Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

1 f -~-.SI6 'TheVemonflrationof the Probleme. defcendcd mto hell, and there after his death 'A naturall freedome ofour w1ll from ncceiliry, told them •ll, that who fo rhere confelfed from wh1ch !I cannot bur be free. And mthis him Owuld bee faucd. Lookc A•g,fline'De fenfe they fay, that we haucawill abfolutely h"efc•P·79.COnceming this,andqr<goryilb. free in all things, that i1,an vnd<rOanding 6./,,f<{/. ts. cpif/. t5. Chr~\1 dcfcended m!O rumde, and will whereby we alfent vntoor hell f:>r vs linncrs,faith F11igcr.ti;u Ad_Thraft·\ dilfcnt from ouriudgcmcnt, by which that t. ClmO dcfccnded la11hEwh1ch we doe,•edoe it wiltin•ly and willing. p1ph.Hcre(46. contra T"ti11n•s, to giue pardon Jy,not compelled.Grrgorit" Ar~m.ltb, z,dtft.z9· vnro thofe that tncd not from acknowJedinfinrJaith,Ir isfuAictent ro makearbmo voging his deity, but were kept tn ~tell for other lumarie, if it be done by him that kno~c::th errors: yea Bc/iarminc himfdfe 'De anima andiswillinn. TheJoulchath(rec-wiJI (aitb Chrif/i,M+cap.t5.<unfelfeth that this in the Cyriil Cattchi[. 4· the dmell may Oirr~ it vp beleefe of Chrills Jcfcenfion IS not of necef· vnrounne,burconfiraineirag~inO thewil he firy but ofdecency or conformiry.Aithough cannot.God ma~evs ofa freeconfcnt, faith (quorh he) it bee not L1Cce1farie thatChriils Hicrome in !O?Jinia11,lib.4. neither are we for~ foule fhoul~ be pre(ent attheilluminarion of B ccd by neceffity either to veltue or vice.And the Fathers withdmrne vifion: yet it feemes thefefpeake of rhel1bcrtiewe haue in reafo· fitthat it fhould bee pre(ent while that was noble and fenfible th1ngs; Su doch Au,~"f/inc doing. But the arricles of our faith(good M. depcrfe£1. iuftit. eontra C~¥1if/mm,and C&:i.·Pi· BcUarmln') bee founded vpon fomewhatbe. m ,.obietlmg that of SaintPaul,f.ciatquod fides congruirie,they fiand vponneceffitie. vult, As though(faith he)it wereagteat mat· 7 Thofe that w1l hauc the Fathers Ill hell rerto defire to wedde, where the d1fputation vnriliChri(lsafccnGon,docontraditl them· is earudl conctrning the alliUance of G~ds fducs,oroneanothcr.J.Some,as Rujfimu for mcrcic:. Neither lee aman rhinke, faith th~ one,wiJJhauethemiopaioes.TheKmg(faith Author in Amhro(owordes, De vocar. qmt. he f• cxpof.Symbol.)wasfaid robe in pnlon al· M. '· c.p. J. becaufehe is drawneon by the fo,butnotastherdl wcrc:they wcrc,bcrc t.:J Spirit ofGod, that he hath not free-will} for f"lferpaines, buthctoreleafe them·. Atha· helollnorthatwhenheyedded himfclfe in na/i11<: Dcf•lutnr. Chrif/.4dumt. faith,AJams will vnto the dmell, by whome indecdcrhe foule and the refithat .l<:rued God mthclaw iudgement ofhis will was depraued, bur nor ofnaturc,werein(orrow, and cried out. By C vtterly taken away. So[aithEuthymius, In Chrifl, (aithAnafla('usSinaitcs, inH•x•mcr. L>e.s;.cap.oftheprodigallf,onne: Heasked j "'"Adamfreed from htsforrowes. AndDe that part of thegoods which fell vntohim, rct1<fid<idm11at.iib.s. Thefoulcswcrefreed that i•.free·will; as ifhe fhould fay, vrge me our of the ';;Joi(!ers of hell where they were not ntcelf.1tily toferue, for I hauefree-will. held in mofl miferable tyrannylperhapsnot So&rnard,Dcgrat.ctlib.arbit. fauh ,Seeing ryranny,yet guiltie o(the debt of a mulrirudt then that confummation or perfeCtion 111 offinne•. Prcfently vpon Chrills defceofion gloriemufi bee•·rought vpon vs or euen in (faithC•fariuJ f!omrl. 3. de Pa(chatc,)thatevs,butnorofcur felues;and that ourcreation ternall night ofhell had mornmg: the noife was wroujlht,and that without vs; there i• ofthe mourners was filent, the huge weights onely reformation, which after a (orr is ofthe chaines were laid off, and rh< bands of wrought withvs by rcafon ofour voluntarie the damned fell~wav all broken. confent,thar fhalbe reckoned to our defcrt. : Other fome will hauc them in a quiet 3 Some thingsalfoare fpokenoffree.wil, repofe without all molellation. Sowill Hieas ofagood belonging tonaturall life, oran romchau< them, Ad P••lam. cpi!f. >;,cap.;. externall moral! good, or ofoutward difci· andAaguftincDcgcnrf.adlit.lib.u.cap.;J.SO D pline. And this manner offpeakingthe au· that AbrAha,.althougn he was in thatplace thoro(the bookoinAuguftine called HJp•g· of repofe, yetis faidro haue beane in hell no~ic.v(etb,lib. 3· He iHightiy faid to be but ~ith La""""'· halfealiue,faith he,for he had his vitall nwti· on,thar is,his free Will wounded. And fo Grr· Free~"(ttiU. goriccfArimin.•. dif/. 16. and afrer him( •f falitts dcquadripartital•f/iti!t,lib. r.doefpeake ofgoodnelfe confidered in the kind, obieCI &dlicc;not ofgood fro'n all circurnl1ances. 1 ,., Ome of rhe Fathers l'pta~ing of 4 Someoftheirfayingshercofarclegall, :::i Free-wlll,in fome places doe meane in tharrhey fhew, not what we can doe, but ofthefreedome which was in our nature bewhat we tannot doe through (innc, and what forcourfall:or ofthe freedome ofglorie. So we ought to doe in duty.The Pdagian•(faith meancthAttguf/inrHJpognsfl. 3· (orwhofoeAuguf/m,,D,grat.& lib•.rbtt.cap. t 6.) rhinke uerwasthe aurhor of rhathooke) wh.en hee rhemfelues greatfchollers, when rheyobidl / faith,vnto Adamwas rhatfpoken,Ecc/e(.ss, that God would not cornmaund what hee · If thou wilt keepe my commaundemeuts,l knoweth impoffibleto bcckept;whoknow· they Onll kecpcthee. eth notthat? butthcrcfore hee commands ..:.•;.o_m_e_tl_li_ng"'s:...:: ar.:c..:fir_P::.ok::.e:.:.n:_::oc.f.cthc:_e:..__.;.vs:..·::.c(o:.:m::.:c rh ingswhich we c~nn0tdoe,heraofc ~·---'-------- -·~'~-~--