Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2 ;~.nd !6. :u, lob.:o.J. I!. HeJpcsin time of clcarh. ~6 Ca/eJ' of Confcience. l.Booke. ., thetbmgs themfclucs be, wherein it is pia· A and fiJall becucr,a templeofthcholyGho£!, ced:it bath the beginning in corruption,and Thus Adaru,and Abr:iham, which wasdead end<rh with this prcfcnt life. Theexarnpleof fomany tboofand yeares agoc,yea cuery true the two rich men in the Gofpell,doe manifeli bclceuer, from them to the end of theworld !h;s truth.And to this purpofe, isthefpeech !hall arifeatthelafl day in body roglorie, b; otZvphar,m the bookcoflob, thatthereioy· th,epowerofthcirconiundion with Chri!I.Io cing ofth~ wtck$d is very foon,aHd the ioJof hypo: the winterfcafon,wefee themolt trees void of critc~-t; bt-Jta momcnt,G ...c. leaues,~uds,and blo1fomes: lOas rhey(cerne By thcfc fiuc propcrtie., may we put atrue tovs to be dead, apd yet neuerrhefelfe there differcnce,bcrweenccanhJy and hcauenly reis a~appc in'the rootc ofthem, which in the 'ioycmg,andcon(cqnemlydifccrne of them, Sprmg will afcend, and rcuiue the decayed euen in our feJucs.And ifwe percciue thisioy branches.Euenfo iris with our bodies, which o!rile Spirit, (rightly conceiued and groun. though theybecorrupted, rotten,burnt, or dcd in the right vfe of rhe word and Sacra. eaten with wormes, or dcuourcd by wtlde ments;asnJfo 111 the cxcrcifcs of inuocation, b_eafislo asthcy.rnay .feeme ro be.vtredy pcfaith, and repentance,) to take place in our ll nlhed;yetthere ts (astt were) a fecrer and hid· foules andconfcienccs, wee (hall fiade it of denfappein them, (by realon of theirvnion force,ro moderate and allay thevery terrours with C hri(l) by which the)l fitall be raifed, re. ofdearh.And fo much for Preparation. umed,and quickened, beeing madehkevoto Now the helpes to be vfed in the time of theglorious bodie ofChri(l their head with death,arc manttold: the fumme ofall may be whome they fl~all reigne, and ltue for'euer· reduced to two heads ;Medirarions and Peamore. C!i(cs. ' Hefpes in pradif~are rwo;Firfl,herharwil TouchingMedirariom, we mull in rhe fir£! bcare with comfort thepangs ofdeath, mu£! place, conlidcrDeath in a double refpeC!; labour that he may die m faith: and chat is onc,as 1t is in itownc naturc,andanothcr,as it donc,by laying hold of the promife of God, is chaunged and qualified by the death of touchingforglucnelleoffinnes,and lifccuer~ Chrifl.Deathmirownenature,isaCurie,or Jailing by Clmfl, Allthe(e (faith the holy forc.runoerofc;ondcmnation 1 theve.rygateii Ghofl,Heh.l 1,13.) die-dinf.urh,namely, A and fuburbes ofhe! lit folfc:bilt beci~g quali· bel,Enoch,Noe,Abraham,ond Sarah,alllay. fiedbyChrifl,itisablcfling, onemjofallmi· mg hold on the promife of life by Chri!l, (cries, afull freedome from all da.ungers 1 a When Iacob on his dearh.bed,was blelfing of fhorr palf:agevntoioy;:m entrance inr.o cuer~ C hu ch1ldrcn, he brake forth into this heauen~ !ailing life,a quiet fleepc, voidc ofall annoyfy fpeach,O Lord,[hauewaiudforthJfaluation, ance,by drearuesand fanrafi01:And thegraue Gen.49.18. In which words it is plaine,rhat areflingchamber,yea,a bed perfumed by the his faith re!led on the mercieofGod, and by death of Chrifl, for the bodies ofall theEhope hewaited for h!S[aluarion: and ourSa· led,out ofwhich when they awake, they !hall uiour Chri£! faith:Ioh.J. 14,11. ArMo(u lift Uc adn1ittcd and rccciued into theprcfenceof vp tht(trpent inthen>ild~rneff~. fo muftthefo1111e God in hcaucn. of m11n· 6elijt vp,th4twhofoener 6eleeunh in hJ?nJ Secondly, we are ro confider,rhar there be might not prrifo,hm baue!ifautrlaj/ing, Our of three degree. ofeternallltfe. Thefirfl where. whtch wordsthe forenamed dory may be of,is in rhiswodd before we die; and itisrhen, learned; rhotlike as rhe children oflfrael, when we bcginnc to rcpenr and bclecue in bccingflungwithficricfcrpents,andthatvn~ Chrifl, and to bcatfitred in confcience, that to death, were healed by looking vp to the God the Father is our father, Chrifl our brafen ferpent ereded by Mofes:[o when we Redeemer, and the holy Gho£! our Com. are flung with finne and death, we moll eoer forrer.Forthis iseternal/life, to k,.now God, and D remember by faith to lookevpon Chri!l,Bur himwhomchch•tl,(cnt /c(urChrij/. Ioh,17·l· cfpecialfy when we are dying, then it i• our The next degree is in death:fordcarh curs off part,tofixe rhc eyes ofour fooles,by faith vpallin,original and aduall;dearh frees vs from on him;and thereby fltall we efcape death,and all worldly mifcdcs:~cath preparerh the bo. be made partakers of erer~;llltfeand happi· die, that it may be fitto enter mto eternall nelfe. Notable IS the exampleofCht~fl, who happinelfcrogethcrwlth the foufe, which is ashewas a man, alwaies fixed his iru£! and alreadic in heauen. The la£! degreeis, when confidenc<inhisFathero word, efpecially at bod1~ and fouie rc.unitcd, goc both together his end.For when he "'as dying,and thepangs : into cternall andeucrJaCling glorie. of death feazcdvpon hun J hecries vuto rhe Ourthird meditation is,tharthere is a my. Lord, MJ God, myCj•d,"'hJ haf/thou forfak!n fl1call vnion &coniund:ion,bct,.,·eencChrifr mt?and againc,FAth~r.intot~yh11nd1 l commmd 1 and ew.:ry beleeucr, and that not oncly in re.. m} fPirit:which wurds arc fuli offaith,and doe i~"'d of foulc,buc ofbodie al[o; 1vhichbeeing bcwray what great alliance hcplaced in his l ance kn1t,fhall ncucr be d1tfolu.ed, but is cter~ fathers Joue,&c. VVhen Damd man extreml· naJLWbcreupon rhcdying,dcad, rotten, and tie, faw nothing before his eyes but prcfent confumed bodiercma1ncrh flJII a member of death,thc peopJe intending to fione him, at jChriU, abidcth within thccoucnant, and is, rhevery in!lant(as the text faith) he comforted r.Sam.;~.6 him. I