Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

The Vemonflratton o{ the Probleme. A one virtuall,<>r in the effeet.T/,.,,.., al(o(p•rt·\ 3"1••[1. s>.4TI.c.z,)demeothat Chri!l was re– ally io aoy otherplacefaueLim6o, but in the place ofthe damned onely virtually,or in ef. , fecl.In thisfenfe many teClimonieo of the Fa. thero mu(! be taken figuratiuely.Io like man– northey(aytbat .Adam and others were in hell,not locally, butaccording·to their de– f<rr,yeaand that before they died. is poflible(fairh Durandut,bb.4.dif/,4i,q.6.) that by theoperation of the Deitie, there was madeadllatallon or enlar~mgof the na• rurall parr..mlpaiT•ges in thevirginMarJ, without any breach or interruption. And to confirruerhis, hecitcrhGr~gcrievpon the fe· l:onJ ofLuk_:.Againe,Iefuscame in when rhe doorcslt'ere ih!l<,but il is nor (aid, that ltec came through the doores bcemg lhur:– rhey might bee opened and fhut againe in a moment, fa asthe Difciplesmil:',htnot per– ceiue ir. 4 The Fathers affirmipg the fulne!Te of gracemChrifr,doc rncane ofChrilt as God, or ofthewhole perfon, not ofhisfoule. So meaneth Athan.fim in his4- SermonagainCl theArrians, andN ~~~iAnJ:.tne in his Oration vponBajil. z Tbofcoftbe Fatbersthat defend a lo– call defcenCion and deliuerance, doe not de– fend itas an article of the Creede, but as a probableopmion.Thismay be piOoued,be– caufe th<:y feldome or ~cuer put this Article mto thm creedsand confeflions ofthe faith. You mufl know(faith Rujfimu,in exp•fit.SJm· B bol.)tbatm theChurchof Rome,thisarucle, bee defcendod imo bell, is nor put in the creede, nor in the creede of the EaUerne Church, though it feeme to be included in thcfe words,deadand burted. Nay thisArti– cle irnot in any crecde or confellion alruo{l of all the Fathers, It i• not in MarceUm his confeffion inEpiph.ern11u, nor in lgn~ttitu his confeflion,inep,ad Magnetianot, velad Epht– fios:not mthat ~fPol~carp, (Ep>fi, adPhilippen– (u,J.not ~n luffntes,(mApolog..z.)not in Jrena:– Hs hJS;(ilb,J.cap.z.) not inTm•llians, lib.dt Pr<(cript.wlcontra PrAxeam. thou&h bee ex– plane the Apo(\les Crcedc:not inOrigens)n Protmi9 mpict.flJMr. where hee!ntrc:atesof faith: not in qregories of N eoctt[Arta : not in the CouncellsofNic.a,Socr•t.lib.J.c.p.;, not in Eu[tb•s his cretde ofCafaria, (TheoJorct.lib. J.Cap. u.not in the rhird creede rebearfed in the NrccneCounceiJ,Socrat,/ib, J.cap.s. nor in Athanajituhis creede, Epift. ad Epifittum. ootinthatcrecde which is io .Athan.[ius his epi(!Jetouchmgthe Councellsof Ariminand Seleuci~t;not inrhcSynod ofSirmiat crecde, Socrat.lib,z.cap,:;, HiiAr.lih, de Synod,comr. Arian.nor in the Councell ofSardica'scrccd, '1heodortt.lib.z:cap.8.nor in Hil~~ri<~ expofiti· on thereof: notin tbecreede of theSynod of dntioch, fct downc byHtl.ry, lib. de S7nod. contr..Arian. not in rhe crccdeof SdeutiAa CJ· ricoflfauria,m8ocral<~,lib. z.cap. 31. Epiph. h<rt(.?J. notintheSynod of 1/fJria, Theo5 The Fathers doe nbt with one confent affirm•, rha. Cl;~i[l had thefulnes ofknow– lcdge from hrs conception,fo as be could ne– ucr hauc more.Hereceiued afoule(fairhOri– gtn, ~pi .:~rx~»r. !ib.4.)in natureand clfencelike vnto one ofours.1'herofore did Luk•notifie hisage(faithAmbrofo,de J,carnat. Dom. cAp. 7-)bccau(c thou lhouldell know that he [poke oFhis manhood: foritisthcbodie, notthe Deitie,that lstheogiect ofagc.Whercfore,if heincreafed 111 the yeares ofman, he alfo in– creafed 'm the wifedome of man. Auguf/ineis variab,Jeinthispoint, and yet rh>.tpl2ceof L•k.: :.Pueruluure(cebat-he holdsto bee meanrofCbri{\shumanille, 'DeGeot[,adli- C ttr.f>b. 10. c. 18. Growingvp in age and wife– dome (faJtb Brun• Herbipolenftr, in SJm~. A– po~.)after his holy natiuitie, hecame to the age o( thirtieyear(s. 6 That which the Fathers doe attribute vntothe name of lc[m, or of Chrif/, is not properlyafcribed tothe bate name, butas it is inuocatcdby men, orto tbcinuocation of the narne;ofrenrimesI haue fcarce pronoun– ced that name: (CaithN ~~~;11n;:.~nt, ad1Vrmcfi· um,)whenthe diuell prefenrlyhaCledaway. Thediuelsgaue place(faith Origen; Cootro Cel(bb. J.)atthe verycalling vpon thename ofle{t14, And liH, 3· thelicke were cured by calling vpon the Almightie God, and the name of/e(moucr them. Hilarion(faithHierom,, lnvita Uilari.) call our diuels by inuocatingthename of lr(m. The defcen[ion into heO, (to deliuer the Fathers.) 'THe Fathers doe fometimes defend a virtualldefcenlion ofChriClinto hell, and a vertuall deliuerance from bell, that is, by the merit and verrue of his paflion and dcath,nota locaii.This Aug•f/ine(inPfa1.8;.) doth acknowledge. AndDurandm,I.3.Smt. dtH,u.q,.,f/.J. denieth aoy orher dcfcenfion ofChrill intorhe placcofthedaroned,then D Joret.lib. 4· 8. norin Dama(m hiscrcede,fer downeby Hiercme,Tom.z.operum. Theodoret. lib.;. cap, to. nor inE•ftbiiiJ PamphiiHshis creede,SQcrAt,bh.t.c~tp,s. not in Hillarin, de S1nodUcont.Arit~nOI:OOt inBa{ilrcreede,inhjs Afcerica.not inNJU.ian:~:.tttJu: not in that of Jli£1orint,/.J.contr.Arilln. notinEpipbaniur his Ancorarum,where the CathoJike faith is re– hearfed,not inTheodarrt,inDialog.Impatihilis, where the Nrcene craeoe is expounded:nor inMaximUJTAHrinmjit, whereheexpounds the creede: not io that which Chryfologm repcat<th foure rimes, Homil. s6,57,58. nor in that ofthe fir!l Counccl/ ofToledo, not intheEphefinecreede, A••-43>·not in that of thefir(! Coiiccl of Conft•nt.ootin that ofrhe 6.coiiccl o£Conj/lit.Arl. Jo.Not in that ofthe Synod