I 'The 'Demonjlratson oj tbe Prv61eme. · 515 Synode ofChalcedon,inZonaras: not in the A pareofhell where the Goners are fllUt which I Creedeofthe Father~ inCyril,adRegin.u,l,r, werevery wicked;for whether Ahrahamwcre nor in tbat of rhe thord Councell at Toi.J.o, many of rhofc places, we cannotccrrainely I not 10 that ofGregoryrhe firlt;ROt In Spirididetermine, And againc, Perhaps.betweene ,,1 ,N1cephJib,8.c•p. 1 f, not m rhat whach the rhofe twohels -,&c.TmuUsan,wal haue A· I Balhopl ofthehi!otf<redCanftant, N•ceplt, brahamt bofome(wherein be thinkes the iu!l M. 9 .CAp.u. not in chat which the Legates of fouleurekcpt vntill the Ja!l iudgemcnt)dithe Wea!l offered rhe fame Emperour, Ns- !lmct from hell. Hell is oneplace asl thinke cepb.lib, 9· cap.Jo. not in_the bookeofFaith (faith heContra Marcion.l•b. 4· c•p. 51.) and vnto Pen·us"Di~&conur,nor an A~gu.ffme,wherAGrt:h4msbo(ome another. And! call that foeuer.heexpounds the Creede,although in regionAbrohamt b,,fome, which ifit bee not his workes,lib.J,fide & Sy..b,lnlsbriJ4 defid• heauenly,yct is higher then hcJJ, giuing rc£1 ad Catechu"''· Smn.ae«mpore U3,U5. he vnto the foulesofthe righteous vntiJJ the doth explane it fiue feucralltimes: nor in the confummarion of aUthings doe terminate lir!l expofitionoftheCreede,mChrJ[oj/omts thm refurred10n, wJth fulnelfc ofrc~>·ard: s.rome. B Hcrealfo heafctibeththis opinion of Lim. 3 The Fathers by Chrifrs defcenuon into b•uvnto Marcian.~rcion([aithhe)thinkcth hell, do fometime vnderCiand his dcfcendrng othetwi(e, namely, be detcrmincth both the into thefe lo""'r parts of the world. Chnll rewards ofthe creatour, whether it be ofror· notonely in his death, but alfo in his birth, menr,or re!l,in hell, vnto thoferhat keepc or faith Bede,P(•I.Ss.did de(cend inrohei.And breakcthc Jaw and the prophets, but he afinthe cS.genorall Counceii.All.to.isieftour, cribcth heauenvnto Chrifl, and to his God. Hedefcen1edintohell, and there IS put m, and m/.Dean•ma.cap.7.VVhatrstharwh1ch He defcended auto! heauen. And fo 11 JSalfo is tranfported VntO hell after the reparation in the Nicene CounceiJ,/6iJ, Ail, 1 7· And m from thebodie, and t'nto what did ChriCI the EpheGnc Crcede,He defcended from the defcend in his death/I thinke,vnto thcfoules heauens.In theei.and 11. of Toledo,itis,Be· ofthe patriarkes. Concerning the firfl man ing fent from his Fathct bee came mto the (faithAugufti.eepi(/.99·and our firfl parent, . world. thewholechurch almoll doth agree m thi•, 4 The defcenGon into hell (ometimes is thatChrifl freed him from thence; which we putfotburiall: As in .A<h•n-fiHrhiscreedc, mufl thinke was not bcleeued vpon no andthelaterexpoGtionof thecreedmChry· C ground, whencefoeuec itfir!lcamevp, aJ. (o[lome, And in the crcede of Toled84, there though we haue noauthoritic of Canonical! are thefc words, He dcfcended into hell to Scripture to authorize ir at all. Thefe perfree the Saints therecaptiue, and hauing O· haps,faith lHiianoiT•Iedo,Proznof/.lib.z.'"p-4uercomethedominionofdeath, he rofe •· wercthetwohels, inane whereof thefoulcs gaine. AndinHierome,inProtm.commmt. in oftheiuilwcre.atrdl, and in rhcothc.r the /faJ.Becing buried,and riling againe-he" wicked punilhed, Bede lnP[al, 8;. (aith,that preached. He defconded not onely into hell the earth is the1•pperhell,and that the place (faithRadulphm Ardem)lnvigl!. aften( hom. ofpunilhment after this lifc,is the lower hel. :. but alfo into the lower parts of the earth, 6 Ofthe intentof Chrifl in his defcenfithatis,intothe placeoftorment, breaking it oa,theFathers fpeake variably: moflhold vp,andleadingawar captiuitic captiue, . . that he wentto free the foules of the Saints 5 The Fathets eitherknew nor at all,or(•l out ofrho bonds and captiUJtio of death, I they knew) yctfpake doubtfully of the(cuerhinke it noabfurditle[airh Aug11jt, ']), ciuit, rail places ofhell: andtherefore fometimes Dei.lib,:o.cap,r;. to belecue that theSaint• oppugne Limbm Patrum which is called a ofold that expeded Chri!l in faith, were in partofhell:and fometimcJ(butvncertainly) D habitacle• farce di!lant from the tormentsof make fotit, Abrohamtbo[ome(faith Auguf1, thewicked, butyet that they were in hell, vn. epifl.?9·)thatis,thehabitationolfecreueC!,is till that Chrifls blood and defcendmg tlli· notto bee held any part of hell. AndD.rether,fet them free.But in tpif/•99·moreplainmif[.peccat,lib.r,cap.•8. There isno middle Jy,Idoe notfinde(faith he)whargoodChrill place for any man tobe(faith he)but with the did vnto thofe iu£1 ones that were inAbradiuell,that is not.with Chr1!l, Althougb(faith bamr bofome, by his deCccnding into hell, heDe Gen,[.ad l1terJ1b,J z,cap.3J•) I Cbnfelfe from whome according to the blciTed preI hauenot yet found that the place where the fence of his Diulnitiebee was neuer abient. righteous reCied, (as Abrahamand La"-lfr114) Chrifr defccnded into hell faith CtmmAiscalled hell,-neither where they arc faid lexan,mofl plainly,Stromat. (i, for noother to be in hcll--haueI yet found.but I flill caufo but to preach the Gofpell to the Gen· doefceke,andknownot. Nor doe I finde in tiles, thattbcy might learne the true faith all thefcriptures,(whichare Canonicall)rhat and bcfaued; or iuflly be condemned fore. hell is taken in good part orfenfe,-and ucr. And thus alfoDama/ceneinOwioned' therefore I clnnotfee howAGr.hamcan bee (idelibut difuntli&holdcth, But this opinion is fa id or beleeucd to be in holl. Agaioe, Pet· condemned byPh•l•fler cap. 74· There are h~ps(faithheelnP(al. 8;.) there is alower heretikes ( quoth he) that fay thatChri~l defcendcd - . ....