Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

1 CJ:.hf./}!~m~nft.r...a(io~o./! thr 'Prtibfeme. W.(d.J3.and 14.EfMo,18 apd4;4·'3•E<-ech. A, 17-.'J.O,IllJ..lgsms fim1!JiA~I;· A'P.tJS S· t J.lpt~,gq~4oJQ: 'rwn,BY. wh•chfa~th H'lr"'!'.l~ .1!~•.37· fpeal kVJg,gfodo[~. we~ m,e~nc t\J.e orn,ages of the de~d•.S.9 doeh Cardmyl PA/.otffst~!hfie t!\u 1ma_ge,p1dure, & 1do\arc ttkenp! one fcnfc. D'facri4&prop~'01'''ll'!.l'l!b.l!•·••c~p.lj, S~int H""'l'' (faich he) 1ynteth t[l~t where ld•('l w~sput in tile~~t, Aq1il<tWlnO~ted it l!1J•~i~gs,or~£·~.u.. A•J~ we iQCtwo, Im,.tt,inrsq~• vocanw {d?la; Ima~eJcallcd.I– doh: and In Pl•ro,ft/pla,&c. Idols arc the.I– nug.~s ~hlch are in the wat~rs, or glatles, pa)nred or printed,o.r foch llke.S.o the Latine 'Yorcl S,im¥1.,bruJI' they alwaie_a ppt b the Qreck word Idolum:for wh<1aoin th,e Latinc tranOaci·oll of the Pf:Vmc we< read; fimula- B chr,•g,nfi¥1f1, the ImagesoftheGcn.tiles, the Grer~c faith .~~·'•o•••••.•;••- An.d hecaddeth: The name ofan lm4ge, if we macke the pr'?– prie.t(c ofth_c word, ligni6eth apy impious apd diuclli!h figure. 7 ThePrimitiucChurch bor~acertainc honour and r~u.erC)lccvnto the Rel•qucs of rbe deadS~int•, ~eepingand c.arrying them from,pla~e to place, and flocking vnco thea> Hieron.c~.ntta Pigii.T•his honour btgan about 309., bJJ.ttl\ey_ncithera– dorcdt~em oOJ.bQw~dkn(e ~n.!o th~m for 6oo.yc1reo.For the Fathersvf~d to put the f)) vndc.rthe.altar,Ambrof<lifo, lo_.epif. 8s.fHb(i– "~m- butthe Pap((ls now p~t them inglaiTcf, and ga4derieo, aboue the altar, ao~ that to C h~ul' 1hcm adorcq. In elder times the rc– liql\es b.uriell in thecarcJr, and in [cere( pl~<;es.So Cri! r•~(ral~li"!'.lif,, 1 o. CJrillthe EreJDire. Invit•Eu.thpn&, be r~mooued rhe body.0~this holy man vnto a. Chu.rch hee hadn~wlr built, 9dd laid itintoaholy coffin, thallhould neuer.~fterbee opmed·, and fo fairh P.rttd•vtim P<r-iP,ph••·• k]w,. 3· .,f iE~If'/\4•• Thf!~fr!,dbppes andAIJ/1 qfh<ttiMtfl<tp!!. . , ~~{ 11/!lhf! <A>;!I>..i~t J!,Jfi{qw<,d~o(om<. /q'l"· ,.! .,; ~ .. ' : ~ f Tbe /igne ofthe [rojfe. 1 Tli• Fa!iJ~rs y,(e<j to armc thcfelues , agav)lllhc,d,uell wl)h th~ fignc of ti)~.G!P\fe,, I)Otthatthex afc;nbed any fuch pol!'.er.V)l_tqth~pqtward fig~["J but_bccaufc theywou14 f"l'•~e 0><1V vnto 9t~ers of their b,;J 0 efe in th>.~ro,(Te, that is, in th~death of Chri(l with thi~folewne c~!cmgnie, and vfc 1t asa11 Item o,rwa1chwor\l t 0 (\irre vp their faith which oucrcomes aU culls. And the ' figne whcreby.CDp.ftantintwawvld:or,'was not the figne ofthe crolfe, but tl;>e ~haraacrof ~henal'!• o( C:hrin, whi~h w~~feei11 m•oY anc(~ntcoinc~ofC•4iantinusandot~cr ChriUian Emp.eroursJm forme as is in the ~a(gCt herccxprclfed: together with t~isinfcr~pti-~ QV n:w ~~"""·OC as Socrates lib,J.