The Vemonjlration o/ the Prvbfeme. ' I were inTmuli••• andHurom,,of c~Uing milk A hood: they doe nocfpeake ofrhe manhood 1 & hoay after b•pufme-,as alfo no< kneeonely and exclufiudy, but of the whole per- 'linoonrheLordsday, norvponall the so. confideredas bee harh a!fumed mans I da1~s botwocne Eai!er and Whitfontlde,buc nature and flefh vpon him. praying !landing: which old cul!oruc both 3Whereas they deny Chri£1 eo beMediaheld Apoflolile,and inllicucedm the Countour as God, they fpeake ofthe godhead or reJiofNICO:I,C,IO, as aJfo oonfirmed by the ofcheSonne ofGQd abfolutely confidered, diUinecuflo.neofchc: Churches, for all cha not ofGod as incarnate: thatis, they fpcake hath no ligneorcoken of the vfechereof reofrhebareDeitie, or of Chriflas he 11wrmamingamong(lvi. For we makenodiffc~ bHmParru,the word ofche Facher.And there renee now betweene funday and weekcday, is not one ofallchc Fathen chat f.11rh, chat only vpon Come folemnc fafls che Deacon Chril! according eo both his natures, isrha exhoru vs eo kneelc. Alfo the fa!t'of wednefMediatour fo, ashis onely humanicie ische day& friday was once mofl religioully obfer. formall caufe of his Mediacourfhip and the ued;which daies Epiph•n.fairh,were by th: Aatlions thereof: for the wholeperfon compof!lesappomced for holy a!Temblies. But B pounded ofGod & man, according eo both this wednefday fa£! is no1v alonofl forgotten natures,is the beginning ofallthe operations amongI! the Romans,vnle!Te it be chat fome of God-man. I Prouinces, and Come priuate men doevpon Therefore it is afidion ofche Schoolcmen this day abflaine from ffefh. And the friday eo fay, char Chril! is the Mediarouronly acfa(! is changed into only abllinence from cordmg to his huruanicic. fle01, as alfo almo£1 chewholo Lent: which abl!mence dorh but yeeld a vainc fhew of rhe rrue::tnd ~uncienr fa(hng, Goce it brings Thctruth ofthe Humanity. vnco many rarherchange .ofdainties,& grea~ rer excelfeofluxury,then any re(!raint ofbodilywanronne!fe. T bus muchCaff'•na<r, ' THeancicncFatherswhen thcycall Therefore the prefenc Church of Rome Chrolls humani•y De1fied, & Parcan 01Civ no confent ofchecatholike Dotlors taker ofchc Deitie, and fupreme glory, in for chofevnwritten Tradicions,which it harh thcfeand lokephrafeo they cxpre!lc tnc per. fee downeas nece!fary to faluacion, fonaiJ Vnicn;and they arc to be vndcrl\ood The Mediatour. ~ith rhis cautiOn,a:.rf.:.n;t> .;.s thcferhinl;s agree C with the nature ofthe humanity,and doe not mfringc the propecries thereof. Or, they 1 THe ancient Fathers do teach Chri(i eo fpeakethusintcfp<Cl chacthefleOJ "as the be cheMediacour(a• he is God& man) mOrumenc ofthe Dminicie, by uh1ch,and in by adifferent aCl & operation, but in oneand which it dorh cxercife the power and aClions chefameperfetlion proceedmg fro both the cbereof.The Lords flcfh(faith DumA(cm•,bi. naruresofChrifl. For in his humane nature j.<•p.17.)is enriched with dmincei!icacy,bche wrought our fal•ation by fuffering,dymg, caufeofthe perfonal Vnion,ne1therycc doth farisfying:and in his diuinenature, bygiuing it fall or depart from his ou·neproper natur<, firengch vnto hir humamtle to endure the nor from the natural! properties thereof. death ofthe crotfe, and perfetl his facisfactiAndN .t~ianz:.~ne (anh,Or11t. 42. that the huon.The diuine humanitie(faitb Anguf/in,hom. manitic is endowed with dlUmlfy,and 1s God d~onibmc. u.) &thehumane diuinityisour together with it: bur this is in refpeCl of the Mediarour. And in another place,deconf•nfu perfonall vnion,notetfcncially nor formally. Euang.l.t.c, 3s. Therefore is Chrifl called the • WhencheFarhcrs fomecimefay, chat Med1arour ofGod&man,becweene trumorGods omnipotencie is comn~umcarcdvnro call God,and morcall man; Godand man rethe manhood ofChrill,or ro Chrill as man, conciling man vnco Ggd; remaining that D they mut! beexpounded two waie,;firll,inrewhich he was,& made that which he "as nor. fpect chacehe man Chrifl is called omoipoChrills deach(faichCyril,l,t,d'fid•,ud R,. rc:nr, becaufeof the communication of the ginM)is ciifelfed eo be proficablevnco vs, bur properties. Secondly,m refpetl that the pro1fhe were not God,how could he, & he alone per works ofGod areafcribed vnco the flefl1, fuflice for the price ofa! our redemption/bur a' theOrgan orinfirumcmof the Diutnitlc. heonely in his death farisfied for all, becaufe SodochDum•(«n•,M.J.cap.• S.and Nim.u, he is apoueall. Neithercould we beefreed The(AtsrJrb,J .c•P-38.vfe rhefefayings. (fairh Auguf/me againe,Enchirid.cap, 108. )by 3 SomeofcheFathers fay, chat Chrof!s char oneMediatourof God and man, the Natiuiry waswithour miracle, :os o1hcr mens man Chnll,vnle!Te he were God. ordinarily are.Soaflirmes.Am6rofovpon tile 'l Whereas the auncient Fathers [o;nerext Omnt mafcu/U aptrirnJvubMm, in CortJm. times affirmc, chat ChrillliMed!atouronly in Luc.lib,:.and alfo Oriorn,Homii.J4 in Luc. as he is man; &Med~acour,by char,by which ·Tertuf/i;m infine lib, De ':,~rne (hrifli: C;prrmJ he is man ;andM~di:ttour10his hu1nanenaor Rujfimt<,inS;mbol.Apof/.andboEp•fi-8). ture, and Mediarour according ro hiJ man- &97.isnor farrcfrom chi.~ opmtonnl(i:,, lr ,, -- -... ..