Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

1 demonjlration of the 'ProM:me. l rures dorhnor·belong rorheChurchrhar A netfes, robemtanrofrhcOldandNcwTe5II I now i;.Thar placeof Aaguf/me,ContrA epi{/: !lamer,& rhe rhree robe fpoken of rhe GofFund.c•p. ~.[Iwould•otbeluuetheG•fpeUvnlef!e pcll,rhc Prophcr,and rhe ApoU!e;forfo fl1al ~he AHthorttie 11/the C~tthot.te (hurch mooued eucry word be confirmed. The Scripture ex. me]GerfonofParis,Lib.devitA(pirituAii leCiipoundsit (tlfe(Cairh Chryfoflome Hom.r;.mGeon, •. Corol. boldeth notto be meant of ••J ••fin, aad fuffers not the hearer thereof to church, '""onrlJ of theprimitiue Church which erre. So faith Augu{/ineDedoCir.Chri(/.lib.z. (awCbrijilperfon,orhil A popla,& CQu/d beare c.p.6.and 16,27,28. and fo CJement alfo, for recordoftheirdoCirine and ..ritings. That which you ought not(faithhe,epij(. ~•.and he io ciil!pokenofthe{hurchnapprohationoftheScri~-, red di{l, 37.c. Relatum,) to fceke out any tum,(aithDurandru,l>b. 3· dij/. 14.q•-fl· I." llrange and impertinent fcnfe,norconfirmc tmantofth•t Churchone!] which .,., in the Air by confufed allegations ofthe fcripruri:s, poftles rime,who wertfulloftheholy qho{l,and{,ebut fetch <he trudl fenfe indeede ourof the fdes[A,. Chrif/emiracles,•ndheard hil doCirine: fcriprurcs rhemfclues. ~tnel tberifore wtrt conuenient wi:nef{es of aD JZ. Theinfallibleand detcrminingiudg~ thingsth•t heeirh-rdid or[aid--.{oth•tthe ment ofalcontrouerGes offaich is in Chrills Gofpelsr.hich that(hurcb tbe• rece~ued, cannot B owne pcrfon,or in rbe holy Ghon {o farre as be by vsnow ref•fed, becau(ufthediuerftie o/ h~fpcakcrhvntovs in the Scripruresconothec•ufe: 'Whofoeutr thini(pbothcrqift, U t~n mcall. He,(aithT"tullitfnDcpr,efcript,fittc.:th hermk,e, of wh•t f/ate, Dl' condition foeuer he at Gods righthand, but he barb fent hi• debe, putienamely,rhepowerofthe holy Spiritro VVhat ground had {ufanm then for his worke irpon thebeamofthefairhfull• .atTcrtion to theBohemians, Epift. %, vJz,rhat Wemnft h~tfu ifldgu/imght out, faithOpt.fltus tbe.uthDrititofthc S~riprurcsdoe depend vpon contraPa~mtnilm./mtfinctearthlljfordJno /udgtheapproflo~ticnof thepre(ent {hurch, Alild tht) rmntofthumatttr,weemu{Jfee~el4iNdgein he~~. loofe And binde, then rh~ um.But »Jhldnude 'Wee /::..nDc~ ~~ henuen,(incewt church willgiutthem, And that fpeech ofB<lhaue here a tt/famenri•the Gofpc/1? An eartb- /armineisaf"undationofAtheifme,Ifquorll ly (nthcr, fetirng himfelfe neere de.rh, ••d heDetjJtClu[acramJib.:.cap.15.wefbould tak( fear~ng thecont~tttm ofhi~[onnerafterhisdenth, a»ray the authoritie and crediu if thU pre(em cnllmg (om~ Wllllt/Je!, bee tran[pofo1 hid wilt Church And C•unreU •(Trtnt,theDecrmef •11 •utofhHdyrng brtf/mtolaftingparchment. lffo other(Buncells, '114} eum ChriP~an faith it/dft