" Preparatiues to the words,and eo this mannerof(peaking are re-jA dot~ble h1uiMndrie,wriltmandvmPTitrm:And 110 ferredall rh1ngs gathered byanalogy or prom•rt~d:f.,.thu mAn,.;{/ hAw<the Cjmtilo f•••d port10n.A•gu(linefaith De Cjen</iad lit<r,l.lo. b] Philo(Ophit.Tr<n<t~~,/i6+cap.z. andTm.Uicap. z3· that Baptifmrof children is an Apo/1•- •n D< f"'<[criptum<, doe both refiifierhatthe likf tradition, yet 'De bapt. contrA 'Don•tif/. old hererikes held the fame opinion ofTras.p.Z4. he proouesir outofrhefcripr:~res. So dirions, whichneuertheleffethey both doe holdcth he thar denial! of rebaptizar10n vnconfute. So dreamed Eu[ebiUI, d< pr.p.rat. to hcrctikcs is 4 tr4diti~n vnwritten~tccording to E~taHg.!ib. t,cap. 8.that the Apofiles taught tht words. bf4t l>ritte11 in (enfe tmdfrHmd,.tion, fomethings.in words, andothcrfomein wri· VVherfore one and the fame tradition may rings: and fome things more excellent they be bo1h written and vnwritten: writcen in referued forthe perfel!t only. TmuUia>J him- {enfe,vnwrirten inwards. . feife becing fallen intoMontanifme, gaue . Tr•d"""" byPmcentt114 LJrln<njir vfed for h1rufelfeouer vnto new prophecies and rra-' rhe whole fumme of Cathohke dodrine, ditions, founded and groundedvpon and in thefcrip· 5 The auncientFathers fpeakingofrhefc rures: not conteining any dodrineoffaith B Traditions,doeoftentimescontradldtllemwithout, or bdides rhefcriptures, becaufe he felues.So clothBafi.Wtpuach(faith he,/ib,de holdsthe fcripturesthe pcrfedandalJ.fuf!iSpir,(an.cap. %7.)andob[rrue(ome thingr out of cient rule for vs that can be; yea moreouer the rrritunword , 4"dotherfome whichwe ht~He he addcth, that the tradition of the Church rmiuedby m:Jflicalltraditionfmn the Ap•f/le" isrobe followed onely in the chiefe que!liAndfairh, that both th<fehau< likf force and ons , that are the foundations of the whole effic<cievntogodline/f<, ButRet.ul,moral. 8. and Chr1llian fairha11ddodrine. :6,eprft,8o. he cloth not llicketofay,that the 3 Bythename oftradrti,.are very often Scriptures contained all things needfull to meant cullornes inthingsoflibcrty,or ecclefaluation, Gall1kc rires;thar is, rules conccrnmg things SoChrJfof/omtin z.Thc(.homil,l.lt;,•Traandactions of comelineifcand gouernment dit,on,inquirenofurrher. But in Pj~tl.95.hom. 1. only,not pertinentany way to dlllinc worfhip JfweprtAch any thing without ScriptHre, ~ltr auor the articles offaith. And thefe for the ditiriewil/bemofi vnc<rt4inewhattothir.k..<,n•w more efleeme of order in the Church are affenti.,g,nowdoubting,andfometimesplaindyrecailcd Apo!lolike, as the Grecian Idols for C idling Mfriuolomtben-ordr ther h<.ar< : Thus their more renereJJce were fa id ro come contraricth he himfelfe.Andagainc,Srrm.de downefrom Iupiter,Ai!t.l9.And Epicurmhis - r.. ao& AdorandoSpir, If'"' heortaii)(•J, I bookedeorg~tm,j11Jic4ndi, W3S called l11o:n':ifr, hauetbeho/]Spirit, andJCI he fPeA(! IWt oRt of rhat is,a !Bu<lap[us,fal!en from Jupiter: and rh< Go(Ptll,~utof bu . ,.,.,(a.tafi•, h<tp-.~eth of the porch in Ieru(alemcalled Salomontafrcr bimfel{e,andth< h•fJ CJhoftun~tinbim. And a rhecommon opinion,Ioh.Jo,Z3.whercas in· lirleafter, lf••Jofthojtthat are[Aid toh411ethe deede HmdbUIIt it, Eueryprouine<,Caith Hi<· hofJ Ghoff, dorJPtak, ought b<Jidotbt Go!Jrllof romupif/.adLucinium, thinkeththeirfathers ' th<mft/Hes, bei<merhtmnot,butfol/o,. mJ J,. precepnto be the Apo(!Jes dodrincs, And clrin<. · In Agg<. c. 1, Butth<(rm·dofGoddothf/rik! 6TheChurchflowRomanedotbnotac· themfor orhrrthingr•lfo,which tb<J h••• inumknowledgethe traditiomwhich the auncient redandfalffnedofrhem{elt~es,a< Apof/olik..<tradiFathers called Ap•fl.li~•; and if it doe actiom, b;ei:g wsthou_t All 14/io'!~ceArul.t~fti"!~nie knowledge them J yet it is_not. ce~tai~e, that of[criptum. And mTortflilt•n,trAdrt,.,n"tar, theyaretheApo!lles.Tbr~fed•ppmgmBapkenforanycullomeofwhatoriginallfoeuer. I tifmeisnowoutofvfe,talkedofinTtrtHIIi•n, Doflthou notthink,,Caith heDrcoronamilit.cAp. : D decoron;mil, cop. s.and.B.ji/1 i whicbalfo the J4.th•t itu /awfu/1 f.r •~J Chriflian to inuent 4-Councelof-Toledo did difallow, Standing and inf/rrutewh•t doth agreewi/h God, •J!ifl di[- atprayers vpon the Sundaies betweene ;Eacipline,Andhelpe7Jnto[.lu4tion ?' I! er andVVhitfontide now is quiteforgotThe fall ofwadnefday and fridayis called ten,yetit was an old traditio'n.InEpipha.:by an ApofioliketraditionCAnon, Apoft, 68,,.,d tradition no man niay marrie after vowof Epiphan.h<rr/. 75. andyetwefind it feldome GngienetTe; andy~thealloweth thofewhrch or ncu~robferued in theCathol•kc Church, burneto marry,thmkin'gltlcll'eellllltobaue which fheweth thar it was Apofiolike onely one vice tbe."many;thougbPap~lhnow doe in name and nor in deed. controuleh1m mal<mg·anull•t•eoffuchmar4 So~1eofthe fathers incliningvnto Come riages. Neithervfctheynow adaies to caufe hereflesdid make much of vnwritten traditi, the eewJy.baptized to ran milk& hony, nor ons. So cloth Iuflin< DiAl. cumTriphone, de. to caufcthc baprizedofdifcretion tolafi rhe fend rhe hcre6eof the·Chilia!ls b'Y Apolloweekeaftertheirbaprifme, nor ro fafi wedhkerradition: fo was Irme111 deluded with nefdayand friday, yetwe.reallthefc'l'radm· traditions,for he held thatChtill did liue-so. ons.!lurletvshcaicCa.ff~~~tdirrmitide herein. • Defen· yeares,wh1ch he faith he rceeiued by ttl!ditio 'Fher..are thrttkJnder.ofttW({anb •.he) whtrt· fiolibclli de from rheApollles. So Cltm<nsof Alex•nd. ofth< fir/1 uoffilch."'"'"'"ot•J(ucbmomentaJ· ot!ic,pii Strom~t.bb. 1. (attb 1 thllt Godsn>or~mmhir~e ;,, to6indevnto·t~cj}'r.ifi. kieptnf.O{tht.t1N •('" tbofo virJ. JPtre