•Muiu" Vid:orinus Unefcn(u legit(vo· bis.) The .'Demonftration of the Pr11bleme. 533 d<ad, to !ignifieglory and praife vnto God, A thathad vouchfafed already to crownc the fqule departed w11h fehwy. Of this nature alfo was chcirotfedngsat marriages, as birth daitis, &c. beeiagallmaitutedfur memories and gratulations, .though afterward about q,..,riutime, wben fuperllition got head, they wer• all changed into redemptions of (oules out of Purgatorie, manner: If rhou hall belocued in Chrill • thou lla(i both fulfilled the Law, and farre more tben ir commaundeth: for thou ha!! already recciued a farre greater righteouf– nctfe, !l.ndAof<lm<,in fecund. .td Corin!hiot c•pittquint.faltbplainely: God made Clllifl finne for va ~ that wee might bee made the rightcoufoelfe of God in him. Hee there– fore was made finne as wee are ma;lc righte– oulim: ne1thcr is that righteoufnes ours,but Gods; (that is, it ia nqtot our felues,but of God;) nor in ourfelues,but in him:as he was made linne,nor his ownlln,butours: neither wasthefinnc !n himfclfe, but inv•. So Btr· n•ra,Smn, Admilit:r<mpi.<Apitt 11.faith:Fur– tbermore, death ia chafed away by Chr~(is Th.r<f"'• PraJ<r for the dtad, that thiJ might luefrud from their ve11i,Jl finnu, . ••nd from thAt ttmporall punifomoo for their murtAO {illntt 1 'R'hkh the] are tltH • dNTe ~" P¥rgAtorie, =-.u neuer t~aught nor 11 Jmmtd bJ tht F•thm. lufliftcation. I, AP'gujli.-, and there£! of the Fa· thers that difpute againll p,/a– gitu, doe c:~ke IHflicefor an inherent fantlity, or new obedience: GrAce for the allillance ofthe holy Spirit : and to iuj/ift<, for tl.'make one from vniu(i,iull. But indeed they ho!Je withvs, that this new obedience is not in this B Jeath,andChrill•iufliceis imputedvnro vs. - And Epijlol.190. Man harh anothersiuflice .. m~ned votohtm, lo~cking his owne.-– O .lc mans f>tisfadion is imputed vnto al~ And in his 61. Sermon vpon the Canticles; Lord I will remember rhy iuthcc onelv, for 1t isalfo mine: For rhou arr made nghte· ou(ne!lovntomeeofGod. Shall I be atra1d thatonccar.uot fuffice forvsbothl iris no lhort raiment vniUfficicnt to coucr tWCl: thy iu(lice isan eucrla~ing iuOice,and will coucr both thee and me aUo,andrhat largely,bemg mo!l large, and mo!lblling. Nay Come of the moderne writers doe acknowletlge 1his imputatiuc iullicc : as th~ Anlidid•yn• of Colen doth for one, &AlbmmPighi•1 himC fclfc controHtrf.(<eond,in rh;fe words: If wee fpeake formally and propedy,weare notiu– (lified byourownefaith nor charity, bur by rheondy iulliceof God in Chrill, that one· ly iuflicc ofChrill beingcommunicated vn– to vs. life perfeeted,and that wee doe fatis6e Gods iLtdgemcnts,and attaincvnto eucrla!ling hfc onely by the foleobed1enceof the deach of Chrill. L»k! thtir txpo{itiMJvp••.>.(ori•thi4'f.capittquint,ver(. 2. J. For fo faith AugNf/;,,, Dttmbi4Apof/olorum, Serm.[,xr. --That wee may bee Gods righteoufoe!Ie in him: marke here rwo thmgs:Gods righreoufnclfe, and notoumand that In him,and Not invs. And in hiS booke,De Spirit.& litt;r.cnp. >t.i. Iullification befalleth not to the doers ofthe law,bur goes before them that fulfil it.Or els it isfo faid, they !hall be iull16cd,asif it were (aid,they!hall be taken for iull,or accounted iu!l. And J,jid<r!roptrif~tll,cnp.l4.Epi~.l•o. cap.3o. Good.,otkesdoefollowhim that is iu(li6ed,and not go before him that is to bee iu{li6ed. And againe,<xpofit. inch.ar.Epifl.ad R•ma..t:Menbeeing iullified by beleefe,doe thenceforth beginne to hue righteouny. So Hurom<likewifein •· Corinthian. s.faith: So D Ch<1ll w.. offered for our finnes, raking vp· • The Fathers howfoouer they do fpeak differently,and vnde6mriuclyofrhisplace of iufhficatioo:yetin their ferious medirations, and when thoy wereintangled with temptati– ons, they neuer fledde vnro any iullice by workcs,orvnroany m~rits.Hearewhat Am. bro(e[aith,rpi/f.71. Letno man glorie in hi> workes, berauli: no man is iullified by hts deeds:but he that bath iu!lice, harh it in gift, becaufe after b2pt1line hee is iufl1fied. It is therefore faith that frccth him ehrough the blood of C h<1fl, bccaufe happy i• bee that on him the name of Sinoc,·-tbat wee might bee made the righteoufnelfc of God in him, norour own,nor in our • feluell. And (o faith ChrJ(oflonl'. •bid. Hee made the iull a finner, thereby to make the finners iufl.Nay,he faid not thus,but farrcmore powerfully: For he alligncth not 1hc quality, but thefubllance, hefaid not,aqnncr, butlinne: that we might be maJc(hcc faid not) righteous, butrighre– oufne!fi!,and the righteou(ilelfc: of God : for that righteoufi1elfe is of G 1)d, feeingwee arc iu!bficdnot ofworkcs (whercm it is nccclfa· rylafo,thae rime be not fpot or llaine)but of Grace. Andagainc,inhis 17.Honiily vpon che rcnth of th~ R()mane3, bee [airh in l1ke bath his finncs forgiuen,& his par don graun– ted. And A«g•ffiutcricrhour,Co>frfJ.hb. 9· c.IJ.Wo alfo bevntorheman ofmoll com mendable life, ifyou fift his adions without the fauour ofmercy. Onely Chrifl.(fairh he •dBonif.ltb. 4.c.4) d1d vndergo pun11hment for vs without any euill defert, that we might attainevntogracebyhim,wnboutanygcod deferr. !l.ndSmn.49·de'T,mpm :VVhat is that IEnternorinto iudgement with thy (er uant : Stand not in iudgementwJthmee, ncr ex•e!of meallthatlbou hall cornmaundcd~ me,and inioynedrne: forrhou w1Jt fin de n1ce guHry,ifthou enrerhuf miudgmentw1rh me whr.rfore I lland in need of rhy o1ercy,rarhl' Y,y 3 rhcnl