Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

'Ihe Vemonjlration of the Probleme. lib,t,cap. > 1. fairh,rhatafhow great holineife A wirhoutpenitence:oras itisanvnperfea ver- !rocuerrhe Saints of eirherrhcnew or old tetue, vnro which other vertucs are therefore £lament arc foid to bee, yer norhingfoued to be i9yned. them burfairhin the M•dtarour, who Jhed • <> TheFathers doe acknowledge a fpecihis blood for thetcmiilion oftheit Gooes. ctall and vnfallible certcntie of fairh in God, That aman Jhould bec(aued by his faith, I tru{! in God,faithRnnigi1u Alrifodmn{ls;, that hath no good workes, it may bee is not a P{a/,1o.that ts,AII my faith is in Chri{! : By thing olit of cuUomc, faith Chr7foflome in htm oncly I bclecue to be iu£lificd atld faued· Rom. 4· hom. 8. but to fee aman who is noted he is my rocke,hc is my refuge. ' forgood workcs,not to be faued by rhem,but .He that bcleeueth with a Hrong •ffeClion, by tiuth,thisisan admirable thing,and doth fatthTheoph]la!l dotb extend his heart who!- make a moll manife{! demon£1rarion of the lyvnroGod,and whatrhen I he is vnitcd to cflicacie and power offaith. him. And his hem beeing enkindled con8. cap. VVe offer but o"" gift vnto God, ceiueth amo!l certaine atTurance to be ~ade namely in bclceuing his promifcs of things partakerofhisdclirc: this doe oilmen finde tocome, & bythis onely way we arc brought B true by experience. vnro faluation. Ifrhou beleeue that thy Gnneacannotb<e 4 VVhen(oeuer the Fathers doe ioyne forgiuen,Caith B~rnardin Mar. J z. m~ .Armun. fairh and workestogether, in the ruatrerof Ser,l, but by him whome onely thou dtd£1 our Caluation, they fpeake ofan hiUoricall linne againfl,and who himfelfe cannot flnne and geoerall faith, which is oncly a knowthou doll well: but add• this, thatthou be~ ledge,andvniuerfall alfent, or othorwife of leeue that by him they may befor~ruen, this the externall profeilion of faith; or alfo of isthetellimonic that the holy Gholl doth "A<tguf/., faith as it is the • pathway to faluarion: for alfer downc in thy hearr faying, Thy linnco are Retrall. though faith as it is the inUrumentor meanes torgiuen rhec. And againerpiH, 107. Who is 1.1.&.14. to apprehend Chri(l vnrorighrcoufnes, and righteous but bee that recompenfeth Gods viafiati, faluation,be alone,and vnioyned with ony oloue,wuh his louc againe? And this is neucr ther meanc: yet as it is the way vnto faluatidone, but when the holy Gho!l by faith reon,it is notalone.VVhcnce weacknowledge uealeth vntoman, Gods purpofefrom euerthat faith alone is not fuflicientvntofaluati· · la£1ing, concerning his future (.,luation. And on,and to liuea good life by, but mu£1 haue c (ers. Ded•ca, Here it is mo£1 plainly necetfarheailiClance of good workes and other verriethat faith do fuccour vt-- that thotwhich tucs. licth hidden concerningvsin the beau oftbe The helpe orrepentance, faithLaEIAntim Father, may by his Sptritbcerenealed vnto de diui,.,tnjlit,epir,cap.9,isgreat:which whofovs,and thefame [pitit teUifyingvnto vs,may euerdothcaUawoy, dothbarte himfelfe of perfwade our fpirits that we are the fonoes \If the way tofaluation. God:and may perfwadevsbycalling vs, and Some do purge away their finnes--by iuUifying v• freely by faith. And •gai>Je clfewatching, faithChry(oflomein loan, hom. 38. where: We know that we are mnflated from thou maifl doethis an eaGerway,namely, by death to life by this quickening Spirit, and excrcifing patience vnto oil men. bya certaine and dailyexpetiment(thefame · Byworkes ofrighteoufnelfe, faith ENchefptiit enlightning vs)wedoe prooue,tbar our •·im in Reg.lib.3.wecome to the kingdorueof lpraycrsandconrritiondoe come fromhim, heauen:and, wecannot come to thefe cuerlaand afcend vnto God,beforewhofecyes they Uing ioyes,but by faith, and worksofiuRicc. doe finde merde. And in his eight Sermon And agoine, lot them begin at faith and convpon theCanticles, VVhat foule amongll tinue "' tbc end of their iourney in good D you all (faith he) bath .u fometime felt t!Je manncrs,vntill they come whither they inSpirit ofthe Sonne in his fecrer confcicncc, (,Abba, Father: Letthat, Oletthat Let vs make pittie our patrone in this foule prefume boldly, that it is bdoued wi_th world,faithC•f•rim Hom,15. that it may dea Fatherly affeC!ion, that find<th ir fe!fe affcliuervsintheworld tocome;forthereis mert!_ed with the fame Spirit that ail'cCled the cic in hcauen,which is obtained by exerciling Sonne:ttu£1 to it(thoufoule whotfoeuer thou mercie here vpon earth. art)ttuU vnto it, &neuer doubtatany thing. Somehaflenvnto God by faCling, faith And in his 69. Sermon he bath thef< words. H•im•Jup.P{al.t 35· others by almes, and oNothing can forbid thisfoulero fay, God is thers by other vertues. Let vs haUen vnto my beloucd, w)Jicbinrhatitfcclesitfclfeto our countrey in heauen by doing goo.d loue,and to louevehemently,doubts not bur wotkes,foith another •· that irisbeloucd as ardently, and as vehec•p. rs. AndRabaofl4faiththere are man)1 mcntly: and of rhe lingular intent, defire, fruits ofrepentance by may atcare,labour,diligcnce,and ll,udie,thatit thewtaine vnto the clearing of his crimes. eth in endeauouring [o incclfanrly and ear5 Somctimestbc Fathers ioyning workei neUlytoplcafcGod, dothvndovbredly ac· . to faith,docfpcake of faith as it is a pcrfwal!- knowledge all thcfe initfclfc, r<mcmbrtng on of the impuoitie and freedome offinncs, that promifr..,_.__thcrefore by it ownc proper ...