Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

1 'The 'Demonjlration rf the PN61eme. 5t17 '------------~~~~~~~----~ /rercclfGurs with God. For fo A drian the firtl, A ther vfe nor defend this inuocarion, but raj Epif/.•d ConJr••'·'' /renm,fairh,rharrbc !mather difallowerh ir. As for example, in his l ges ofthe Saintsarcro bee worfh•pped, beHomily,D<prof<CiuEu•ngtl~: But thou ncccaufc it is cerramc, rharrhey are the(cruanu dell notany patrone before God (faithbe) ofGod, anddoeconunually offer v:pthm norwithlongdi(cour(eto curry fauourwitb prayers and interccffion vmo the Deltic for others: butthough thou doll comealone, vs,rhar doe honour them here below. with<lut eucr a patron, and offer thy prayers 6 There can bee no Inuccaiion of the vmoGodbythyf<lfe, yetfhaltthouobtainc Jead prooucd to haue beenc in rhe Church thy pctition:for God doth not confcntvnto from C brill vnto 3so.yeares after. For in all ourrequc!lfo eaG!y,whcn others pray for vs, theVVorkes ofth·e Fathers that wrote withas when we pray for our fdues, though webe in this linmc, no man is able to fhew anyone full fraught with manifold euils. Let notour fit and plaine commaundcment or precept, rcligion(faith Aug•f/iO<, 'De vrraRdigi•n< nor any fincerc e<ample for inuocation of capi<.H.)be to wor01ipthc dead: weearc to Saints_ honourthcm for imitation fake, but notro 7 This lnuocation beganne fir(! to bee B wotfhip them for religion (akc.And Duiuir. broughtintovfcin the Carhol1ke Church, Dtill6,zz.«p.lo, he faith, VVc doe r.ot abouttheyeareofGracCJ8o. ariGngourof build temples vnto our' Martyrs, as vnto acu(\ome ofthcvulgarfort, •nd fome mens Gods, but we fctvpmemorialsforthem, as priuatc deuotions. For the Fathersofthefe for men departed, whofe [oules doe !me in times doetel,how theSainr•wcrc inuocated, re!l with God. Nor doe we fervpany altars but doe not reach rhat they are to bcinuoca~ cofacrifice vnco them, butwe otfer our (acri~ red. Nay in their more ferious difpmarions 6cevnto one onely God, both thcir&ours. and Sermonstheydoe reprehend the muoAt which facrifice theyare named in their carion ofrhe Saints. Allyour vowes,all pray. ordcr,as men ofGod, who haue conquered ers,allintcrpellarions, andall·ourrhankefgithe \I'Orld by confdlingofhim, butthey arc uing•(faithOrigma;;ainfl (elfm, libroq•inro) not inuocared of the Priefl that facrificeth. arc to be dadicated vnto God the Lord ofall Deciuitat•dei /ib,8_c.<p.•7· Thofe thatdefcn· tbings by and through that high Priefl,grea. ded the law, faithTheodom Jnc.p. :. nd Coterthcn aliAngells, the liuing VVord, and /off. drew on the people vnto the worfhip of God.And againe:This will re!lraine all men C Ange!I. alfo;faying thatthe!aw wasgiuen by from offering or daring to offer any prayers them. And this vice remained very long in vnto any pcr(on, but onely vnro the Lord Phrygia& Pifdia. VVhuefore the Synode God, who onely is alJ.fuflicienl vnto all, which mmeatLaodicea, the Metropolitan through the Sauiom the SonneofGod. So cilie ofPhrygia, did by a decree prohibite Ath4nafimagainfl the A!rians,Sermom:tertio, aJJ men from praying Vnto AngeJJs:And vn· prouerh Chrifl le(usro be God,becaufe he is to this day there are oratories of Saint M•· calledvpon, for acrearureoughtnotto bee chaeUto befcene among!l them and in their wor01ipped.And fo Epsphanim,H<r<ft 79. giborders. And hereunto they did aduife men uc1h a venerable refpctl vnto Marie, but de. out oftheir(e>:ceeding)humilitie,alleadging nyeth her both adoration and inuocation. thatthe God of all things is both inuiwble And Ambro(< Jn(ommmtar. in Roman. prim. and incomprebenfible, and that none can plainly af!irmetl1, that bee thinketh them come vnto him,and therefore that they mufl loolcs, that doeadoreand worfhip their felv(erhc helpe of the Angelkro obtaine the low.fcruant•.And B•fil, in Pfalm.[, fauour ofGod by the.m. So·At~guflin< Con. A! it ismecte aad fit wee fhould worfhipnofeffi•nii lib. 10, cap. 4>. (peaking vnro God, tbing but God,fo ought we notto fallen our D failh: VVhomc fl•all I findc tbatcan reconhopesvponanybutvponGod. As for HiecilcmevntomyGodr lhalllmakemeancs "'"', hee doth no1fo much as in one place vnto theAngellsl bywhat prayer,or what.fa. hclpe to build vp this inuocation of Saints, crament• 1 Lookealfoin the fame Father in bur rather thecontrarie. For writing again(! his booke'D<moribus <ccl<fi.cap.34. Y.gtlanrius,jn Epif/ola adRiparium, he plainly 8 Tbeinuocation which wasvfed Yl thefe auerrcth: VVedoenotworfhipnoradore,I timeo, wao properly a Dialogue orconfedoc not (ay,the Rcliques of theMartyrs but rcncc, as with thofe that were prefent; now "either the Sunnc, nor the Moone, no nor they werepre(ent,eirherby arhetoricall fil'li· the Ange11s,~lef! wee n,ouldbeerhought on(as whofhould fay! willconceiuefudun to fcrue the creature rather then the Creaoneto be prefcnt) or in opinion and conceit, ror. VVencither~flirme(faitht}ri/, Contra forthenit was commonly held that 1hcmar· lulsa>J.li6ro 6.)thatthe MarryuarcGods,neiryrsfoulcswerealwaies prefent ar theplaces thcr hauc weaccu(\omed our felues to adore of their Martyrdome, and fome belceued them. AndThefaur,li6.fec•na•,capiteprimo, thcln tobeeuery where, Jprooueborh thefe There is no man that knoweth not that conditions thus:B.,ftll,andNa<.ian<.enr(asal- 'heScripruros denie ~domion vnto eucry footherFathers(hauing occafion giuenthc created naiUre;and allo••,chat to God onefy. m thm Pancgyncall orations, did·in their C!!:_7fofl•m• in his true writings, doth neiconcluGons (not inuocatc their friends dep·a~l . ,