Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

I .I 'The 'Demonflration ;e/ the Probleme. wcO'tlluld know~vhar•wc ought to.bcgofbam. A' fir(l done his parr, h~c ·had not obtained 5 O ther[ome arc meant of the Will being fo grc~t thingsof God: and therefore marke freed and rhcrctOrc !hew whar ouovlll may not oncly th1s, but in tlli things clfe ; how do-:: 1 ~ aworkc rru!y good.~ not of i_t [clfc,1nd tirO: hcc fl1eweth thegrcatnelfe of hisvenue, tt mvnc nawraiJ powcr)butwh;1.titca.n do by and fo therby dcfcrues Godsa!Iitlance,And grace. againe: (h(lmil, 17, in loan.)lctv5 here ob~ 6 ~loll of rhc Fathers correct their ownc .fcrue, chat Go(J 111 h1s blclfing:: to vs, dcth vufitfJ,ccchcsof,Frce-wiil, (but chieAy A:1-. notpreucmourwils, ·omit muft b·:ginncin g•ftw.)For inde:d almoflall ofthem fp:ake cur [dues: and when hce fecth our mmdes contraries, that none can cell chetr potmue prompt and ready eo receiue gracc,chen hcc dotl:rincs : (()lnetimt rhey extol! humane giuerh vs manyoccafionsoftaluation. I faid, powertoo much,and that fir(\ becaufeifthcr (faith ,Juftm,dcp,.dcjl.Sanrl,/ibro primo,ra01otllddircCHyhaucaffirmcdthcwcakcncllc puocruo,) tbatit hcrh in vs to bdccuc ~nd ofthe wil,thc Pbilo(ophers might haue fcorto will! and in God to gme the power of ned them. t. l)ec:tufc they would nor gme working weiJ,vnto the beleeuing and willmg. che reyncs vom oegltgc?ce. And f<:>merimr:s' B To propound or bcginneagood workc(faith they bcate downe the hbertyof wtll on the Hcfichiru,ln LcHit.!t6ro 2. capite 7.) is in our othedide. Chry(OPome Jorh often giuetoo power: but ro pcrfed aod finilh it accor· much to the power of the will afterthe fall: ding to the precept, is oncly in Godsgra:e. and yet (omcrimcs correCt htmfelfe. A man Afrer Pclagiu; wa~ rifcn vp, Ca{fiunu; beld before hcc nnnerhJ (laith hee' Scrm. J. de With htm cor:cerning Frct·Wi!J: (as ProJPcr Aduer.m.) hath Free·will,tochoo[c whether faith of him, Contra Co!la.torcrtt:) tOr in one hecwtllyccld rothcdiucll,orno: bur when of his. Collations, Co!lati_o 13, Ctlit~ 11.) hcc harh once raken that (ltPied:ion vpon hccaftirmcrh, that thcgraccofGod[om~· htm by finnc, tbcn he is no mqreat his O\vnc ttmc prcuentcth vs, and fometimes is· prc~ commaund. Thou hall nothing (faith Ba~ uera~d by vs. So held Fau/fw RhcgicnjiJ. [it,Scrm.dchmnilit,) left thee oh man, t~ bee 8 A tsgujJiru after Pdaomnvas nfcn, 111 all proud of; wbofcglory and hope l11ould bee his la(! writings,neuerackllowledgerh either comorrifica\1 thincowne atfedions, & fccke the cxc~cifcloc thcadiue power of Frcc·\l ..·ill) chclife tO come10 Chnil: whofc fir(l fruircs 10 work1ng truegood, or in the firll coouerwc hauingreaped,do owe our life, and all we lion of alinncr. vVhy doe wee prefume fo are, vnro the g\ft and grace of God. For much, faith hcc, (DnMtttrll cJ· arar. capite it is hee that giu:th vs both to will and to "c 35.) of the powerof nature/ itl; wounded, doeaccordmgtohisgoodpleafure. maimed, vexed, and lofl: lctvsconfdfe it 7 The FJthers before pc/agim, whil~_oj;~ rrecly,.anJ not dcler.d it falfely, VVherecontrouerlies of Frecwill were not (\irred fore let v•feekcrh:guceof God, notto invp,fp>kcrhercof very fecurcly, likeas,P,I.!,- form~, but to rdormc it thereby. And in <ii!J did, chiefly, they thatoppofed tbeA.farth~H]pog"'P· J.capireprimo, it is [aid, that by ;ionitCJ, P"lentini<tru, orchc Manichus: with finne man did lo[c both the abtlnieof goodwhome whildl rhey contend about the henelfe,and thegoodnelfe ofpor.ibilllic. The relic of the neceffity of all thiHgs, an<) of all will ( faith .Aogt~fline in another pbce , de euents, they m,ilfc.the~vay a little, in giuing perfe/J. tuj/it.) beeing ouercommc by finne, too much ro Frcc~w111, and too 1tttle vnto narur,e hath loft her libcnic. And againc, grace, at lcail in thew. Therewc:rcnoughtof de JPirit. t;:;l.. lit. c~pitc tertio. Frce.wlll bath an}' wmth in man, (faith iuftint;.Apo!og. J.) not any power bm:vnto !iun~;if tbc way of vnlclTc hcc had an cquall power to tufne vn· truth bee voknowne: ant! when rhat wbic.h to what part heelill. Goddothnot force aistu bee done boginn~thto appeare, vnlc!fe ny (farrh /rcncur, t.bro4.capiu71.) bur is alalfo it doth delight, and bee (leloued, there waies well meanlng, and therefore hcecoun· < is nodoing; vndcrrakipg, nowe!lliu11ig. felleth all men vntogood. Burhcchathgi- D VVee are.-tliercfore willing. bur God ishe ucn man afree clcd:io.n euen as well as the tharworkc:tb this lfillingndfc in \>'S: and angds. \.Veoate all ofonenature(faitb the wee workc, but God·g,iucth,,vs this abilir~mc Fathcc,capite 7Z.) able to keepe good, tic. to~orke according.\7\tO hisgv.od pleaand {o td \l'orko•, ;rod able to lo(c good, Cure, Artguf!in~/Debono p~r(eutra;Jti.e, ca.pit~ and nor wworKeinit. There Otould no law J 3• It iscertainc:, th~t wc;e arc willing when haue beene giuen', (faith TfrmUian. C~ntra wee are (o; buttt is hee·that makcrh vs (o, Marcion.t.bro>.) vnto him that hath nor rhe of whome it is[aid :It is God that workerh duekce·ping of thellaw in hi·so.urnepowe.r--·= this will in vs. It iscenaine that wee workc aild rhcfame frccdome of will(which was in when \vec doC"fo ; but it Is hee that giueih Jtdam)mahthvsviCI:orsoftDcfamcdiucll. vs this workmg power, by giumg our will It is•ou~paru to beginnc, (faith HierQrnc, l moll: efficient power, a$ it hce [aid, I w1ll Cor11ra Pdar_i:Jm,/ibro !J..capirn~~and Gods ro c~u[c. you work~, Au,_~:tft. 7Jegrat. &-· 'pcrfcCl: w~e mufl clocwharweecan, hee will btt. capirc 16. V nlelfo be firrl workevs:obc fulfill what we cannot. 'r olcif;;:·the~Patriarke willing)and then worke with vs,bcingwiJiing, (faith Chryfoflomc; !nGcnc(,homil: 41.) bad we lhal neuer bring to palfc;nygood workc_ Xx vv<-c ...