M:l\.7. Mat.u. Map .d, Luk,I. 1loh 4· ibidem. M:n·ht.i6. Cap.7. Luk,18• t,lohn4~ Phibp.3, · Hebr.t: Galat,3• 510 '1he 'Demonflration ofthe Probleme. qtadmm tXtrtJu, feruo principii (11cerdoiHm A a1mmab(cidis. . - jQ/Hfrt c,.orrigeam calceamrntoru,;, tius. . Vulgar.Edit. Vulgar.Edit. /Jb!.o i11dicio iRdicAturitid,illdicADimini. .Ar1mdmemventoqHaj{atam. ExundmsmanHmextmit gi;~JiHm {uum~ & percurimsferHHm principi&JacerdotumAm· purauit auriculllmwu. 6, Ambroft vfcd it not. Jntermlsliercs.Commcnt.in LNk.:_S. --Contmgatmihi.-.ibid, :;::_.quidvefli•mi•i.ibid. Vulgar.Edir. --irtmuUerihus --fuitmrhi -- ---qu1dinduamini.-- 1· Auguf/inevfedil not, Dt (itluia fua lutum fecit & immxit oculos cttci.TrafJ~t.i~t JohAn,44. P•f/p•nem, aut p•f/ P""'"' insi•/Jum. tra/:1. iniohan.6I. Etteftcs (umur, &annuntittmuzvo6i4vi1Am .eternamqu~t trill apudpatrcm, &manife· ffa tj/innobu.TrAil,lo,i• l.Epif/.luhan, Omn/4 fPiritus qtli nonconfitcrur le{um incar· ne vcnij[t.traU.6.Jn J.Epijl,lohan. . p, rt{P••ft•m aemut, Iohni. --In de{er_to.-– ~mimpleret ANtemloht~nnucurfumfuum Aa · dice~at,quem me Ar6ilrt~mini effe non [s1m ~ 13 ' ego~ ecce vemtf6fltne,cuim Hon(un~ dignus cAktllmt14t"prdum (BI~~tre. J z. Leovfed·itnot. · r BMtipaupern:bt~~tiqui lugent)Fe{l.om.jA;£1, - -H.treditaupo./]idehuntterrt.tm. Vulgar.Edit. Beatipauperes: !Jt11ti mites~quoniam ipfipojfi. Matth.f, debunt terram. 7 Gregary often foljoweth that tranfiari– on, cuen the errour:. of them rhat cop.icd at B out;as LHk.:.Is,euertit domum.fot euerm: hom. 34.in eu••[,•l. T herfor~ the Larine tranfiat.i– on fathered onHimm,hadnor then sot foO· ting, neither was it preferred in the: Romane Church beforeother, till about the timeol qr.gorrtheGreat,who in thattefpeCl in the zo.booke ofhisMorals,cap. •3.tcarmes that tranfiation new.Neitherdoth be in.all things follow it;for in hisJ,book ofMorals,c,J9,b< readcth nor lpfa contmt,b~r, lpfa ob(iru•bil. Andafter Gregori.estimc, lrhat al,oncwas nor receiued: for B•dt,GildtU,andorhcrs,fol)ow– cd orhcrrranfiations now.an!l then.And Be-· nArd,Scrm.in Cant.2.4,readcrh in Gm.4. Si re– Ue offertU,& non rt[/edtHidu,accordingro'rnc Sepwaginrs.It was nor rherfore only& who– ly approoued of,torrhefp.aoe ofa 1 ooo.yeres after Chntl; neirher can it beelhcwedby.any decree ofthe Church,that rhelnttne edition Owuld bee held for authcn.liqll, before the JatoCouncdlofTrenl. , D•lellioex '])eo e~,ibid,rrall.]. Vulgar.Edit. · \"' · Ftcit/utame.~ JPut~& lini11itlutum/uper o. cHlosciu;. ---Pof/hucccUam,-- Et teflams'r & Annu»eiamm vobiJvitam .e· t ~rnam,qu~ erat apudpatrcm1 & m~nifo- 1 C jlataeft v•biJ, OmniJJPiruus quifoluit lefmn.·•• CharitMtXDeoefl. , 8. Opt•rusvfcditnot. Por.t.e infcromm ntm vincent. .\. - Cf1tJUtrfielidantVos. . DicebAt l6jiH banc JimibtHtiinem prepter tos qu1je(anClot putant,&cgntemnHnt c.etrl'os, Vulgar.Edit. Port£ ;,ftri nonpr~tualebunt. -ConHtrjidifrumpcn~ vot. . . 8 It ts probable that the vulgar rranflati. on which is'QJade aurhentic~l among theCa– thohkcs,is nou.hat whichHieromat DAmlljHJ his appointment did correct, for there arc many errours 111 this, whic.ll ffif.rome did cbr.: red.The narqcofE[•J in l.c.p,v.>. ofM•rk.s ,Oofpel,in the vulgar cdltion.l;/imme thinb , was added by fame copyeu negligence,;, · CommentJnk.fa.t><.).Andvpon the 6,chaptl um. ' ofM•t.hccorreClcththewo~d.[exterminant] · 9 • FHlgentiutvCed it not. whichthe vulgar tranflation)<ce~crh. And' 'Dixit a•tem & adquofaam quun{eco•ftd•– h•ntta•qullmiujli, & ajperHAkAI11Hr e<· --fl!!}mrw~~r,adThr4{imHndum.l.l.c.S. D whereas thev,P.Iga~.;eclilion h<ith,,Mat.l6.lJ. --Conform<.-~bb .2.cap.18. ' v~p•p•f/ mt;fJier.Caith,v•der(lr'ome.Againe. Vulgar.Edit. il) the •pifl.ro ti!•,G•I•t,<.J,they fay, ExpNgnaOmnujpirirus quifoluitlefutnJ. b•miU•m:but he.f~ith,Comment,ibid.'D'••fl•· ~ • --(.,jig~~ratum.-- b•mill•m: andjn the fame ohaprcr rheyfay : 1 o. Prim4}iut v(cd it not, acq••eui,he,crmtu/i, And vpon the J.chaprer : OleoLttiti.epr.tcoJJ[D1'tibus. /..J u:written (quothhe) inart11inebook[s,.Quu Qf.f}f111111tihorAmCt/fitnH1. VOJ fajci(lllUIInon credertVtriiAtif fmt btCafl[e. Vulgar."Edit. thP. u,p~tinO.rigemcopJ. ,.,.,,,;, paffdn rhe s. Oleo exultatlonupr4p<rticipihus. ~l\ap.thevulgu (aith,EuacHdll 4/uaCbrif/o: --N, 1 .,adhor41'S.-- hefaith,a c; hrifti •!''' etff•flu,ju(!Jyreprehe· ''· ProjJmvfedit oor. dingthe formerinterpretation; yeaAuguf/in Pr habt<mut renunciarebu,depromif{.p•ri.J. himfelfe,though hefo grearly commend tht --lneremoparAteviAtll.; . tranflation ofJiie.;.inht~ Jo.epif/.ycrinmort Cum implmtm'cSir(ut,lohannttdixst, quem thesooplaces hedot~nor follow tillSeditio. 1 mefufPica11Pm 'ff' non[um tgo,(<dtcc~ P•· 9Wharrhc Fathers haue fpoken conccrnitpofime decfHIII pedtbusnonfumd•gl1uJ ning rhc Churchcsa/Jowar.ceof the Scrip· ·------------------~---------------------------------------------'rurcs~------