Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

1 .I I· {ldo:~.lroin Chron ..,d. 3n.79'·& Gcnebr. '!he Vemonjfration of theProbleme. <il>l>-r~«thrc;hunQ(Cd and thJ<ue B<O>ops A. !lanrinoplc,rharvrrerly abolifhcd them,and h~ld vndfr C~f.''1Jf".W) 'ondemocd both~ the Councdl ofNicca, rharon rhccomrarhpf\)<O•ip of I!J1~gcs and Rchqucs. P,v£· traric dtd c!lablifh the adoration of them. mil, de Grff. FrqljCor~rp. The fatvedid L" In the Councell of Frankford, faith Pl.ri- (onfiay!ines farher,and Philippicm. Pm.Diac. •• in Adriano, both the Synodc which the bb.~.cqp.u.Andrhc Cou.occlofl'rankford, G<eckcs call the fcaucnth (that i•, that of (w.he"ln was prefcnr Charlcri14'V', and the Nicca) and alfo the h<rcfie of Fcelix, conl\<;>mapc legates) did copdemnc the fccond ccrning abohfhing of images, was taken N~ee~cCoonccil •• herericall. The Grcckcs away. f~lfc fyoodc,fallh4egino, bb.>.•d ••·794- gas The Farhersgeneral17 doe nor defend, rhercd f9r image-worlhip, is rcicCled by the bur rather refute this worfhippc cuen after Pope ;yea this C.ouncell was condemned by the Nicenc Counccll• .AHg»f/inedt,..rib,ec• al !h~ Princes o%BJ{hof's ofBtittainc.Cbarles cle(.c.p. >4: dorh plainely reproouerheworrhe Fr~n~hK\pg (f(litl;l Hoqed,.incontinuario. fl>ippers ot pi<lures, and fcpulchrcs. Note Bed~. qdan. 79.'· fenr ~bookeof the fynode this proptieric, faith Himm, In Danitl. 3· v,ptol\fittame,t!iret\~dvorohim from Con· J;l They fay their gods arcworfl>ipped, and,_ fl~minop/1: wherei;1 (alas) were many things mages adored, both which, the feruams of fet downc quire contrarie vnro our rrue G0 D doe abhorre. P;C\.ures, faith Wal· laid!, burc~ttfly in roar it was decreedby the fridus,Str•b•d• rtb. tccl.cap. 8. arc norrherevgifo;mc cqnfeo.rof very ne"c all the Do· fore ro bee troden vnder foore, and aboliClors of rile Ea!l, 300 Btfhops or more in Oted, bccaulewee know they arc nor ro bee nu[!lber, that images arc to bccworfllippcd: 1vorfhippcdJ nor ador<d. And the 6.Coun. which rheChutch of God dorhwhollydecell of Conl!an1inoplc forbadpc the piClute!l,~ exccrarc:~g•io(iwhich Alhimuwr.otc ring of rhe JioJy Gholl, vodcrthe f"rmc of a1.1 cpiUl~'fOI\dro~fiy confirmed by the holy aDoue, or of theWifcmen vndcr a!larre, Scriptures, and lO 1oe per(onof our Princes er of Chri!l a Lambe: witnelfc Caan~d l31tl,l9ps, c~rr!ct4 lt wirh the fame booke ran:{.a.am1ot.adc~mon.8z. UoArmenim comV{l.tolll~Freoch K•ng. Bell•'fiJinedeimag.l. , maundcd all images to bee brokcn-dow,ne z.<.14.confe1Tcrb,th~1<h~ Couoc.el ofFtankbyexptelTe edict, Z•nar. anna/.rom. 3• The fold<l.•faJ.l.owcd the Councell ofNicea! but Almainesand Armeniaosforbaddcthewor· th<t((ailh hc)bappeQed byreaf<moftwo erlhippeof images in rh,eir -coumrcyes.Nim. rou,rJ, J. Bccaufeirr~oughr that the N•cellc {bo<i••nn•l. And rhc.modcroc authors Cou~ccllwas called wi rhour d1< Popes au.