Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

TheV~monftration of the Probleme. wuhoutGodsefpcctall helpe: bu~vntogood ifhe doeootchieAva!'Ii~l v~,w,e cannot. lc1s in ma1.1s powcr;rait_hAuguflim~RetraU./dJ. 1. cap.u.tochange his bad o·ill into bct(er,bur this power is none at all vnt~ll God gtue 1~. Andtbid.cap.Z3- We may wtlltobcleeu;,tt is true; but with the fame condition: they are both from ,him (vi<', to will and to be– leeuc) becaufc hee prepareth our wtll: and both from vs, becaufc they bee not done a· gain!l oqnvils. And in this fenfe ore many fayiugso(S.Augt!~i•etobevn,derl!ood. For he fpeakethof the paffiuc poffibtlity, which belongs to the,mattfr, not of the acbue, be– longingto the forme, which is abfent before the conoerfion, both according to the fir[! "nd fecond atl. ,: p T!lc Farh,ef.sacknowledgeaco·opera– tion with thegrace of God, euen natural! in refpccfof the facurrics ofthe vnder(ianding andwill : and alfo from the grace of God, in refpect of willing that whtch isgood. He thar.madetheewithout thy felfe, faith A•t"– {lir.~,v~ ver6.Ap()ft,Scrm. IS, do~h notiurldie thee without thyfelfe. And hee that made thee not witting,dorh iuflifie theebeeingwil– ling, and without thy will therelh~llno righ– reoufnetfe be in thee. Therefore the Paptlls doCirine of Frce-will,tbat iris but halfc dead, that is, boundFromvfe or exerc.ife, but not dead in refpect oftheactiuc p.ower ofwilling well,is not Catholike. Of the remainders of Con~ cupijcence. '· \JVHereas fometime in the Fathers wee findc it written, thatConco· pifccnce is noGnneaftcr,regeneratioo,ir mull be thus vnder!laod,becaufe that God of his mercy doth not impute it. So that the Fa– thers doe oncly deny that colicupifcencc is linne vnro the pcrfon in whom it is, bur ch01t A iqutty: and H•H•'J calleth itmalitiam tlnellc, 4fHd eunde"!,!tb,:..cap.8,CI4iela1'Je, in Rom.cAp. ].verfi 8.lltc_ki!lOt tofay that concupifccucc (whereof S. Pau/tpeaketh) is euen formally fin, in rc(ped: that 1t is aparr of or1gmaU(j 0 , z The firl! moriens of c~ncup:(i:ence,beforeconfent, the Farher: holdc to bee finne. So holdeth Bed-= Carnall concupifcences fatth he,inP(al.9.are the firl! death,& deaths emry. AndinP{ai.I!4.Whofoeuer falsbut in thought, offendcth God: andagaioe, In Pfal. I. The foule is killed three wates; with delectation alone, with delightioyned with confent,and with aClion. Sinne,faithRadul– phm, In L'Hitic.!i6r. 8.cap.4. doth breede in a B mans(oule beforeconfenr, and now begm– nerh to be brought forth, but is nptcpnliim: mareor perfecte~,, And Caj]iodorUI, In P(al. ''9· callcth rhofe defires vnlawfull, to which wee doe not confent: and A•guf/ineal[o be– forehim,ln P/al,rzS,Conc.J.doth the like. 3When the Fathers fay,thatthe firll mo– tions in concupifcencc arenot finnes, y-nklfe wcconfent, we mull norfo vnderlland them, as rhough they were not fionesin the trurh of appellation,but becaufe theguilr of thefe fir!l motions, together with theguilt of con– cupifcencc it felfc, is taken away inourrcgc– nerat.ion: So faith Augufline,De pe~cat.origin.lib.z.cap.4o. Thevicious deGres alfo (vn– to which if wee doe not confeor,there is nor guilt contraCled) arc all purged away m the (:; fame fountaine ofregencrarion.And againe, (ontralut.M.z.cap.I o.As for vs we Owuld be alwaies withoutfinoe, ifthis CUi!Iwereonce cured, and if we Owuld neuerconfcntwith it vnro euill.· But heehad [aid beforc,cap.9. in fine: How then doe wee fay that this tinne is dead in bapttfme, ·--and yet confetfc that it dwelleth tlill in our members, and caufes many deflres in vs agamfl our wils, vnro which wee rdifi bynocconfenting, --\·nlelfc bccaufe it is dead touching thatguilt"wher<• IVith it held vs; and yet vnttll it bee cured in the confummation of buriall, will rebell though it be dead? Although now it is nor calledfinneafter the faiuemanner, whereby it maketb aman gUIIty,but iO rhat irwas eauit isfinncintt (clfc,andof it fcl(e,andfo re-D maineth afterbaptifmc,theyncuerdeny,but doe auerre it fo to bee. A•g•Jlin,him[clfc, Conrr.lui.Pc! very plainely cal– lcth that concupifcencc finne, againI! which thegood fpirit cloth llriuc,becaufe, faith hee, there is in it a dtfobedience againl! the rule o( rhe minde. Andagaine,Denupt.&concup. !i&. 1. cap. zG. This isto beefree from finne (faith he) nor robe guilty of finne. Bc!ides, TraUar.ln Let notfinne rule:hefaith not,lcrir not bein thee/or as l~ngas thouli– uei\, thou art Cure to haue finne in thy meru– bcn,bur yet Jet It not rule in them. So Am· &ro(•,apud A<>g.contra bd. z.c.s. calleththe re– mams of concupifcencc in the regenerate,infed by the guiltof the fir!l man Adam, and by rebellioufi1ctfeendeauours to bringvsin· roguilr,vnlctfe we be helped by Gods grace, through Iefus Chril!. Looke his third fer– man in P(al. 118. Hence it is that Aug11jlin' faith ofren, that wee necdc not fay fnrg!Ue vs our trefpalfcs, for the vnuoluotarymotions of our concupifcence, becaufe he held them all forgiuen mbapttfme,,pifl.>oo. ad A f,Uec, !ib.J,ptrfe/J,iuflit.mPjal,118.c,.a,3. . ... 4 Sometimes theJ fpeakeofthe external fuggellions of Sarhan;and tho{eindeedc are no Cinnes of oursJvnle1fe wee gmc ouratfcnr vnto thcm,fofaithGrcgorJ, Moral.libro ZI. cap-3Xx z