Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

518 'Ihe Vemonflration ofthe Prohleme. .. VVee mult confctie, thar wee hauc Free- A defl brothers houfe, when all other vertues will both tO good and cud!: bur in doing eare entertained in faith, which if it b<e not oill, cucry man iu(! aod vn10fl is free (in the firfl-begotten in our hcart,all the rell can <:ho1cc ~) but in doing good, ncne can bee oeoer bee good, though they feeme neuer free (m will and act) vnlctTe bee bee freede fo well. It isthroogh the gift of God,whenby bun rhar faid: If rheSonne free you, you foeuer we decline from finne,faith the Counarerruely freed, A nguftsHed:corrept.&grAt, cell of Araullc: But Stnpltton, De llfj/ijic, /ic.piu prima. H oly rhooghrs,good purpoics, 6ro z. capite vltimo, fcourgcth this doftrine, godly coonfds, and all rnorions of a good and ilickcs not to furmize , that AHg•f/ine \ wlll arc from God: bccaufe·by htm wee are went a little beyond his bounds in thi• conable to d~ fomcgood, without whom we can trouerfie with Pdagim, But other mooerne ooe Ol'thlng at all,AudJor dedogm. Ecc!e(.cap. writ.ers holding wuh A11guflint, doe tlarly •7· \Neclofl our free election to loueGod, deme, that aman by thepower of nature can byrhegrearnctlc of rhe fir!! iinne, Epif/.107. difcerne or d1flinguilh of a morallg_ood. So L1becue wahout gracc)is no l1berty, but conholderhGrrgorir of Arimin. in :, diflm£1,z6, tumacy, Idem, Epiflol.89.•dHil.r. Mao in quajl. l,art.: ,& z.dif/mu .z9-q•<f/,I,"Ytic, •. hiscreation bad great power of Free·will gi- B Capreo!Hd,in l ,dif/in[/, zS.q•-fi, I,RYt. J. Caj[aucn bun, but in his fall hee loll it, Idemde lim,dequadrip.iuj/it,t.b, l,cap. 15. & p .&c• v"b••1pofl. Serm, 2. And you £hall very of. Alfo tliefe deny, that a man without faith,& ten finderbe[eword• in AuguH. Our bound the efpeciall helpe thereof, by natures powwill,captiucd,de!lroyed,loll,&c. Of this O· er can doe a good morall workc, [o ·as there pi~JOn of Auguftine,wasProjperal[o. In6debe no Onne in rheaC!ionorworke.BorhGrr- - liue(faithhc,contra Collatmm,cap.z l.)tooke gor7 of Ariminium,and Capreolm, Inz . dif!. away oor fairh, bondagerooke away our liz8.bolde thi.: But{ a/Jalimde quadrip.itiflit, bcrry;ncithercan any partofverrueremaine ltb. 1, cap. 36, both reachetb and defendcrh, rhere, where fuch a crue ofvices haue broke that the Fathers were ofthis minde. T his aJ. in. (faith FHigmtim, de !near. & gra. [o isMar/iliu. his opinion,/~ l.q••f/.zo. Bdcap. 13-) beeingcrcated without ncceffttic of /arminL"1ndecd contcileth, that Scorm,Durlln· finnmg,whcn bee lofl l1is foules health in oftt'm,and Bid(vpon the :S.diflinClion ofLom· " fending God, Jo(! vttedy cuen the power of bardJ fccond booke) haue perhaps written thinkingof all diuinerhings. Againe, in amore freely then is behoouefull, SixtHS Senorher place,cap.u. The power ofthinking nrnfts[aith.Pr<(•t.inlibro j,Biblioth,that tAugood thoughts, bceioglofl in the firfl man, C guj/Jometimesgiucs but toolittlcvnto mans wasrccoucred in thefecond. VVee beleeue Free-will: and Chry(o[iom• on the conuarie (iaith Ma.wnti.w, de Fide cap. JZ.) that our feems ro exroll it as much beyond the mean. free narurall will,hath power in nothing, but :!C Br~tdw4rdine in his booke De c;~ufa Dti, a- *Hewas in dtfcerning and defiring worldly and cargilinfl Pdagius, •tibro 3.cap. 4· teachcth, that Archhi010p ofC:Jntcr. naUthingsonely, whichfeeme not glorious Free-"'• ill bccing tempted, cannotouercome bury,:mno before Go:!, though before men perhaps any temptation by it fd(e, without rhe ailit ;~o. they doe. But in rhmgs bcloogingtofaluati· !lanceand srace of God. And this aICoina • ""E:xtatin on, it can neither thinke ofthem, choofe,denother place,cap.s.ihid, VVithwbat grace Bennct Collcdge fire, nor fini01rhem wirhouttheinfuOon and of the creation foeuer it be vpheld, yet with- inCam.. operation of the Spirit ofGod. And he adout Come fprciall grace of God, it cannot bridge. dcth : To willandto performeis Godsgifr. conquerany temptation at all. And againc Bcrnard te;chcth, that it is one thing ro cap.6.ibid.That that fpeciall helpeofGod,is choofe, and anorhorto choo[e good : To Gods inuincible will. "•ill (quoth hc,d•grat.&bb.•rbit.) is in vs by 10 The Fathers fay, that our will isailiFree-will, but not "'pcrformeour will; Hay D !led by God, according u wee fomerimes nor to will either good or .uill,butondy to fay, Such aman helped me to doe this 1 whcn w•ll: for rowillgood,is increa[e,(of{\race he as he did all,andl nothing. meancth,) and to will euill, i'sdefeC!. -Free1 I TheFathers bolde a poilibility ofrur· I will makcth vs11iilling, but grace maketh vs ning,whcrby mans mind &wtl may by Gods wel-1villing: from free-will wee haue power <>rdmary difpenfation, bee turned to receiue 10 wiJI: but to will well comes from grace. grace, when they are preuented and helped I . 9 Augufli.e tn diuers places plainely by theholy Spirit. To be able to haue faith I l affirmeth all the workes ofthe vnfaithfull to &charity, fa11h Anftn,l),tpr<drfi. S•r.ll._ c.s. bee finnes, dtnupt(& concup. !ibroprimo)capitt is in mansnaturc.Andagame,( ontra /HI11m.l. I ttrtio, In Juli.f,bro4.capite 3. De ciuit.Deilsbro z. Mansnature iscapableofiuilificatio~by ;.c.pite 19. & lihro 19 capite :s.In Pfal. 3I,in rhegraceof the holy Spirit, Gr<gorieof A· prifat, Our Free-will,faith he, contra :.epijl, rimin. vnto that of .Ang•.f/ine : There isno· Pelag.lihro3. cApitt 8.bccing no~· captiuatcd, rhingfo much in mans power as to will,faith can do nOthing but!innc. So Hitromt~idfj4· thm: /ibro.:.dif/,:8. VVemay fay,thatit,ts -~ I. e. capite 3. VV•tbout ChrHl all verrue is in cur powernotonely to will or choo(eba~ vice. And GregDrie vcryrightly,Mor41.libro rhiogs,buralfo good tbings;bur_wnh thtsdtf. z.. cMpite33· The fonnes doe feafl in the cl~ (crer,cc : wee mayv{e our dcd10nvnto cmll wnhout