The 'DemonflrattOn of the Probleme. •nd tht:n.Adn:m took vp this aurhonry.And· A Alt.1.'4nder rhc third aher h1m confirmed it aftirmes, rhat Thom44 neucr read that coun• cell of Nice. 111 h1s dccrel!:t,cAp.t.E.wra.deuliquiU Sanllo– rum. 14 The di(\indion of religious worOtip into'Duba(fatnt•»Otilllp)and Latria,(God· worfhip) thcApolllesneuerknew, nor rhe G;eeke Fathers, nor the L~tmesforatleatl 400 yeor« after Cht~CI. For the Scriptures to diUers places afcribcrh Ltttri4 (in the greek tranOarion) vmomcn:DtHt.28.48.L:"uu.z.3· 8.and 1n other p1acc~ Duli~ is attr1bured vnro God,Rom.16.18. SOAugu/}ii1e granteth L.1 l tritJ ~nto men,deoc~•tt. Dd,b_b. 10. cttp.l. and denteth them rcl1grous D~t!IA, de vera rtb, c. ·55· VVeehor.orrheSaints (f~ith he) ~<ith charicy,norwirhteruice, tharisD:dia. And hercobtC:roe fidl, chat Aug~tfline denies Dn– liavnro Saints. Andq••fi. 94'"Exod.heegi– ueth both Latria &<JJali4vntoGod, lt:Jt,·ia asto God, Dultaasto the Lord. Secondly, by La:riaand Dul>a he dHiinguiOteth rcligi· ous wor01ip from c:tUill: d~CJHit.Drr.,hb,l o.c. r.0-4. Thirdly,Latriaisalwa~esvfedm the Scriprures forfcruicc,as hcaffirme:th, much lelfc dtat it 010uld bee any thing mere then Duba,duiuit.D(i.l.s.c.l$.& 1.6. c.J. & l.7.c. 3z.&t. Jo.c,i.&4.lndecd DHii4p~liricA,that is,fenucc vfcd in a ciuaUClate,wat alwaics re· cemed,and[o oughtto be !Iill by al men,Ga· lar,s.13. Butthat Dubawhich is highertheu CILilll worlhip, was nor giuen to men for 400 yearcs after Chrtft. And no wonder:for l11J.J"~ '"iscommonly agrcaterrhing, and v(ed for fcruJtude without any wages, becaufe herhat ferucrhis in anothcrs power. ButSHidM faith :-..... ·,litt.d:U..I/~1 rn:~l j..,j w;t~': that rhe word L4trin 1ignifieth aferu1cefor h;;re. Hereupon P(r~fim detrad. P·"'· l.confid. ] .di(prooueth the name DHiuz beingtaken for fainr.worfhip,be– caufc be will haue" siuen vnto God,not vnro men, as they are Gods feroanrs : vnle!fe you take the name of feruice metaphorical· ly,andnot properJy. SoLa~trc~tceJiaUa, and L?drvickePIH(J,in AHJ, NJ1,duiu. D(i, !i/1ro J o. capite x.doe both take Latria and DHiiA for o~e thing,and in oneCeit[e. Wherefore this diClindion was inuented by men of the la• 1 rer ages;whacb indeedc BtU•rmitu doth ac~ knmdedge. How bee it, it is in s~ae vpon t..k•,i• cap.4. and in umb.rd, and all his fol· lowers,inSmrent.lib. 3.dif/.9· 15 That Chri(\s Image is to beworfi1ip· ped with L.rria, is denred by many. As by Hrwwu, f2!!_odlib" · J.q. <S. (who (a!th it ruuCl be wor01ipped but withh]perdu/14) Albmm t1·114gntu)nM~ria!.c~tp. 81. Fra11c~ M~ira,m J.fmt. d•fiin/J, 9· Gabrir/,lr/J. 49· inCanonm;, and Perr{tttJ10 his bookc d~ tr~tditietuhHJp11rt. 3. The (ccond Nicene Councdl,A/Jion.:.& 3· giuerh~·orfhlfl vnro Images, butdcnieth them LatrM: and this L.~triAwas not g,iuen vnro Chrtfh Image for 1000. yeares after him. ThisdothC41h"'i"'"fredyconfetfc in h1s hoC'ke d~ lmllf!,i1·mm cultu, whcre~lfo hee 1<S The Gla!Te (or!de.) of theTrinitic wherein rhe Sainto are faid to fee our prayers, as a meere fidion, vnknownc vnro rhe Fa. then for th•fpaeeofmany·agesafter Chriil. A~tguf/inr in his booke of the care for the dcact,c.p.13.aflirmeth;thatrhe (oul<oof the · dcpartod neuerknow whanve doe here vpon carrh,anddoth bringfor proofe thereofthat ofE'f•J the 63.16. Ahrabambath not known vs; and that of theKmgs: z. ICing.::. I will gatherrhee to thy Fathers,-- that thine eye fee nor the ddlrudwn wh1cb I will bring vpon this place. And the Fothers ofthe fir!! foure ages after Chn(l, did commonly af. B firmc,thar theSaims were prefem with rhofe that called vpon them, and thereforeheard th_em: yet was nor dlli opimon ;pprooued ot ;ll theLuer \Hiters, for(ome of them doe deny, that the foule•of the godly doeknow ourprayersin the word, or diuine elfeoce,as D•r.ndmd>f/inll. J9.q•41.J.SOio.bsd.qH4l.J. art,3.con.8. & CaiuJjn(,/nThom:t 3·!Art.q:u,jl. ro•.rt.z,but onely in theirproper kinde by parrtcular r~uelations. 17 The wor!hippe giuenvnto the Saints whereof theFathcncommonly fpcakc, wa3 aworfhippc of loue, fociery, veneration, and honourmgofthem,in imirarion,grarulation, ellecme, ptaJ[e, and holy remembrance of them, belonging vnto the f<condtable: and C nN any religiousworfhip or adorarion; be– caufe that at firCl th<y were not worfl>ipped with Churches,oblations, nor appointed (er· uice, as rhey wc:re afterwards, and are ac this day in the Church of Rome. Thi• doth A•· t"fiinerefiifie in three (eueral! place•, vi'<'. In Pjal.88.D~ ci#it.D~i l.8.cap.17.Contr~:. F.-tdf. libro zo.capju 4· & ZJ.and Et~/(biuJ l1kcwife aflirmeSit,Hij/.libr.4.<•pitr 1;. AndAf,x. ander Alrs,q.9>, that God alone is fimply to be called vpon, and the Sarnrs are rather of rhenumber of tbofe that pray continually, then of him that is prayedvnto: and this drd CaJJanJer very we) obfcruein him, Jn,on(ultAtlme fnptrart. con~ troutr.artic.z 1. D 18 Thevoweswhiehnowadaiesaremade vnto the Saints, were altogether vnknowne ull L•mbard his time: for bee doth define a vowe,drf/.38./lt.A. to beaeertaine tdlilying ofa voluntary promJ(e which oughr prl!p<r· Jy to bee made concerning God, and the things that belongvnroGod. Prayers for the dead. 1 BEfore 17o.yearsafter Chrifi therewere no memorres ofMartyrs kept in Chur· ches: nor any praiers, otfcrings,or facriticcs for rhe dcad,vntilJ zoo.ycarsafterrbc paffo. Tbe ..