- C teach, that the Images of God are nor to ' rhority. z. B~caufcir thought rbi~ Couoccll bcc made. AhHimjis,InDW.4.q•4/. s.And ' h~ddccrecd-image.-worO•ipro b~LaJri., , 'lJ• 9.qwjl.. z. faith, That it is, wocfhipdue[o God. Now hearcbow hce lis a fiJ_olcri~ro make, ocadorc any image of is allfwcred bySuare<., in 3-Th•m~.q••ft.z·s. the Trioirie: wbcrealfo bee denies,tharrhe difJmt•!· S4· Ic~l\hardly belceue (lairh hec) images rhcmfeJuesarc worfl>ipped, but rhar the Councell of Frankford could pro· onely the figure in the image. And,in.R.eio· cceqeagamll the Nicene Coullccll by error nal. librp prit~J•, cap 3· Wecwodhippe no+ of (aCl; for it w~s g~rhered a I nlebef 0 revn· mages, ntither oajl them Go<!s. ,1\.nd Bit/ der the fame Pope A drian rharcon6rmeJ ir,, l;n can. MifF. lt_El.. 49• faith, T~atimages are whofe legates wereprcfcnt at the{;ouneell of, fuffered in the Church, not to beeworlhip· Frankford (asth.ela_mc authors dQ confelfe,) pc.~, but for o,ther endes, So (ilirh Hairs 3· ho'l' 1!1encan ifq"'\h~lallthe li~lh<Jsofthis p.rJ.q«~/l..j0..4(f(/.viJi.an4 Pmfi111dt tr<~.ditiP· whble Couo~ell fl10uldbe~ ignorantofrh~ nibHs. Andl•~.u,BiOJopof4urdia,De'cHI!• . doanneand authority of r);>_isNtceneCoul)- im•g.l. r. fairh,rhar imagc·worOtip is perniticell, hauing rh~ J?op<s O\I'OC Legal(to in· ous,and fupi'J"~irious :addjng,l"notour rcOrudr.hcm.m bptJ.V No\1' Coptin4ialogiJ,Su- ! r, ligion con@ in 1\!0rfl>ipping of humane rirtt ""!·<j al[oSuare<- locop,.dsCI•, D wot.l<es, for they are berr~r that make them, do~ an(wer, rhatthc Coun,ellof Fra.nk(ord ' & not to worfl>lp them, let nvr defend the honqur of ima_ge!.: aQd that i.r. our religiP!l be in our fanta.fics. And (jtr/on, ccp!douerh the, CO!IOCCII o( Con!lapuno. lncompendso:Iheof.og.•Pexpf!jiJto~rpr>m1pr.apc. 1 plc, [ollletimcl?y theGr~e~es c~ll_~d thefea· faith, Thou O•alrnot bow down to them,nor uenth, which was alfell)b)ed for abolifl1ing wodhip them : between< which diilingui01 of images, SotheSyno.d~of .S:•P€JM,caP. •4.· rhus: tho.t~llJaltooradorar<,rha!is,wirh bof•irh, that ChaJltS in the Synodc of Frank- ~ily worfl>ippc, by bowing kneeor body to ford did ouetr)uow the erroQiqu~ mapnclfe rhem;tbou lbalrnot colere,thar is,wirh theaf: of the lcono"'achi_: lanfwcr, l.,'heCouoccll 'fcClnfrbymindc.Andalittle before:•·hrre. of Fra)lkf0 rd keepcth a mid-way, referuing fotei{(lagc~areforbiddcn to be madeelrhcr fo111c hoi)Dur f9r images, (and (q mull v£· ro b.e bowed vnro,or wor:/hipped. mi!ius de g•f/iJ Francorum, l>hro z, ne_er~ rh~ 6 TheLat~tranflarourofrhcBiblc neend, b~evnder{_lo,od, wheqheefaith, thal iucr.ohferucdthe,dillinClionollmag• rfr Jd.. 1 magcs haue th~ir rcuerer,~ce rcfcrued: 1ani! /mn~ as ~ee ll)ay (ee invery many_ placesof therefore condemned rhe.Counccll of CooScripture. vi<•• Dcut.4.r6.and 4.Km. 1 1 .18. 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