1 he 1 'Demonjiration YJfthe Prohieme. Id<i•ft•.bb.s.cap.7. Becau(c ofthe·vhaercain. A lcwedofthefound profe!fora fora rhoufand ti~ofourowne iu!lice(faith he) and the danyearcsafrerChri!l.So rhat t•merit,in the La· gerofvaine·glory, it ismo!lf.!e and Cure to tineFatheradoth 6zni6e to doe fometbing placeall our ttu!l vpon the onely'mercy and which iucceptable and pleafing vr.ro God, benignitieofGod. . and worrhie ofaccount:and ro obtaine orger · 3 TheFarhero fomctimes fpeakc vnfidy any thing ofGod,euen without any defmof ofthearciclc ofiu!lification,anU chat bccaufe ours. A linccceand peaceable prayer, faith r ofchree errours:r.Becaufe they fpeakcof iu· Cyprian,deferucd(ormemed)theLord, (that lMcart'onTather.lik.e Philofopheu then Di· , i<,obtained his fauour.)AndSH<tDnitu in the uine•, bcndingrheir Diuinitievnro rhc like- ' life ofO llauim faith,Let him imitate (j{J.,;. ntlfethar morall Philofophy bore then a· 1t.1in deferuiog his fcllowes, that is,in getting mongfl thcGentlles;rherebythe inorc eafily ·theirgood wits by doing them good rurnes. · to gaine the moRofthcm vmoGod. Looke And fofaith Ambrofo,lihro 1 o, inLtc. c4pile 2 io.r;temeo1ofAlex•ndr.Strom41.'%. ~.Becauf< zz. in the beginning:OhWat~r, which de· theyconfoundthe~wandehe Gofpell, not ferucdflto bee the Sacrament or myllerie dillingui01ing theiufliceofthc.one,from the B of Chrj(l., which walhe!l ~11. and art not iufliceoftheot~er, as Origenh•m. 6,inLevi. wafhedthy(elfel &c. So Pope CorntliTu,in faith: It is Gods law that wafheth thee and E•fthiw,M,6.cap. 4· faith of N•uat~<~,that 3 pur.geth thy finnes. 3· Becaufe they extolled bee was not confirmed of the Bithop by the· mans natural tlrcngth too much:for lrenem, Cigne,and addeth:·r{/]~ n ~ '"?:~r.~rlr1i<?J¥011~. T~rtuOi•,, Clemenr, !HPine, and Epiphanitu ~ot ilt~~•Nhich wordsRuffinmicapire 33· rr;an~ hcldalf,rhat men were(aucd by thelaw ofna· Oateththus : Pndenectpiritumfm:llum potuit ture and byPhilofophy. · promenri: wherefore bee could not dc(crue 4 Thedillinaionoflulli6cation into the (thatis,obtaine).theholy GhoR. SoAN••· fir(! and fecond, was nor knowne amongll flinoepif/, u. wnteth vmo Hierome: I h~ue the Fathers for 1 soo.yeares after Chri{l, but not yet deferued thy writings: and elfewhere is an ioucntionofthis age. rpijl. IJ.would to God I could dcferue to boe 5 The Fathers doe often fpeake improembraced of thee. And Scrm 49. de rrmp. perly ofiu!lifitation, atcording vnto com·. Let no finner defpaire of himfdfe,lince Paul mon vfe,puttingfometimes rbe word ofiuUrdeferued parpon:andTralr. J. in Jo.m. to the cation torfanaification, or the renewing of C like effea hofairlr, that we doe dcferue God the whole man, both according vnronatur~ by faith, that is, we areacceptable vnto him. and manners, and this they will haue done Andthat ofqregory io moll noto.worthie: 0 by inward verrues and workes. • happy fault which deferucd to hauc fuch a 6 The Fathersaffirmethat workes do iuredeemer. llifie onely declaratiuely, not effectiuely. So z Meririnrhewrirings ofihe Fathers is faithThom.uvpon the z.of/anw,Theworks not put for the wortbinelTe ofthegood work rhat follow faith are (aid to iullifie, not as in the re(pectofrhereward, but iris alwaies iulltfication is called an infunon of iu(lice, putforthegoodworke it felfe, plealing vn. butasitiscalledan cxercife, a.(hewing, ora eo God, and accepted of him, notofirfdfc confummation. And then a thing is faid and it owne worthinelfc:but through the di· to be done, when it isperfeaedand made uine fauour, and freeaccepration ofall good knowne. workeoin Iefus Chritl, And thereforeit is fo 7 TtieFathers fometimes fpeake hyper. called, namely,agoodworke, thereby to inbolically ofworkes,tbereby to take away the cite vs the more to doe thefe good things. cirelefnclTe oi thevulgar, and [et them on This dotb Cardinal! BeNarmine freely con· fire with agreater def11e vnto good wotkes 1 D felfe,/ib.z.degMt,et M,4Thir.c.f·"·And that vnto this end doeCbrJf'Pomes wordadpopu. the word Mertt, ts to be taken mthis (enfe it Antioch. Homii. 33· rend, when be faith, that hercbyappeareth,becaufc oil rhe Fathers do Almes doe free aman from dearh,(from hell afcribe all things vnto grace wholly. A~ he meanes)giue vs eternalllife, &are aduo. .Bernard,Serm~ 6r. in Ctmr.faith, myMerit is cares for vs: as alfo that ofHilar;. in Mattb. Gods mercie1 and the fame word Merit iLl Can.6, we mu!l ofour felues deferue eternall histruc and proper fenfe is by them oppo- !Jfc.AndAmbrof<,d<preni.l. z.c.s. faith in the fed againll grace; asrhcfame B.rn.1rdvCetb famefenfe : Out finnes are couered by our it, S.rm. G7,inCAnt. Thereisnoplace for wotkes.So dothOrigen,hom.t.inE..ecb.Why grace to enterwhere merit hath taken vp all doefl thou chinke much to labour, contend, before: And befides, Smn.68.It is fuflicienr and endeauour, and by thy good workes to vnro merit to know that our merit is inbe che caufc ofthine owncfaluation,& blilTc! fuflicient : wherefore thefe workes of grace are calledmerits by a metaphor, nor pro- .Merit. perly , becaufe theyare thegifts of God: •• life euerlaOing is called a "'age: norproper· I M Etittaken in his proper fenfe, for ly,butmetaphorically. And vnto rills end doth Bernarddirea his doctrine inhis fitft dueand iuO defert, wa• neucraJ. fermon of the Annunciation; faying, that Yy 4 merits .•