Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

'The 'Demonftration of the Probleme. 537 rilat whofu:ucr bclceueth in Chrifi 01all bee tiuc:d wirhour workes, receiuing by his onely faiCh free remitfion of all his !inncs. And/. {ichi~svporJ Lmiricw,lib.4,cAp.1.. Grace is gi– UCilOUtofmercu~andcompa!Iion, and ob– tameJ by faithalone.And MariiiJ P,/Jor hathi thcfc \Vords,in G~n.3. · -but he Bdem•d,•ndthu (ohfaith he didcanfeffe, Yfl.uhdd• worthy crownc of righmufnrf[e: TbtuW6 by Abr~tmtgr(4l rew4rdare 14Hght, BJ[4irh in G{}df true word whatgood if caught. As foone as euer aman bcleeues (faith Chryfo{lomtinRom. l· horn.].) he is forthwith iulhtied. and in his c~mruentatics vpon the Heb.cap\ t,hom.1;. after he hathfpoken of B the prornifes made vntothe Patriarches, he addeth,Thefe by theironely faithconceiued an atTured rru(J ofthcfe things,f<eingthem a farrcof,foureg~nerations ere rheycame to patfe-. So firrru:ly were they petfwadea· ofrhem, char rhey did as ir were falme them commino-Thou feell that this receiuing oftheirs,~as but an c:xpc:ctarion and eruct of thcm;iftherefore to trufl be to recaiue, then ruaywe alfo rec<iue.And it is Auguf/inuopi· nion in Profpet,lnS'"'·351. that the faith of Chrill,iaro beleeuc in him that doth iu(lifie the wicked: to belecue in the Mcdiatout wtthoutwhome no man is reconctled vnro God: to bekeue in the Sauiourwho came to feeke and faue that which was loA;to beleeue mhim that faid,you cao do nothing without me:. Now what it is to belcc:ue in him that iu~ (Ji6eth the wicked, the fame Father Trail. 19,in /oan,layethdowne,faying. VVhat is it then to beleeue in him I In beleeuing him A Lord with faith,honour and admire it,rouch 11wnhthy minde, <eceiue it with thehand of thine hcart,and take it wholly with the endea– uour ofthe iaward man. AndLumbardSmt. Jib.3.d•; Weurefaidallc robeco– therwile iullttied by the blood of ChriU, namely,in that we are cleanfcd from ourfins by the faith ofhisde3th: and thereforefaith the Apo(Jle, the righteouC.Jclfc of God(in v.)isrhrough the faith oflcfus Chri(J: and byand by atier he faith; whome God h:uh made a propitiarour by faith io hts blood, that is, bythefaith of his pffion--.If therefore we behold him that died vpon the ctolfe for "<,with tho eye of faith,we are loo– fed from the bands ofthe dmdl,that is, from our fumes. , z Thatthe iu(!ification of our foules by laith conr.lleth not in apprehcnGon but in inward preparation and dtfpolition,itis a fan· ta(Jtke inuention oftheSchoolemen. to loue him, in bdecuing him to depend •p· on him, in belc:cuing him to turnevnto hi m, and to be incorporated into hi• bodie: Aod in otherplaceo, ana that very often hevfeth to aflirmethatro belceue in God,is to cleaue vmoGod,and to bend towards God, Lookc in his enarration vpon the 77, Pfalmc;in· his S'4· trArt~tte vpon Iohn, and in his J 8 1. Ccr– monderempore. Hc:alfo in his :6. TraClate vpon /ohnfaith, whofo beleeueth in him, ea– teth him,and is invir.bly fedde, becaufe inui. Cibly regenetate:And in his so.tractatevpon lohn: How !hall!reach my hand vnto hea. uen,and lay hold ofhim as he r.rreth there1 why,fend butvpth,vfaith, & thou ha(! hold ofhim.And Ser.3J.J,ver~.Dom. Behold,we beleeue in Chtifi whomewee haue recciued through faith: and in our receluing him we know whar to rhinke vpon: we receiuebuta ittle, andyet our hearts are fedde fat there– with, SoB:rtram in his booke of the bodieand bloodofChtifl,[aiththus; Thisbodieis not / to bee recciued, beheld, or earen with the fenfes of the f!e01, but with attention of a ~anbfullfoulc--And thedecretalsthemltclues.deco4ec.r~t.d.z.counfell vs in chis man~ nor,BeholJtheholy bodie and blood ofthy . . 3 The Fathera doe hold faith onely to be requifirc: vnro iufiification ~ euc:n without the workes ofgrace,VVemufi tfpecially be– leeue(faith Auguflin.S<rm, t8I.J,temp.) the remiliion o(finnes;for rhis is the onc:Jy remc– ditwhichloofcthmao fwmrhe fentcnceof death eteroall. I am able to t!Jew(faith Chryfoftome hom,de fide d-lege n41ur<) thata faithfull man bath C both lwed in thisl1fe without workes, & hath attainedvnto the kingdome ofheauen--. And thetheefebelceue<londy, and was iufii– fied.--butl dareaflirme thatoncly faith by tt felfe bath faued fome.Andbom.],in cap. J.R•man.VVhatis the law offaitb?(faith he) tobef•ued bygrace/ Here hee!heweth the power ofGod, in that henotonely faucd vs, but alfo iu(!ified and glorified vs, and that wtthoutvfeof any workes, exaction onely faith ofvs. " VVe haue not beleeued of our owne ac– cord,(faithTheodoret in Eph.z,) but came be– in~called,and when we arc come, hce d0th not exactpuritic and innocency of life, but hath pardoned our finnes accepting of faith D onely. Thisitiarogloriein the Lord (CaithBa– fiUStr.deh•m.)whcna man is not putfed.vp with his owne tighteoufnetfe, but acknow– Jcdgethhimfelfede(Jitutcof all truerighte– oufne!fe,and JUfftfied by faith alone in Iefus Chri(J, They are iu(Jified before God (faith Am, 6rofo in Rom•n. 4·) without any labour or toyle, by only faith, no work.sof penitence beeing heretorequired, but oncly that tl1ey beleeue. o,igenvpon the J.ofthe Romaos,after he bath alleadged the exampleof PANI, faith: Thereforcthe iull caufeofmant glorying i• Ill the fatth oftbecrolfeofChti(! which ex– cludeth all glerying that proce:deth from the workcs ofthe law. A•g11/line again(! Pfi•gim his z. epi!llc hb.