Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

i \ I I I 1 5; z. ?.ne Vemrm~ration of the Probleme. , other ends,and naoncly,t. to Ihew rhm zealo,A might be the more tolerable.SofaithA•g•ft. ~ "i"llEO tht:tll,& thctr dehn: tocommend them 10 b1s Enchiridim,c. 11o. & 111 ; Theymay vnto Go:l, So doth Ambro(<concermng Ius rhmke(tfthisple.Cerhem)thar rhe pamesof brother Sllt]riU,m orat1onc(u,ubrT: vnto thee, tbc damned foulcsat fomc ccrtamc times arc (0Almighty God) doe I commend lmin· (omowhar miugarcd:euenfo tharwe muti lltl noccnrfoulc, vnro rhcc l doeotfcr my facti· vndertland that the wrath ol God that is fice: Graciou ily and fauourably a_cccprof a their damnation remaincrh fhll vn:o them; brothers g•fr and a j>Udls facntice. Now In thisfenfeP••lin;M,<pifl, 19 , praiesfor cafe ldl we iJJOuld fuppolc him to be mPurgato· for a foule thatwas tormented 10 hell:and no ric,he had faid bdore. He1scntrcd mto ~1ea¥_ marucll, lincePrHdtnthulib.C 4 tJum:r.IJ]mno ucn, becaufe h<.~t bclceucd on the word ot s.d<Pa(ch.(beforehim)dutllaffirmethatal God. And hkelll'revpon the death of P•lmfuch and fuch time• · rinian,helaJth, No day lhnll be palfed by me ' •nlilenceof you,nofpeech of nunc O~al palle I Th• torm<nts of th•ajflia,JGh•fld" ftAJ, w1thour your honourable rucntton,no nighc And•" rhed,.mm:d crue ~:.t~pes hsl] d 4 J. O>all bee {pent wubour fome prayer of 111111e beflowedvponyou,andinall mine oblati- B 'Dama(u.- affirmethorar. J, d•ftmfl.rhar om fhall I rememberyouofrcn. But he had 7htt.ttJ and FlflcoueUI4 were deliucred out of (aid before,Ler vs belceue rhat he" goncvp hell by the prayers of Gr<gori• and T<cla. ourofthe delCrt,rhat is,out of this barren& VVhcrfore rhefe praye" wer< properly rhe cuil-t•llcd carrh, vmo tbofe fwccreand pleavo1vesof f11cb aswtilJcd them happ•ndfe, or fanr dcl•ght•, where beingadioynod vnro hiS elfe they IVCre rhankfgiuings: and m thefe the brorhe,.companie, he l1ueth in eternall fe· Farhers rcg<rded the fulnelfeor endeof the liwic, A• alto ofTimdojul4 bee fauh rhus, ume,nor rhc middell of ir:forrhey bclccucd Tbrodofttu JJUetb in the l•ghr, andglorieth ·in all the Silincs ro bee kept in one common the armies of the Saints. And yer before placeof cullodyvnrill the !all iudgemem,& bee had prayed for him alfo in rhdc words: therefore rhcy.wdf.ed rhe region oflightand GraUI1t tlm con(ummate repofe vmo thy peacevnto all good men. And albeit they fcruant Theodo(l,u, rhat rdrwhichtholl hall thoughtthedead 10 bee helped by the pray· prepared for all thy Saints. And in like n>ancrs ofrheliumg,y<t they held not this bene· ner A,ug•f/in' becing about 10 pray for his fit ro fall vnto them being 10 Purgatory, ramother Monico, Ccnf,!ibro 9,capir•, rher rhen in heauenor hell. ;. Their pray« I belceue 0 Lord rhatthouhall already ful· C fortbe dead w>S an admonitiOn vnto the h5 iilled my requefl: but Lord approoue my umg,ofttlegoodnelfeofGodvntothedcad, voluntary petitions. So M•ttimv of Wefland of the future reward wh•ch they lbould mmHcr tairh, tharChar/u about rhc:ycarc obraincin following their venues. Sofalfh 797·•·rorcvnto0 if• king of Mcrci;,ro camrhc author of rhe booke called Hi.rarchia maund his fubrecb ro make inrerceflion for Ecci<(ia~ir•,c.7. And therefore the Fathers Pope .;'dria• 'J" h••dd<th,Hauing no doubt prayed lorrhe dead for orhcrends,then the rhat l1is (oulei~ in rcff, boroncJyrofhew our P01p1flsnow adaics doe. moll dearelo~eand aflctlion vnro him. 2. 5 Offrings for the dtad arrbelirll were The Fathers prayed lortbedead, ro cheun, not facrrfices ofexpiarion,buronly Eucharithe hope ofthe rcfurrecbon and the delire of lilcall,rhar is,rhankfgiuings,or banqucts,and i>a!lcmng it on. So Ambrof< orat,d< Valen, gifrsandlegaciesofthcdeadvnrorhcpoore fa11h, Wee pray rhec Almighty God to ra•fe ~iu<nasalmes,andaswe herein England cal "p rhcfe .-·oyoungmen(Valrnrinianand<irathemDo.ln: as alfo theywere found1ngs o rian) w11h a r11ndy refurretlion, and recom · Churches and fcbooles, or yearcly annuities pence theirvntime!y courfe of tbisltfe, with b<queathed vntoeithorof them. I as wueiy a refurreC\ion. :;. They pray for D V Vhen we celebrarerhe memory of the them,that thmgloriedoecncreafevntill the Saints (faith£phrem,l<b.d<p«•.cap.:.) if it be I day of iudgemenr, and that then their finnes the trueEphr<mwbc{ebookewe haue,Letvs beenor impured vnto rhem. So faith Chry· remcmberthe ficke, the widowes,rhe farher· \ (.jlom<,hom. 31. in Matth. Doll thou thinke lelfe,rhepoore,and the rrauellers. And here· he departed in rhece_rrupr1on of finnc?G!.uc upon after rhedcarh ofany one in theprimlhim his own whcrewiCh he may clcanfch1m~ ciuc Church, they fung ~tUar,i~t. The breath 1 Cc\fe from the blotsrhereof. Dofl thou rhmk was nofooner our of her mouth (faith Hi<· he departed in the purity of righteoufnelfe / romdnhis EpitaphofFabiola)but the report G10e him of thme, that his reword •nd payol it garh~red the whole city rogethen·oto menr may bee the moreample. And the Faherfunerall: ---thePfalmesfounded, thcr• v(ed ro offer their prayers in rhrs manand the •iltl•i• rcfounding •loft, did il~ake ner: Gl'unr we bcfeech thee(0Lord) that the guilded roofes ofthe temple. . thiS olfcrmg may benefirrheloule ofblelfed So£piph•niru,H•rrf.75· andChry(of/om<, f Leo. VVHnellc Innocentm' rhethird,in his deAJpopui.Anrioch.hom,7o.& hom.4-•• H,b,aflcrcralc..,ct~p.Ctlm Marth~t,~xtrA,decelt",mif.4· firmc, th=arrhey vfcd to carry Iarops and ta4 /They pray for them rhat their damnation pers, and (ing hymnasat the funerals of rhe dead, •'