Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

7 h3Vemonjlration of the Probleme. foulc, in OratJo, d~ lrJUdibr.u qorgonkt. ifit bee A And in the fame manner it may bee conclugranted \'nto the diuine·foules to know and ded thatfo they heldLim6m Patmm,lnuocaperc<iuethmgs done here below, then retionofSaints,andtbesla!Teof the Trinitie. cetue rl10u ruy prayer: And in his F.rll oratt4 Intcrce!Tion ofSaints, whereoftheFaon again9: luban,hc faith, Hcare alfc 0 thou ~hers for many ages doe commonly fpeakc, foule of Great Conf/antim, ifthou haue any ts agenerall intcrccmon forthe Church, not fenfe,pcrceiuance,or•vndcrilanding(rhl'tt~.e>.. for thisor thatparticularman:and this inter~ •><]. And in his oration vponBafi/1, he like· cemon our Church doth very wilhngly acwife faith, that Bafills(()ulc is in heauen and knowledge. As for that particular intcrcellitbereoffereth facrificeas I iuppofe: (Ji;;,.,J. on ofparticularSaints,for particular men, it And in his Epitaphvpon his father,hc fatth; was not fo foone belceucd,• bur was 6rfl of all He dothnow more good with his intcrcc!Ttdrawne our ofdreamc', and nflcd our of rcon,thcnbe did in all hisltfewith his doctrine, uelatiom. EuftbiUJin hishiOorie,/ibrofc.wo, as I doe pcrfwademy fclfe, And by and by he cap,4,tellerh;rhar Potamicna (asfrwasreporadderh: Ifir benorroo bold apart rofpeakc tcd)thrccdaicsaftcr her martyrdome appeathus. SoHierome inNepotiflnm his Epitaph. red toBa(rlidu inthcnight,fctting a ~rowne WhatfoeucrI fay(quoth he) feemeth mute, B vpon his head,and tefling him that ftJe~praibecaufe lie hearcrh not: and yet alittlearrcr cd vnto theLord for hint. And one Apollo in he faith, th>t he is among(\ the quires ofAna reuclationfawoneo~htsdead brethren magclls. S~Augufiint in his bookeof the care kmginterce!Tton for bftl\:thi!isreforded by for the dead, c11p. 16.leaues it vndcrermincd Ptl114dftu,m F1,/for.P4trHm.c•;~~ • whether the dead marryrs do helpe vs or no, 5 TheFathers !each that the Soints doe andaddeth thatthefethings pa!Teourvndermake ir.tcrceffion for vs not onc/y openly; aanding. Andc•p.• s.hcprooueth by Scrip· by prayer, but alfo my(!ica]ly, nanlcl):' ,by tme,and namely out of E(4J the 63.16. that meriting.The merits ofthe n10th~r;fafrh Anthe Saints know notwbatisdonehcrCbdow. (elm~ l:bro Def:~ceNentla Mari.i,doc make inAnd in his comrnentvpa;n the I OR. Pfalm~, terceffion-to obtainc her audience: Th'at he dares not grauntthat the dead doe kt10\V which we tannot bring,to palfe by ourowrle the paines and plcafures which •happen vnt<> power;faith luo,tpijf. 1r9. we hcare may bee theirfricnds.'l'hcfoulesofthedcad,[aiththe ; obrained bv the merirsoftl)t blctfed nntt author of the booko J, Spirilu &- 'Ani•.-, ' . ferpetuall Virgin. Beleeue(faith BtrnoAllgi– which is among Auguflinesworkes. cap. 2.9.' fH/is,S.erm,fecrmdodeS, Marco) rhatwharfoc· arc in a place where they neither hcarc nor ·C .uer you pray for by Saint Mark,es merits, [ec the things which doe here happen vnro lyij!f!hall obtaine it: So the authorofthe epimeninrhislife.Yettheyhaueacareofrhofc . 1 llle vnto PaN/a And EtiflocbiHm ;, H1eromes thatliue on earth, though they know norat workes of the alfumption of M•rie, faith :1!1 \\.}Ut they doe; cucn as wee haue a care rhm ofMarit: Let her commend vs \Virh her ouer rhc Qead, though not knowing what mcrits,andaid, and affiU \'S withHer prayerS', tfiey doe, Although the Saints doe pray for that wee alfo may bee found worthy in lm vs(asrhc Apo[\lcs did for her, meaning the commendations. The Saints ([airh the Mawoman of Chanaan) yet O~all \VC be fooner fler ofthe fentences,b6roqnarto,dsflinfli"45. heard when we pray.for our fclucs;faithThto- · liter:G.)doc make ivrerccffion forvs,both in phi/aft,!, Matthew,cap. I;. rhcir merits and in thciraffedions. Yea the '::: Bcfides, thcauocicntwriten doccom- ~F:~rhersfometimes giue but too much nlto monly aflirme thatthcfoulcs ofthe faithfull theInterceflion ofthcSaints, So faith s'"'· arc referued in fccrct habitacles 1 outofhearm Sulpitiuso( Saint M~trlin~ rpiftolafectmdt~, ucn) not cnioying the fight of God, vnrill· that that was hisonely and his lafl hope,that thelaflmdgcmcnt. So holdcth lreneusli6ro what he could nor pollibly obtainc by himquinto,infinc,luf/int M•rt;rqu<fl. qu-fl. D felfe he thould merit and deferue it byMar76,0ri•enhomtl.{eptem,in Leuit, er!tb. z. ptri tins interceflion.VVc trufi andbeleeuc(faith 4 rch.Chr,foflomfhemil. 1. Cor.and Leo,Serm.I,innatlti.Petr.&p,m/.)-that ro Hcbr, Tlmdoret in Hi6r. 11. Theoph;laU, In obtaine Gods mercy, we mufl haue continuHtbr.u.Euth;mitu,lnL•c.capitt 16. and ZJ. all aide and a!Ttflancc by the prayers ofour AreiM,fnApoclll.capite6. Yifler, In Apocal.ibi· efpeciallpatrons , thath,ow wuch our owne d~m. Laanntius.bbro,7. capiu 1.1. Hilary~ In finncs doe weigh vs downc, [o much rhe A· Pf•lm.• 3S.Prudentius, HJm•. da:<<qui. difimpoflles merits may lifr and raifcvs vpagaine. Uor.Ambrofcdt C•inlibro(tcundo,cap. :. er dt I rrufl(faith Prof}er,M, "Dtpr<miJI. er pr<dibO'MmfJrtU.Augt~Jlin,R etrA£1,bbroprimo,c~tpire Eli~e.Dri)to be purciyclean(cdfr~m aHmy 14- Epijlo. Fortunatian, Encbirid,c•p. 1o8, finnes by the prayers of the.Saints· So CjredeG(nr/iadliteram,ltbro I z. cttpite zs.deciHit, gorieofTcrwin.Lib.quart. 'l•ittt Stmlli!W_Arlini Dcilibro duodccim,cap.nono.& in Pjai.36.And tnPro/rHJ, foairh, that the Saints by rhe1r mterBcrnard-a!(o, Scr. dcomnibm SanEl,ttrtio, & c~ffion°doe procure the cucrJaHing punHhScrmqrumo. Here it mull needes follow that ments to beextinguifhcd, and the languorof the Fathers etthcr doubted of theinrcrce!Ttouroffcncesrobc cured. And in the Fathers onofSaints or eh c~~tr~Gictcd rhcmfel~-~--we ll1alJ fin~c rhc Saints C'Ur immediatcin· - t~rcttfouu