benow C(JnUntiondaearifeAmong(I the bre1hrm, might6tcaUed inqruflign, Againe,1he credilt , C doetktJ~Hl'IPit/otheir{tllhtrsgraue ltJo,/mtfuk$ and certaintie tf all (;pinions and d(;[/rints o~thll'm/iandteflt:zmmt,and huwho fieepethin dtpendeth vpon the. A•thoritie of ihe pre[enr hw tom/>e /P«keth liue/J out if the (tlent parchchurch. mmt, Hewhoje tbi&tef/amentis, is in bear~cn· 10 The Canonical! fcripture is a princirhmforehi,,iflistobe fearched oHt inrheGo/ ple oi Diuinirie defcruing credit of irfdfe, pell.uhM teflament, Thi. Conirouerfie,[aithS. and,thcreforenot manifeCiable by anyother ;1•guf/ineDe nHpt: & concflpi[.li6,z. •ap.33-'e· exreriour principle. The principles ofDiui1~""a fudge: then let (hri{l be tbeiudge, fer nirie(faith PetrHsde lAUiaco inbb. J. Senttnt, btmfolft/pe•f:..ewboitw.uthathit dwh dtdpr.. q•<{/,;.)orethe very rruthes of the Safir:-'-- Ahd ,.ith him l<t ihe Apof/le al(o credc~non. Morei!UCrthc final! refolution iudge, becau/e in' the .Apo(/le Chrijl (peaie!rh. ofTheologicalldifcourfc appCitainerli vnto AndDef!!Ar.&1rh,;,rbitr.cAp.18.ler theApo· them, and from rhem.theconclufionsofall· ll 1 l,e 1 f•hnl 1 1! as~udgebetwcenevs. · Diuinitie are drawn\::Gods wil(faith /oachin.- , :A>hM in ApocAiypf.) is}•that we acknowledg- ·r ,_.'"''-"'·-· -:-:---:'~'-'--------- ingtheletterofboth·the Teilamenra, pre- ,, "···· fumenotvpon an,Y •other relation.oropini- D on,further then thew_rit.tcnword. ,:- . : l P 1 1 The holyScripturesin all fuch things asarcnecelTarieforour faluatioodoc mani.. ~ 1 feflly, rruly,and infallibly explane anddpcn rllemfclues, feruiog for bathglo!Te and·tcxr. The regular and Oiligenr:interpreratio" ac– cording to'Scripiure;((aith lenneU1lih.4.cAp. 6;.iowirhout dangerofleriour ,..or blafphe• . mic, O.ur.meanings.ind.Aii4_(Ations (faith Ori– gen In l<rem.hom.l•)li>ithDUt th,ft'l'itotfJer, tbe. (criptilr~l, hA1ft notanJ.c'tetff4Andwhcreaslt is faid,l•tJu'mouthes•fttwJ.,. Jbue.'Witnrf!(l/hall '""J .,;,Jft,jnJ;diis.rlither lrelongs·<o lh<pwfe '' oft heinlerprc!rour,the~·toany cerraine nu.m': I' :.•;; ber ofmen'whatfgtutr:"11hwt.\l.m.1Jctmfir'r!u'the .., wordsfmy vnaerllanding,takingtherwo ••it- . ! Tra(/ition• .Pn .r ,~THeFathers by the name ofTradiri o;··""• 'oln doe fometJmes vnderiland rhe dUtrilicrcceiuitl in.Jhe primiriue Church, taught by the Apollles, and recorded in their wrirings./fit betaught in the Go/pell,[aith Cjf!'_i•lfEpift, 74· •dPomptium,or contatltedin tlte.Epl{lln er Afls o(tiu Ap•fi'", that C01J. u..Wsfromherefiu fhould not bee 6aptifed, hut ont'ly~AIIei'?'p'(ition ofhands,Jn fign~ ofrepen– tancedel thu hglj 4nd Diliine lrt.t4ition Uee o/JferueJ, I . ' • i .T.hey ifoe fomerimeo call that an vn– writren'rradition which is co'nrained only in rhc fenfe oftheScriptures, and nor in the Vu 4 . wnrds,