l CJ'he 'Demonflration of the Probleme. 529 rheydoe[omerimesputtheirfairh,hope,and A htmldfewhich is better rhenall rhe(e, wtth trull in them. So erred P•r~lin:u [peaking vn· thetr pure hearta. to Fa:lix lnn•t•l·J· l r. The vfe ofinuocarion which in el· Obtai.-that GodwoHldpardon v,.urJinnt BJ thJjuUr"J"' .ndmeritr.-- And againe,IuntZl4/i (j. LiftifiJ hi&(iHit lohMHen,andcomforted Wtth faith,hehoptt he bath alrtadJ JPtd, Andro Saiflt Fa:ltxcourts with hAj/ u cArried. And alittle afrer: The (jod h~t/J madt for weAriedfoultt~ r.jl: E;a[efor thegrieu•J,and(alutfor b<artl•p· pr.jl. And in another place,lnnatali8. Let 't'J vz;to thu patron: ha~, 'Togethtrroith hope vnittd r.;;. --Wtpray thuFa:lixbe Or~r right hand jliO,andtorotrof{AjttJ. And Co faith Fmunatur ofMorti•, in his life,lib.:, ReHtrmd,whomt Iwith heArtandvoice ~tdn-e, Hdpe mepoore wTttch,it'l mercit Iim~ plort. And prcfently after: 0 6/ef[td nm/Jatour be Belwttnem] greeu:d Lordandme. And[oLeo,Ser,t.Jen•t.Pttr. & Part!, c. 7· fairh,rhat look how much our own finnesdo call vs downe, fo much the Apollles merirs do ralfc VS V' P· AndGrcgor.Hom.3z.inEn~~ng. Make rhefe the protetlours of you in your guilt, faith hee,b6ro r:.epif/.1. tz. \Neho,pe der ttmcs had beene bur prtuate meus cu– fiorne,about rhc sooyearebegan to become publrke: For then begunne PetrmGnaph<us ro lhufllle the inuocauon of Saints,amongll the prayers of the Church: for it is called hi• inuenrion tqname thevirginMar7,and ro m· uocate her diuinenamein euery praycr,Ni~ aph. libro t;. c•pite 8. And about rhe6oo. ycare, (jrrgorie tbe great commaunded aLi· rany to be. publrkely fung, wherein all rhe Saints were muocated. So that the comme– moration of the Sainr.s was at that time tur– ned mro inuocation. B u Thiaopinion oflnuocati<.nofSainrs had a large part ofthe originalfrom dreams, vrlions,doubrful and vncerraine reuelauons, ycaand~ra1 moll of all confirmed by fuch meanes. Irfellour, CaichSigonius,Derrg. J. t•l.libro t. rhac which way foeucr rhelmage (of rhe VirginA<f<ry) was carried, rhe mer– rail pdhlence of rhe ayre dtd deparr,&good healr·h followed, for which bid!ing all men giuing thankes, an Angell was heard our of heaucn,fpeakiog vmo the bJclf<?d V.,.itgm, 10 chefewords :Reroyce 0 Qo!eene of hcauen, aNtluiah. becaufe hec whome rhou defcrucd ll ro b~are, JJ0rluiah •. i!l rifcn agame according to hts word, Aiiflutah: which fpeech, when Grtgarit heard, beeingforthwrrh infpircd by m rhe vertueof Almighty God, and of p,. ter the prince of rhe Apol!Jes. So Ephrem, FHlg~ntius,and 7Jami.-nus doe all exceede all rneone in rheprarfes of the blelfed Virgin. Heeharh magm6ed thee(faithD•mianff4,dt natiu. MarU. s~rmol.)rhatis mightie, and vnto thee is giuen all power.in heauen and earth, and nothing is irnpoffiblc vnto thee to whome iris pollible to clcuatc thofe thar arcdefpcrate,vnto hope ofbleiTcdoclfe. For how can that power hinder tloy p01ver,which tooke fle01 of thy Helh I For rhou commell vnro rhat Golden alrar of mans reconciliari- D on,notoncly ask1ng,but euencommanding; nor as aferuanr,butas a Lady, and millrelfe. And Comerime they lltcke not to fay, thar they doe know all thingo: as Paulinut, na– ta/.6. C rheholyGboll,heethusconcludedir: pray (orvsvntoGod,aUt!Hi4h,adann.;91 . So cne Conrad1n aGcrmane,penitent for his linnes, comming vnto Rome, Hildebrand rhcn Pope,commaundcdhim to wear(! a coareof m·aylcin l!ead ofhis lhirr,and fa(!enedir wirh 6ue chaines, giuiugbimfealed letters, con· tainingthe catalogue of hisfinnes,and com– maundrnghim to goevtfit all the holyplaces of theearrb, ro rrie tf beecould obraine any pardon or remil1ion for hisfinnes. ---VVhen bee had conrinued in prayer from the fir(! houre ofrbe day vntill rhe ninth, (at Sainr Sttum rhe kingsrombe in Hungarie) falling mroa dead fleepe beforerhealrar, the holy king appearerh vnro him. Arife my friend (quorhhee) thou lhalr obtaine no pardon of Godbyany merits or hdpeofmine,but goe vnto myfonne Cmeri~es tombe,which is here hard by,and hee by his virginity barb defer– ued chiefe fauour wirb God. Hee a10akrng out of his dreame, inuocarerh rhe name of that Saint,&fwrfrer rhen thoughr,his chains Th•u k._nowtj/tbtirman{ions th•t inChrifl hi< wherewith heewas bound,burll all in pccces, light his letters opened of rhemfelucs (rhe (eale See(lall,thou•h hidd•andah[mt frgmth] heeingbroken vp)wherein chere was nor one (igbt. 6 linne;nonoroocletterrobee read or feene. Andinth'•l-k.nowing G•d,k.?J•r>'}/euery thing And from char time forward, rhat chappcll aright. ... · was had in iUch reuerenc~ rhar men came vnto it from the farthcfi countries, Bv11{tnius, So hkewife holderhProJPtrdevita contempt. /ib.t.decad.z. libro 1,capitt4. Nofecret (faithhe) lhall bee 13 The power o( Cr!!Jo!lizing was neuer h_i_dd_e_f_ro_n_,_th_c_,p_c_rf_e_Cl:..:.,_w_h_o_a_re_ro_C._e_e_G_o_d___ he_a_rd_o_f ,_,i_ri_H:.;.hc:c•..:F.::;atbers,vnrill 1 he yer e 88o Yy and