Yhe Vemonjlration of the P_riJbleme. And h] tbi< mightie Princr thr o·offo il "'"• /A Saints had a pow~r toworkemiracle•. Out fbipped. faith(faithTmuUiAn,in Scorpi.,:contr• Gn•flic. Sofaith P•ulinm ~pif1. 1 r. He(rhcBifhop of Htcrufalem) euery yearc ar Ealler fer forth thecrotTe forrhepeopleto>~orfhip,be· ing himfelfethc chiefe ofrhe worfhippcrs.So H~tro,.ein his epi<aph ofPAH14, fairh,thar fhc did proilrare hcrfelfe in adoration before rhe erotic, a• ifO,ecfaw the Lord rherehanging. And epif/.17.ad MarcrOamhe faith, Paul• & Eujlochiumdo wifl1 that they might but haue lcauetolickrhewood of the croffc. So the Af•m•mfu ann• 540. bringing foorrhthc croiTe,doc adore,and embrace it, Eu•gr. hij/. eccl.lih.4.cap.>s. Bur afterwards the z.Coun· cell ofNicea, Aaio 7· denied that Chri(\s imagcwasrobeadoredwirh diuinc worfltip. 3 T beTranfieoror pafiingcrotfe,(rhalls, thecrolfewhicb they llgned, or thefigneof rhecrolfe)wascommonly vfcd in the purer ~ churches,. norche fixed croiTe, that is, the crolfe madcomone,wood,or metrall, or;rcr painted vponwallesin churches or oratories, for the fir£l4oo.yeares. The fir(! altar,& the firfi crolfewcre fer vp in England·by Ofwald in the field where bee conquered Cadwall, An•.6;s.Po!ychronic.lib.s.c.p.12. Alfo in the conf:cratlon of the Sacraments the crotfe was neuercalled tovfe vniillabout the 400. yeare:fortbefirfi 3oo. yeares after Cbrifi it was bur held a figneofamam outward pro– fefiion, vfed in hisordinarie aCliono; butaf– terwards it was brought into rhc Lotds fup– pcq at firfi, tofignifievntovs thegood wee rcape byChri!t,AngHP.inloan,tr•fl.t 18. but af<crward that by irrhc facramenr might be hlclfod and confecrated. But that Chnfi did confecrate rhc Eucharifi on this manner, Amalariusvtteriy denyerh, "JJe ecc!rfticft.offic. lih. ;.<•P· 14. afcribingit vnto .tfugoftine. Be· udcsrhefigncof rhe crolfe for many agcsar firfi was bur a fimplcand bare ccrcmoniein the facrament, but afrcrword that rite beeing changed Ann. 1ooo. it fine~ hath bin alwaies vf<d in anoddenumber,M•cro/og.cap.I4. 4 The auncient writers held the foule to be defendedby rhcfigncof rhe crofTe either followingMont•nus,ao TtrtHIIia• Der</HrrrfJ. earn. Th• bodic is fignedttharrhcfoulc may bedefended: or ebdoubtfully:I doe thinkc (faith Auguf/ineDepecc•t.nmil. & r<miJJ.Iib. z.c•p.z6.rhat rhcCatcchume~iflsarefanCli· fiedbythc figneofChnfi ana pray~r wub impofition of hands, after fome ccrtamc manncr.Whcrcnotethewords I rbinke,and after fome certain<manner, Cor rhefe fhew that A•guftine doubted of that ceremonic, and beGdes you fee he held nor the fanClifi. carion to bee made by thecrofTe onely, but with proyeralfo. 5 Atrhe figne o(rhecroffcthcre haue mi· racles bene done,becaufe the name ofChrill crucified was alwaics adioyned, either in fe. eret or cxprelfe inuocation, and then the is our defence, and ifit benut firikenwitb di· firufiwhen we figne onthisfafllion,thatis, by making thisfign~,w~ofteil doegoodvnto theheathen,Godgiuingvsthatpow~rwblch theApofileflt~edwhenhc fcorned thi: bi– tingofthe viper. And therefore we fee that miracles,and cafiingout ofdiili:ls, arc not to beeafcribed vnto theCrolfe, butvntothe faith ofmitades, and inuocationofChrifi. How much this figncdoth terrific the diuels, (faith LtElltUitiJU{Devtr~reliJ.ime/i6roqu~~rl•, capi~< 27.) bee may foonc know, that feerh . howwhenrhcyareadiurcd by Chrlll, they B were forced ro fire from the bodies thev had polfeffed.Aod al111lc aftcr:Chrifi• foll;,wcu can cafi out the fame 61thie fpitits out of mcn,b<?thby their maflers name, and by rhe figneot hispafiion.This dircCletb ourcourfe (faith S•inr A•g•ftinr,DrS••flw.(ermo•. 19. --rh,. doth 11 together wirh the faithful! callingvpon Chrifis name, namdy, rhe fa. mous memorie of rhe vidorious crollc. Standfioutlyvpon this !ignc(faithCpii,C•· t«hrf.aJ.)for when the diuclsfecrhe Crolfc, they remember rhe crucified. T ofpeak ein a word, theFathers giuc not rhde wonderfull effeClsfo much vnto theCignc ofrhecrolfe,as vnroprayer and inuocation ofGod. Looke in the writings of allrhcfe that arc ofanti· C quiric,andfeewhctherthii bcrrue. Lookein NA:GiJI~fnt vntoNemejim, Origen againtl Ce/(;u,!ibr6 ttrtio& rJ[lMu, Theodorettu in his PeurandThAIA{jiHI: cH{t~iHI;. hiflor.Ecc/r~llPic.li~roofllfN~,&Ifpitt(tptimo; S11/pith11 vnto Eo(e~uu thep11cfl, Epif/ol. prtm. theAuthor ofrhe Dialogues 1inGr<g•rieDi.tog.Mro pri– mo,caplltpr•m. Y,aor of rhe perfecution by theVand•IJ,li&ro{tcundo, andP••linmofrhe lifeofSaint Martin,libro{t<Jmdo:all thefc will tefiifie my afTcrtion. Nay rhelignc of rhc crolfe,as the Fathersvfed ir,was acertaine fc– crctinuccation ofChrifi crucified: fo rh~r ir is a fooli01 andanidleforgcric, tofay,lhat it had that cfficacic ex op<r< oprr•to, by the D barenlakingofit, fccingithad all the power from inuocation. 6 Thofc croffes that ·were vfed in the Churchforthcfirfi 400. yeam, had no I· magcat all of Chrill crucified vpon them. This atferrion cannot bee confuted byany approoued tcfiimonie of Anriquirie; Andir fctmeththatrhio image of the crucifixc did. firfi grow in vfe pubhkely in or abour rhc yeareof Grace 710. ao it appeareth in the Councel held in Trullo.To the ond thatthar which is perfeaed(fairh rhio Synode, Canow. 8>.) may b•ercprefenred vnto publtkeview euen in lmeJy colours, we command, rllar in fiead of tl1e old Lambe, the 6gure of that Lambe rhattakcth away the finnes of the world , Chrifi our God intheliktn<lfe of a man befer vp and crcCled in Imag.., from this time forward. Chmchu