'The 'Demonjiration of th-;Prt~6!eme. The firCl mention of them is inTertufliAn, & A' benefit the dead, although they doe not take theyhad their beoinnin• from tradition, as away the guilt of the wholefault,Dam-fcme, heaffirmeth in tli~bo,)k~de coron. mJ!itum, c. OrAr,Jeftadibm difHnfl. bring,·th in certainc l· Ofthefeand othcrorders(faith he)ifyou examples, to prooue thattheprayersof the require thereafons, you llull findeno Scripfa11hfull doe in fome part hclpc the vnfaithture for rhcrn,cradirion will be pretended for full,and fuch as are damned vuro eucrlafling thcincreafcr,cuflomcfortheconfirmer,and torments. Andyet in the fame place, [peafaith for tbe keeper hereof. kingof the opinion whetherthefonlesolrhe : The Fathersofthe firfl4oo yeares were Chrillians m•y by almef-dcedes bee relcafcJ ofoplnion,that we mufl pray fora! the dead, of their paincs, asalfothc frwng of rhevncuen for the faithlcffe &the damned: yet arc godly our of hell,hcfairh lObus :But we define they vncerraine whether rhe.dead may hec or determine nothing, otlty we reafon of it helped anything by our prayers and atonesin brotherly louc: and alitdeafrer: Then is deedcs, or no: and ifinanyplace they fer there no rime to(cekehclpe: foreueryman downe any ccrtenty hereof, yet not in that fl•all bearehismvue burrhen: but now is the fenfe rhe Papills now doe holdeit. B 11mcof ayde,now is rherimeof intrcaty,now TheSacrifices (faith AugHflir.,, Enchir.c. is rhctimeof reconciliation. 11 o.) either of the Alrar,or of almeC-deeds, A•gu{li.-,d.cm·apro""''·c. ;.is vncettaine arcpropitiations forthe dead whichwere not whettier prayers for the dead areofany ellivery w1ckcd: and for the very wicked, they cacy or no: andifheebeleeued that his foule are means(fairhhe doubtfully)rou,ukethcir was helped by the Marryis merits, rhis bedamnation the more tolerable. lecfe wasakinde offupplicarior., and helped And fa holdeth Prudent;u, M. Cathemrrin~~~n,i" h]mno s.tUiincenfumcerctpa(ch. Teare/y tbat nighr,whertinour lArdara(e From the Acherontik.! lak._e,the cageofwoes, The torm,•tsof th'.jfiirledGhoftrdoe ft•y, Andail the dammed crue k.fepe hol; da;. Andalittle after: Thmhe!ldot!tflum&erin(oft punifoment : A•dall't!Je{oHier in that vaj/epri[onptnt, Reio]Gt jnreP:thefire then htlrtsnotfore, Nor 6o1le the~oudtwith (ulphure,M 6ifi!Yr. Of thefe prayers ChrJfo/lome fpeakcth ve,y doubtfully, Ho11q.inPhilip. SayI pray thee (quorh he) what hope canttmaine forrhem that goe from hence burthened with their finnes,vnto a placewhere theycannot be di(– burthcnedof rhem/ for whilefl they were in this world,rherc wao flill hope and expectati– on that they would bee conuerred, and be· come better men,---Let vs helpethem him that way, if hec had any hclpcany way. Andc.p. 1. he affirrneth rhefeprayers to bee accordmgvnto the vfe ofthe Church.Af~er the fame mannerhec doubrerh alfo in orher places,ae Ciuit.%1. • 7. "And truly it is very likely thatthis kindc ofprayer had his firfl fpring frorn theMontanifis, rbe inucntours of Purgatory. Looke Tmul/ian mhis booke decAP~tau&nianogamia.But there were fome that d1fallowed of thcfe prayers, as Gratian C can reflify,c,t3·9· :,cap.Jnpr£font.mone place cwngHurome, in Gal. 6. faying thus: In this hfe we may helpe one another by prayers,or by goodcounfell: but when we come before the iudgement feateof Chrifl, then neit'hcr loh,DJtniel, norN oahcan fp~ak for any man, but euery man mufl carry his ownc burrhen. And Pctr~a Clunit~cm{is,/.t.ad Potrohru/i.con,. felfeth plainely,that there hauc beene fame Cathollkes that halic doubted o( this pray– ing for the dead.And (oAuguj/inrfairh,Serm, t].dever~.A!ofl, He iniurethaMartyr,thar proyerh for him. fo farrc as we may, let vs procure them Come cafe; (though it can be cbut little) yet Ier vs helpcrhem foonewhat: --thio yetalfoar– deth Come comfort vnto them. And after– ward hecwill hauevsto pray forallrhedead, D as wee do for all the huing,for theeues& rob! hers, bccaufe perhaps there may bee Come conuerfion of them. And in this manner doubreth he in diuers place!, vh..hom, 69.ad pop.A•ti4.&70, Againc,Hom. zt. in Afl. If wee doe offer (faith bee) continual! prayers, andgiue continual! almcsfor him, though hee be vnworrhy ofthem, yet Godwill bee more pacified rowardsvs.---And, Hom,31. inMat.'h. Vntothydead fonnegiuehisduc, thattherewith he may cleanfeaway his fpots of finne from him, SoEpiph•nitu, H<rr(. 7>. confclfeth th~fe prayers to haueno f01mda– tion in Godsword, but onelyare appointed by the Church to be made, and that they do ·, 3 The prayers for the dead in their fidl beginning were but thankfgiuing and prai– Ces wherein the Martyrs names were yearcly rehearCcd. So C,prian [peaking ofMartyrs, epi(lol.;.lihr. 4.fairh, We off.r conrinuallfa– cri6ce for them. And EpipiJm•im, h<ref, 75. contra Aerium, Let vs folemnize the memo– riesof all theiull, theProphets, Patriarkes, Apoflles,Euangelills,Marryrs,Confclfours, and Btlhops; whome a little before he affir– med to liuewirh God. And in ltke manner faith CmJ(of/ome,homil.lz.inACI.It is offered For the Martyrs, and for all the fa11hfull de– parted. 4 TheFathersprayed for the dead, nor that they might haue '"million of their fins as touchingrhetem~oral painesofPurgato– ry (for they prayed for all the dead in gene– rail Without exception, as CJri/rcfirfics,c. 5. myff.)whc:rcforc their prayers wcr~ made for Yy: other