7he Vemon/lration of tbe Trobleme. - . I parred,bur)as otaroursvfc tu cl.oc;fpcakcvn- i A pofc,orvnder Gods altar, and rhat they ea~ to them bya figure c>llcd .Pro(o/"'pJ'i• (afai-·1 not bee prefcnt attheir rombcs, and where ningof a prrfon where nonersJ~s though themfelues pleafc: and hec anfwcreth him they were prcfcnt; and make (omc wiflies,l thus: IftheLambe bee eucry where, then bur no praycro;vmo rhem: as when we: Eng· thofc'rhat are with the Lambe mull be bclce. ltlhmeo playmg ar bowlcs, doe in our play. ucd to be euery where. And (ecingthc diuels bid one bowlcrunnc, or rubbe,-&c~ Sofpcaandcudlfpirits do wander all ouer chcworld, kerb J.V4~t:frtt( n vnro the PJ.lfcouer. 0 great :md through their roo grcatcdcritie are cueand holy Patfeoutr, expiation oreIcanCer of ry where prcfcnt, is it like that the Martyrs the whole woriJ, tar I ralkcwirh rhce as with after the fl1cdding of their.blood fl10uld bee a liumgcrcarurc, &c. Aod Jnuelf~ t ~-m !ttlia. 1 '11JUt vp in their coffins.~and not be able toget num, Hcarc 0 rhou (oulcof Great Co11fttJYJ~ our thereof? So Mft>.:immTtmrir.m(is In natal. tin~, or rather Crmftantirt-$.for Coil{ftmtine died Mnrt)r.TallricorumCaith; AIJ rhe Saims arc when btltnnwasaboutrbrceyear::s bld,lacoeuery \\'here, and affi!l all men--and are bi Billnu mmor.z.. ii1htmc Or4t, I fthou hauc aalwatcs wtth vs, and ll:ay (bllwirh vs:thar is, ny G:.nfe: and alitr{c<a(rcr; What 1s thts, 0 B do~ bothkccpc and defend vs whilewe arc in thou moll diuine Empcrour? For lam forour bodies, and alfo docrccciue :~nd enterced to c~pollulatc\tith him, as 1fJ1ec were tainevs when welcaoe our bodies. And the here rrefcnr, and beard me, though indecdc IJkcfayiog hath s~uermSl!lpuiuJ ofS. Mc.rhc be with Gad.And in his fccond lnueCliue tin ,p•fl.z.!-Ie isprcfent(faith he) with all that hocalleth vnto l:~b"" beeing dead and damtalkeofhim, and Uaodeth by them all. But ned in hell. And after this manner Dio"}ftm that this is very boldly aflirmod, and weakly Areopagit4 Hierarcb,ccc!r,cap.3.part. 5.or tbcl concluded, who feerh not l Though for exauthot of that workevndcr hiS name, lmh a cu(cC.1ke womay fay that thcfe Writers vfcd rhccoricall cxclamltlon vntQ Chnfl bccing v6iq; f..'>r PajJim.orvbill6ct, l repre[entcd in•the bread. AndY,flor in hi": 9 The Fathers in their praiers and combooke of the Pand,dt pc,fccmion fpeaketh munionaccuflomcd to recite the names of voto the Patriarches, Prophets, and Apathe Mwyrs and otherSaints, defirioo God {i!cs: And 1-Jierom!lll his epitaph of P.-mla withall togrant them rhis or rhat by rheir in- , f.1ith: Farewell&P.mla, aod by thy prayers treaties or intercel1ions. When we offer this hdp.cthc dccrepirc a;;eofbim that dot!) ho- C facrificc (faith Cyri/, Cat<ebi(. ; .) wee make oour thee: In which words therci!tno inuomcmionofthem th~tare departed before vs, carjon,but anapojbphewhcrcby hefpcaketh that God may rcceme our prayers by rhcir \·nto hcrbceingdcad, as though (hee were intercellion.Therefore at rhe Connnu.nion, prefent w!rh him-And the fame Father in Hifaith At~gt~/fine in lotf11,traU. R4. we mention \/am~JIJfc,faJthchusof Con(lanttf4: Shec ~9as not them aswecdoe~thc others that reflin ~·onrrowatch wholemghts 10 hiS fcpulcher, pcace,orthat we fl10uld pray for them, but and fpeakerv lum a!If hccwere prelent, to wherthatthcymay pray for vs. And fuch ,jfurthcr her pratcrs.AndN11Jenm Jtkewtfc,O- :~rethecommemorationsofrheSainrs in the/ ·,ratro~t,tnS.Th~odorum. Thoferhatbehold-, Lirurgicsrh·atare named after lames. B4[i!, faah he, doe embrace-as though the boChrJf•Pome,orthatoftheChurchofRomc. dJewerelmJJlgaod f\ourtflung,vliogtheeyes, Butthefepublikcprayers, (•s alfo maoyocares,mouth) & mOrumcntsoi all rhe fenCes: rher priuareones) were bur ccrtJincvowcs And then polvring out the tcarcsoflcuc and I and dclires that the pray.ers which they beduty \'ntP the M~rtyr, as though he were lilceued the Salots did offer for the whole . ujngand prcfent, they otien<p their humble Church,might bee beneficialh•ototham bepraycrsvnto him, ro bee anmtercctTourfor D fore God, as Geor$'t CafJmtder did very weJI rhem, inrreatin.g himos a[ouldiour of God ob(eruc.Such alfo IS thevow of Prudemim in and calling vpon him as one that obtaincth lib.mp1 •1~.t,~,in f!.nt hJmni Jo. concerning the when he plcafeth. So Chry(of/ome,Orat.in BapuniOJment of Romamu the Martyr. by/am, Ifany mao,faithhc, doe but (land by thcfcfcpulchero,--the very !ighto! the coflin muadmg hil(oule, doth· pcnetrare it, and Oirreth ir vp, moouiogthcrc in(uch an ' affeCl,that hC"dcemeth them th~t lie therein hurled to be vtfiblyprcfcnt with him, & offe– ring their prayC"rs together wirh him. Now chat it was cornmonly belccucd_that' the Marryrs' foulcs were Oill prcfcot at their fe, pulcbers>orwhcre they woUld, HitrDmurc-~ 1 prehenGon of v~~ilantit<J (who denied this) I dotb plamly rc!hfie.ThouJ3ithHi~rmu con.lol rra Plgilanr,G·ap,2,docUaffirmcthat thcfouJc:sl· of the Ap,olllcs aod Martyrs arc placed ei– ther mA6rahamrbo[ome,orthe pL1cc of re. PPould I might chance •mongjl the qoaw to f/and, Andbtdifmn•db;a/1 oo the right hand. A~dtbot 4t' hit i;Jiret~t4 thr k..i~t. fhould /"). !J • Romanusk,.ne~f,s;hring mr;bat Kiddt arM;: , , •.:. Be h,al•mb,, and clo•thed with my JJ!IOfl, f:;~C. 10 TheFathers,efpccially rhofeafterrhe 400. ycarcs, hauccrredin 'the Inuooition of Saints, yea areguilry euenoffacnJcdge, for --- ____ tf::r . '