Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

'Ihe 'Demonflration ofthe P robleme. 525 A t1ue Church hadnorfeuencanonical houres: NeitherA thalfajitn>B"t:'·norHitromedoe at Churches for pra1er. any time mention the rll houre: CtCjJi~Jnm indeed dorh,faying ir wasordained about his rime.Dd nfti.Camob.lib+ cap. 4· and fo doth - 1 THe Fathers acknowledge Chur. Sotoholdalfo,d•i•rr & mftit. 1ib.1o qu<ft. 5· ches as houfes of prayer,bur binde articu/. 1..VVhereforeB.ronius{auh fallely vsnorro come ro rh~ Church alwaies when when he affirmerh that ChrJf•ftomrandBa{i/1 we pray. doe often mention the foure houres of the z And they name their churches after day.Befides,rhe Fathers do prcfwbe houres their Mmyrs names for dillinction fake, forrhe nighta{well as forthe Jay : And be· ondy appointing rhe worfi1ip vmo God,and lidesrhecanonical! houres, rhcy f<t down~ a nor vnro them. VVe honour them (faith night feru1ce,and oioht·warches,a.~diuersau· i Awgu{lin!,de vtrareligione, capiu 55.) out of thors,vh... Amalariw,tcci~(ia.ft, 4 de. charirie, norourof duty or bond: neither z.adctlp. r I,RHpertuJ, ct~p. bu1ld we anychurches vmothem. And C<fn· B l.•dcap. S. RadulphiiJ, lnOo[erii,C4n.prop.14I trA Maiminum ArriAn.!ibr~primo,titulov,dfC•Jfi.-"',llb·:.cap.4. rhe CouncellofAg••h• cim" Should wee nor be curfed and call out as it IS cited 'Dtj/in, 9'·up. Prr[bJI"· !jrrg"} from Cbritls truth and his Church, if wee m thedccretals/i!J.ttr:jo,tit. 41.c4p. 1. df u!ffhould build any temhleof timber &tlones bwio.rmiffitrum.and Brdral[olib.rmio.inEjvnto any. Angd, air ough moll excellent d'"m,c.piu :8. doe telli6e. You rnuflnfe becaufewefhouldgiue thar honourro aerea· rwife or ehnee a mghr~ (faith Huromf toEHture,which is dueonclyvnto rhoCrearour?lf f/ochium :) But theyw1ll hauethemiddell of therefore wee fhould commit facnledge in thenight cfpecially obferued, at1d namely buildingaTemple vnro any creature, how is A th•n4/iut Drvirginit.B4{illq•~flfufius rxplic. not hethetrueGod, vnrowhomew•ebUilJ q•<f/.37• Him mr, A J Euftoch.dr•bit.Panl<, no temple, but areour felueuhe templevn11nd Hu ... ~o eico SanEloT' f;uul. ecclf/i. cap. to him 1 And here, as alfo often elfewhcre, tertio,etd<rcclr.offic.lib.:.cap.primo& 9.Thefe Auguf/inr proouerh rht holy Gholl to bee theCh01chof Rome doth not now follow, \ GoJ,becaufchehath a temple. VVhich arfor three dales before Ealler the priells doe gument both Bajill, Epi/lola 141. and Am· C Gng the night feruice and laudes ar cumbro{e DtSpirituSAnCiojibrotemo,rap.iJ.doe fong:and all the three nocturnes are [ungtov[e. gether by the whole qllire. - 3 The ancient confecration of the chur- ,. ches waswith meere words and·prayers, not with croffing,or fuch ltke rires.And dedicati· lntercesjion,inuocarion,anJ onofchurchesbegan aboutrhe 3oo. yeare afterChrifl. 'Wor/hip of Saints. 4 The Fathers ofrhe6rll :oo. yeares,neucrtalke ofadorning churches, but about r vNrill:oo. yearesafierChrill,the (on/l4ntincorrime rhis crrour ~ot route, andfo cullome beating (way , the Fathers began to inrcrcellion ofthe dead,andtherelookefororoaments for rhe church. Then upon their inuoca.tion, was neuer heard ofin 6rfl ofall, faithOtho Frifing.Mro qNarto,C4pi" t)le Church ofGod. Let any manglue an inUrtio,(in Con{t4.. tjnfl time) were publike E~ £lanceto rhecontrarie. dich giuen our for buildingofchurchcs, rliAr z Alrerwards,Or~m forone, and others, is,more Oarely rpornes. or temples; for be- D with h•m fell to difpute of the ioterccffion of fore they vfed holy houfes to prayin. the Saints for vs: butvery doubtfulland inconfraot was their doctrine hereof vnrill I [anonicall houres. foure hundredyeareswere expired. VVhe. ther the Samts (f• : . inepift•• J Rom.)thatarc with God doeanythingforvs, and labour---, let this alfobe reckned THe Fathers obferued houres both diarnongClthe fccretand hidden my£leries of uerlly and freely:but that all fhould bee God,which may not bee committed to "'fi· boundvnto thefame&tofo many houres,is uog.And againe, Homily 3· in Cantic. fpeaatyrannical! fuperllition. AndWalfr•dwofkingof thefepraycrs, he faith, thou;;hnot . rentime~ repeareth tbaritwasa longtime af. peremptorily, As forrho[e holy men which ter the Apofilcsthat thefe houres were infli· are departed out of thisworld, reraining as uted and ordained. VVe mull know(fa~th vet their loue to thofe remaining here behe,'D<reb.rccl.cap. :$.)that there patTed mahind,itfhall notbeami!fe tothmkeof them, ny ages after the reuelation of theGofpell, thatthey hau.. care oftheirwelfare, &chat I before thefe houres were ordamed to be the they helpethem with their prayerS. If thou l folcmnitics ofcertaine houres in the day and haueany care,(or vnder(hmdang)),0-o~) ofour now. And rhr pllrer pr1mi~ labours, faith N 4d4n.ttnf vnto Go"g8d:u foule,