5Z.l CJ"he'Demonjlration of the Probleme. prayen in PrudentiHJ at the ende of his Ha• A of argument, FirCI,rhey fay thisplace isnor m:lrlig. faith : cited in the Councel! of Nicea: what ihenl it 11 cited in the Councdl of Frankford, Ca· ---thcuiudgingftil/ rolus,libro4.<•pite l $. z. They fayEpiphani; OfallmJfi•wf.rpardonhopt /will, . usdid not reckon image-wotthippe amonglt Although"'! wordsanddeedes ben<'' fo •11. ' . the hcrclies: iris falfe, he ditcdlyaffirmcth, H•ref. 79· That iris the diuels inuenrlon to 6 Fourthly,Gnne is called veniall,becaufe make pictures of men, and fee them vp to be itisexcuf•ble before men, through humane worfi1ippcd, And againe;H•re[.$5.fpeaking good will: fo an officious licisveniall : And of the Melclufedechians,hcf•irh,theymade Auguji, Enchir.cy-u.foitb: Therefore Jtlsa them an imageof Moju, and worlhipped ir, finne, but vem.al , which bcneuolencc excu· wherein they were fedilced. And amongll feth. And they arecalledveniall refpectmethe herelies ofthe Carpocrarians, y.,,f.• 7. ly,in reuerencc togrearercrimes. SoC.jfia, .. beereckoneth char for one, ro worthippe rhe mu Co//,t.u.fallh ofveniall linnes,theyfeem Imagesoflt(us,PmrandP•ul. 3· Theyob• lightandfmallvnto men : andSixtu4J.I.de B ieCl that ofGregor],M.9. lndiU.4·•Pifl-9.vnto m.di< do<l.r.&•perib,fidei, they fcemehtdc& Sm nHs,rhat broke downe the images of the llendcr, and areelteemed hghr: and this i> in Saints: Tell mee brother what pridl thou rcfpetl of che greater. haC!at any lime heard,or feene doethat thai ' thou hall done. But I would haue them Jhew that SmnHsdod nut alleadgeEpiphanius lmager and 1{,eliques. and orher Fathcro tcCiimonies againlt images. z About4ooyearesafcer Chrill,!magca J THere wasnovfe ofimages receiued at bcgannero gerentrance, norooelyinto priall in rhoprimitiue Church,but onely uare places, but euen into the Churches of SymbolicaU,and for ornamentla~e,and that thcChroCiiano: butthisvfeof rhein was but in priuareplaces,for 38oyearesafter Chroll. hrlloucalls as A•g•f/int, Decon(ecratione E· !rtnelllobiededagainCI rhe Gno(hcks,ilb. 1. uangd. lib, I.c~tp.l(), Bt:ji0, 0rAtHneinS~t118. c. •4· that fir!! they had the tmage of Chrill BArlaam.Nyf{mus,Oratioue 1n TheodQTIIm,Prupainted, then rhattheycrowncdn,and wor· dentJus, Hymn. deSana. Calfianil, andP.ruli· lhippcdit. Lookealfo A•g•f/me deh•ref. 7· C nHs,epijloi.Joodmm. doe tellifie. Forthe bare and epiph•niu<, lnh<ref. •7· Weeworlluppe and fohtaric images oftheSainrs,or theirlinno images, faithOrigm, ContrA Celf. libr•7· gle llarucs, were nor erected vnrill lixe bunfor wee doe not binde our inuifible and mdred yearea after Chrill, which C•ff•nder in corporcall God vnro anr figure. So A rnoCon(Hit.deortic.contr'".dothplainly and free- !mu, or rachcr M i,.utituF~li:~ C8ntra q ent,bb. lyconfe!fe. 8. What image thall wee make for God/ 3 Supcrltirion gminghead,image-worwhoferruc:image,if weeiudgc according to fi1ipgot toundarion,yet neuer amongl! the truth, is man : and there bee bringeth in the learned and godly 1 neither were images fet heathen faying ofvs; VVhy, haue they no forth for publoke wodhip,vntill fixe hundred afrars, no temples, no knowne images: So yeares after Chrill. Grtgorie,!l6ronono Indif/, Eu(ebius,H•f/or.eccle(.libro 7.cApite 17. It was quArt.epij/ol. 9• denici!hat images are to bee out of an hearhenifi•cuUome, that thcaunworfi1ippcd. AndSigo•ius, De rtJ_nolr.li~li· cienrs did afterthis Curt, honour thofe that bro primo,affirmes, that they would carry the they held to bee their fauiours, {that is,with VirginMorit1 Imagein folemne pompe,but painted imageo.) VVce hauc dccreede,(aith hee makes no menr•on of any adoratwn of the Ellbet. Councell,chapt.36. that there Jt,euen vntJII the yeare fiue hundred ninetie olwuld bee no piClures in the Church, le(\ D and one; about which rime, fame Councels that whichweworlhip and rcuerence, thouId approucd the image sthat were then fetvp in beepaintedvpon the walls. Epiph•musepi{l. Churches, bur did not teach char they were adlo~nn. Hstro(olym. tore ahangmg in peece~ to be worfhipped, and ifthatthisll'orthipgot in theChurch, becaufetherewas rhe1mage rooreanywherebefore this time, it\US not of a man painted thereupon, againlt telhamong(! the leachers, bur amongll the (umonte ofScriprmes. This minde ofhis,Hieperlli11ous people, PopeSergios,[airb R'.{iromeapproouerh,who tranfiated the Epoltle no in A nno GlZ.IO Saint Petrrs vellrie,found a intoLarine. Hereuponfomeof thePapiCis great pe<ce of thewood ofChrills crolfc, doe reprehendEpiphdnius.t.Caf/ro<ontrA h•· which from that time forth, all the people re(.lib.S.ritu!.imago, accufeth him ofcrrour, vpon the Exaltation day, do kilfeandadore, rhogh he clearc himofhcrefie:he had zcale, in the CathedrallChurch ofConllantine. but not according to knowledge, faith Wal4 This fame image-u-orfhippe was firlt eJ,nfis,de[acrammt,tom.3·'"F· IS7· Others do llablifhed publikely in rheyearefeauenhun• reJect the latter part of this Epillle as coun- · dred eighty eighr, by the •· Nocene Counrerfcir, namely, D ama{ceneqrat, desm11gini~. cell. Bur on rheconrrar; fide,butalittle beI Al.m,Cope,ondSar.dm,butwilhoutal proof< fore,a Councell dfConC!antinople(wherein Xx 3 there -