Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

\53 6 ~h~Vemonjlration of the Probleme. ;mcciu in ,..,Y dccdc, doe defcrue.nothing. A pij1.ros.hcfairb, Tomakcamaniufi,merit 'Neither are mans mcm• offucb worthinelle bath nor fuf!icient power. Andagaioe,Righ. i(quvth he) rhatlifc crernall !hould betthctr teoufn<lfe inScripture is nwcr <allcd hue, l duq or that God 010uld any waies iniury And inprif•l.inP/ •1, JI.Thou ball not don~ man in notg1ui·ng itt"mo him : for (to omit anygood, and yet the forgiuendle of thY ! that all man; merits arc wholly the gifts of finnesisgiucn thce.And.likewrfeProffer,c•p. God, and t-he.t matHs rather adebtorvnto G,dtobiei1.G•I.fairh,Theiufiificd man(that·ts I GoJ for thcm,th<God any warcsvntohiml) ofvnnghteous becmgmade righteousjdotb wlw are all our merits, beeing compart<l receiuc agift without any good omit going 1 with thatfoadmirableglory! Andthcdillribefore h10 iu!h6cation~ AndSoto,/ib.: .de••· bution ofrewardsis ofGods grace, notthe '••·.er gr•r.<•P·'l·•cknowltdgctb that we hauc wageofm<rit, bccau(e(asFul~enti>ufaith vc· mvs drfpolitions vnto righteoufnelfe,but dery well,•dM o•.lib, r,c•p.l o.) It i& very right· nycrbtbatthey can properly bee called me· lycalled grace, bccaufeGodd~thnor ondy nu. AndSt•pltttm,depecc.r. orig.t.b.r.cnp.4•. accumulate hisgtftsvpon bisgifiS 1 bur alfo fanh,that Mwr ofcong<ucnce in rrfpeCI ot becauferhe bountlc of theD~t~ine rctrrbuti· the firll grace,is longagoe aboh!hed; nor is on ts fllCwed in fucb quantrlle,rbar it doth ad· B it allowedpf by the moll approucdfchoole· mir•hly and incomparably e,;cced all me· men,asThomdl in hisSumme 1 nor admiucd rit, though proce<dmgfrom a ,.,nand ope· by hisfollowers or larer·writtrs atany time. ration both good and giuen of God. And e· Indcedc(jrrgoruofArimin,lib.:.difl.1 6.q.r. uen rhefamc f•ying harh R•d~lph;u .Ardem, doth expteflycondemncir, as Lyro alfo,i" 1, 'inDaminic• rS.p•ft.Trin.Bccaule(fairh be,)wc loan.and!Tham.u Pl'•ldm(rr,M.3 .deS•cr.,m. proceed fromand by one grace, vnto ano- ~ Bur Merit ofcondignitJe iscondemned d1er, wee can burio1properly callthem m<· alfo by fomeorhers:asnamely, by.A•g~tftiner riu: for as Auguftin.•can bearcwitnelfc,God cen(uredev,rb.Apoft.Serm.1. in rhefeword.5, dod.1 crow;.Je nothtog in vs but his owne Thou wa£1 not worthy-- - - whome h(e grace.And againe,inho'ft:il.i"7)omi.StptHa,to might glorifiebc1ngJU(lified.--Hcotowtheltke dfeCI: Let no man thinketbat God nethrheein his mercyahd pitie: tf thou hauc is ~sit were bound by couenant to performe preuenred himbyanyn1cntr,txamine rhen his pm:ni(c: for as hetSir<ttd pronufc,fo is thy ruerirs (faithGod)~nd thou fhalt findc hefree to p~y:cbieAyfeeint;ourlmerito •• w<l that ibey are my gifll. Anfelme likcwrfe, de as our rewards arc of his grace! for God menft.rat.mdatthmore plaincly rhen any:If cro.wocrbnothing but his grace 111 vs, who if C aman !hould(true.God wrth gre<rcll feruen· he would dcalc !lricHy with vs,n"manliuing cic,a rhoufa~d yeares long,yer flJould notall ilJould beiu\ltncd in his fighr.And therefore hisdefertsbe •·orrh the tlaying onehalfc day theApofi l·-:,th;t rookc more paincs then all, in hcaucn; Lookc in qrrgflrieuf A rimin,;n I, fatth. The!offeringsof this ltfcarenotword.17.q.1.•rt. 2. D•r•na,>n2.d.27.q.>. "in3· thy cfrharfuturc glorie which 0Jall bcrcueaJ.r8.q.:.PP•Idtnjit,tom. 3· deSA<rA.c. 7· B•r· led : wherefore thtS bargain< i! nothing cls gewfi;,in•dditio,•d Lyr•mf•P"' P!•l.Js.Scotm, but a voluntanepronufc. mr.Smt.J, 17. q. 2, thtnk<th rhat our good 3. AJfo Merit fomctimes fignifierb the w01kes bauc 110 proportion wirh crernall dignitteand excellency ofthe thin;;it felfe:as life, and bee therefore accepted ofGod for when 'Hurom~,iH~piff.~d EHagr.faich : AJI Bi~ rc"·ard, You reuU know;(fairh CltjAnm,t~cit, Owps arc of the fame merit and _the fame /.9.) that Chrills death oncly was of abilitic prictlhood:So the Fathers fay • trgrnltle ts of to merit cuerlallinglife, becaufe it beeiog a agreater mcritrhcnthcoth_crvcrrueo:butm· confummatc death 1 doth merit an <rernall deede merit doth feldome hgm6e that whtcb life:Nonc ofall theother Mortyrs doe m<tit we in England call Defert:that is,the worthi· crcrnoll blille by rhdrdeath,becaufeallother ndfcofthc..-orkeiorefpetlofrhewagesand D death of whom foeucr comes OJOrt of the recompenca. grearetl dcath,and is in6nitely different from 4 The merit ofcongruence, before iutli. a confumruatedoarh, which onely doth me· 6cation, whether it proceedeor fucctedeour ritthe greardl (that it cuerlaClingjltfc. faith ,iscondemned by the Fathers,VVhy is Fahh. itcoiled grace/(faith Aug•ftioe,pr<tf•t. i• Pf•l. l •.Jbecaufettis!;iuen_tr.lli: VVhy isit gi. uen ... ~ratis?becaufe it coR no more.And 10 h~s RcttaClarions,/ib,z.cAf.JI.hccorreftcth hts opinion ofm<rito , at lea{\ of merits ofconI THe Fathers affirm~ (aith to iutli6o gruence before iu!li6carion: lfard(quoth he, a man not by dilpofing hrm m· bb. 6.q••f/.conr.Paga•ot,) that in rohgion faJ. wardly,or preparing him; but byopprehcn· uaticnneuerwaswanting vntohim that pro· drngChttll, and applying of h1m : whtcb " ued worthy: - But I faidnot fo,asthough when wedoe flay our feluesvpon the mercJc any mancould be wonhie by hi• ownc me· ofGod and merits ofChrtll,llolding God" ) r'ts. but as the Apo!llc fatth : Not ofour fauourable vnto vs in ChilLI, 1 his is f<t ! W(H~Cs.burolhim rharcallcthvs. Andint'- downcbyGod (fairh /.IRJhujt, in 1.C~r. •.) tl 1::___ --~--------------------~-------