.cumMartha. extr11. decelehrll, Miff..•m, callerh that fcnrence of Augu– flineJ hoJyScripture,(hejffiweth amAt-t)r th•t pra]tth for • "'""Jr.) And inthisfenfe dmh Dnrnafm call the Canons of the Apo(!Jes Caoonicoll. - s The auncient Fathers, and the mon learnedoftheir fuccelfours,do bolde the He .. 6 TheFathers before G.-gorJ the firfi, neuer vfed rhe vulgar tranflauon, which is now fa1d to be ofH~tromucorrecbon,byDa– "'•{•s his commaund. 1. Tert11flian :again a M4rcio11 vfeditnot. 0 neravtf/ra;,..;c,,. fuftin.,e,lib.s.<•P·+ /rritamfaci~Jmi.s.c.s. NonmepudeteuAnf.t(ij,ls.c.l3• The vulgar Edition. .Alteralter111soneraport~tu. Prlldmtit~mprHdentiHmreprohttG"• Non qu/Jefco tHIIngt!iMm. •· CJri•• vfed it not. N Dnfumii/JJneus.-AdQf2rinum.l.l.tJIITII.I%. ~iaproxpexitredemptlonempop11!9fuo,l.z. 'I'JUVJ.7• Inprir~cipir; trill(ermoi.:.num.G. An nHnquid•p•ltntiAm bomt•tueiu, <t (uf/i· ,ettliamcfrpatientiamcottlemnil)l.3.n.3s, VulgarEdJt. Gal.~. •·Cor.1. Rom,J, Nrm[umdignHsc•keAmentapottan. Mat.;, .f£!!iawifit•uis &fecisrtdtmpsionepltbw f••· Luk.,, lnprincipioert~t verbHm. Toh.i.. Andiuiti-ul11mitati& eius & p4tientitt&lon- R:om.,. ganimitatemcomemnU. 3· The Romane Clergie that liued in CJp•i••• age,vfed it not. Don11ui tih1omn~J~lnt#qHUrogajli mt.~p.;1. -Prtehciltur;,. vni11njtJmu?Sdo. Vulgar Edit. ,, _\, O~ede/titHJimi(itibi,quollilltllr~4lime. Ma . 8 Fldet'UtjlrtltmltHnciaturinvniutr(Omitndq. R.o:.:,.· +· Arnobiusvfed itnor. ' Putrin•uiffim•hora,Comment,inPf•Ui7._ -T'twntilet,P/.106. -EgoAut~minterces{l. Vulgar Edjr. Filio/i noui!fi""' hora tft, SatalltU.~xpttiHit vo1 .r;tcribArft. EgoaNtemrogJtHJ..... . s. Hi/arievfeditbot. 1Ndica/;iturdcvc6iJ,inMat. -P~nttJmout;rt,ihid. v=u~3,~----------G~I'a'd•'·u~m-l z.Iols.s. Luk. .z:.