§4p. 1. N'ctpho- · rur/ib.7.cap. 2.9. and Zcuutrat it;_c;lnft,mti.1,1o, ,haue it,CAn7a. u,Jni{ioD(_p,nunjigno, in rh is God,nottili• character, It is not requifice, (ai(h('h>yfof/<nJ!,Hfm. s-s. in Mmth. to make a bat~ crolje )l'ich thy finger in thy forehead,~vt with a (\rongja(th in thy hart: So tlW tpe c_tplre 4oth~o.t fignifi,et~e6gurc of the~roif~,put the p~f!!!'P pf j:hrjil quci– fiecl,by aMe.ronymic.So fai,chOrigm.inRo"', M.~. il<J>d the p[a(fesgiucn vnto the figne of ehecro,(Tc,are but rqcthoric~ll te~fm<s, as when they call it an alrH ,. it is a fig1uariuc fp~ach,bonoOjedfro!n t\W-:~erefi!onialllaw, . ap,dwl\e,n tlj~y call it al~ddcr,it is~ cranfcen– slenr•1l~tapl\or, And vncoall thefayings df ti:Jc F~c/leruvhcr~ tl]_ey call !he crolfe their repen\p.tio~, hope,a.n9f~luarion, I anfwer in awolp,the(p~e.c~esarc re!'!liuc.s,all referred t9C~,dlls P*ffion, orvntp himfflfeinthat fi– gl!fe.repfe(~owl. Fp.r it i~o~dina[yamongfi lb.<mlqPPJIQ~ ~9QtinC!,<\for th~ thipg <;onl~{ned, , .... . z_ Tht:. ~~oife was ne4_e! a4o.rcd by th~ Difiin~io anc1;nts, n1q9h latfe!\lf!'Je~ l"!th.I?!uinc bp-· adoca~onis nout: they tllowe.d it ac~~f~iqe v,en.erarion, etvenera•i– na[Ilel.)l~r!'Ut!el)r¥1~, vfip_g-i~in tell(monie onis.Au– orth~d~tl],an~ ljithaiJCfJO{Jin_g it--as the ~~~~~~ade 11!¥1ff~911'11t"lht(r'~•uJ~fohjefl: , ,- . D ligne <>f tl\e1r •'1-nmooue~qlc bpee(e. vpon chtifi, hb.· •4~4th~t(AJl!,<A{_t~11{14<r<tP~irb th<J r</1..:· Cfu[~r!Jj;ificd ,. ~ore the Q~nti!<s, yea 3 ,,_ 9 &C:t. • ' , • ., 1Jlen. \IIP~n .t.IJ_ey,.,.cre t~tj'~tn~~,h tor- roli M.lib. ~n.dthelOlvltitud.c; th~r.e ptllfmt,faithfi- , .11\>111~· TQis.•n<(anqyJeil{\qtn(lwamong~ '?""'Cou- 'fpr,,.,I;!r wA•~•· 'fil•~~!.lik. 3--bcelog.full of . ~i,b.ecaqfe_w.~.~rc not nq)ll •!Dovgq~iw·G'~n: cd.Nte.•, ioy, ,~~cr-icP..the bp..di~.Qf. tb~hplyManyr• tile~- VVeqeiJ/l'r worfl>ipcroife_s,(f~ich Arv.rtto,weful}hu.ri'!li,S'pC•pfi•,ti¥~ "'89ehim ••RIM' 9.••Jra.Ji•W<.I-~.)qpryet peGn;lhcm. a bridle, &aJ~>Ed hiobe)m~twith.Jhenayles Hr£w•(f~ill14n}r•f~. D.e~hlfl T{l~~dof.)fin. that.Cliritb-asfallenedlo thec.folfe ll!ithaU; 9•113 the t.i!IMd~~~~tl1cJing(~h!i1l h~mea. Q.rljfot:hif/,lib+<4p!l.. : .-·;. ; ' flet~tl)butoo.t the wood:qec~ufe that is an er8·1'1.1 the pla~esoE•rnefereltques.(whilell ror.9frbel\;a~ncn,&; ~n vog,qfu vanity. But the gift latied) wore (ol)letiroe• miracles a!w~t~h~4~R,.ycir~aftef ~hri~,the.Crolrc donc;nor by thew, put b~God~o-iJJcrea(ein began by licle and licle to b~a~ored of fome vsan honour to. tl\e godlinelie OY!; pri.llal~ mm.:Sqf~it-ll fr¥d•'1!!Hs (i; A,p•!h"f'· nc'i,uotth:itll(lle!hould~d.Nethlit!l, for in 'i:, · ~ · • : ,antiquitie,a~or.ationwtstakco fpr h.ijn>blin!J - . --B~l "AI" rbifcarMred a:..n_d_,_p_ro_!l:cr:c•:.:.,_t:.:.h:.:e.:b..:.o:..d_ie_.________O-''f-t-b_•E_,!" 2 !p..:.':.:.'~c:IJ.'__:_i~Chrij/hit co~rts uJPrMd: I Xx 4---- ---A~J ..