-~ Cfhe Vemonjlration ofthePro61eme. 539 . proper ...tfect:1, it knowech.hoN God isaffc~ A be dcmed vs,thercisno caufc for vs to doubt I d:ed, anJ doubrcch not that it is beloueda· of tbe cominuaocc_of Godsm~mt!cence togaine,feeing 1r fclfc doth lou\!. wards vs. And agame,S~~·7-tn Pjlflm. 118, 1 There1s accrtainc kind ofglorying in a He that hatha good coofclcncc, is nm (touman•conf:ience ( f•1th Auguf/i,., i• Pfalm. bled nor in doubt, bur coallanrly affirmcrh, 149.)and that i•,whcn thou knowetlthy faith VVc be the heir<• of God, and 10ynr-heircs robe Jinccre, thy hope to bee infallible, thy wirhChrill. And in one of the ferm_on svnchariuctobe vnf.uneJ. And in bis7s. Trader hisname,hefairh: whofoeuer dorh (bcke chrevpon lohn,hchath this faymg' For now fall vnro that leauen Chrill,Otallalfo be con· is he in vs,~ and wee in him, bm this:ts no'>vwc ucrted into !eauen, as wclfbclpcfull to him~ doe bur beleeue, butthenwe Otall know alfo, felfe,as conuenicnrvnro others, and ce;taine alchough wee know it already by bcleeuing: ofhiS faluation,andfecurc ofrhecalling and butthcn wee Otall know ir bycontemplating. gaining of others, And in anothcc place,in his 13.bookeof chc B.v this th.r the holy Gholl dorh infufc Trinitie,chap.t.and :. he faith, E•Jcry man chariticinrovs (fairh A•felm!, in Rom. S.) he chat bclecucrh, feeth faith robe in his heart, B declar«hvnro our hearts by an <uldenttelliand he rhat beleeueth not, fcethcbat fairh is mony that we arc rbechildren ofGod. And not in his heart. m I,Cor.>. VVeknow by bisfpicit,that wee The mind tit" is replenilhed with the hohaue both hiS gif.,,andalforeceiued them of lyGh<>ll (f•ith Gregorie, Dial.M, 1. cap. 1.) bun.And agaioe,He rhat haththe fecUngof hath moll cuident Iignes thl!reof, namely, faith in his heart, this man knowcth that vcrrueJ andhumilit1e: which ifthey doe per. Cbr1lt is inhim.in.z,Cor.13. fi:Clly concurrein one mind,ir isccrr&ine that VVhenfocucr any man fcd~th himfclfc they doe bring alfured reCHmon1cofrhepre. foaffccted either wuhhis ownc fins, or with fence ofrhe holy Gho!i, And in the Gxr othmaswehaucfaid,{auhBaftOReg.comrntl, bookeofhis RegHler, chap. 187. The foule q.z9G. then [•'-"1'•·~•·1•] let h1m vndoubred. that thicfltth for G<>d , is firii touched with ly know,that he is free fromOnne, fcare, and then with loue.-But when the AndCyrill vpoo lohnld•, to.cap. 3· bcOde• fearc is worne our with the cootinualllan. this generall knowledge dorh alfofct downe guintroentofforrow, rbeatlaCI entreth fomc another, namely by which rhc fairhfull haiCcuritieand hopeof the prefuming of par- C uing receiucdillu:-ninati~n from the fpinr,do ' don. And in his Morals, irb. p .cap.>3. h< with the eyes of their mmde fee God dwcl faith, that rhe(ecuririe ofthe righteous rnan, ling in them. This is not(faith hejchccomis 6tlycompaced vntoalyou: who when hce mon and generall koowledgc of the Saints, feerh any comeagainfl him,betakes himfelfe but another,farre more dcarc,;nd more cer.- co his wonted couratie: [o rhe mher knowctb raine,and farrc differing from that arher gerhar belhall ouercome all aduerfaries. beuerall knowledge. caufeheloueth him onely, whom againll his Let va bring faith and ohedicnce (faith will hecan ncuct fall from. Chry(of!om', m Gen. cap. 29. hom. 54 )and beThere is abiding in vs(faith Cypri••· •d leeueasconfidentlyvponGodspromlfcs,os 'Dem·.)a fortitude ofhope,auda firmenelfe though they were alreadie performed: andaoffairh, andanvprighrand vigorous heart, g3incinRom.8. hom. 14. Seeingweh:methe (euen amongtl the grcatcfl ruines of rhis deccflimonieofrhat fupreme efrcnce, "'ho oj. clmingw0rld) and a patience alwaie• reioyucrh vs what bee promifcth, and alfoco~ncing,and afonle aJwaics fclUtcof the fauour rnilndcth vs to a~ke, who can from henceofhis God.And de Ca'"acl(ewhere:Our affeforth doubtofthis digniriel Clion knowing it fclfe cured and f.nCli6ed, D Whenthefe chrocarefealed in theminde walhcth it felle with teares.-Apd in his (CairhHales(up.z.difl. u.q.zo.) ligbc, olad- (Gods) prefence thcfc wcl-lhed tearc• doe nciTe, and peace, it is a mol! (urecxp<rh~lent begge for pardon, rhat the foule hatb grace, Letthe hearrso( the faithfull (faith Leo, YeaThom<U Aq,in.u 1. z.q. 11 z. arc,pnd Sermtm, 10. dequadr.) examine therufelues, themofiauncient ofthefchoolemenldoera· -that finding in themfclues any fruits of therdeny thecertainty of know]edoe then nf charitielaidvp, rhey may know without all faith. I beleeue rhat I hauefaith (faithScotus doubtthatGod is in them, AndSmn.8. de li•. J.dl/1. •3-J and fo aflirmeall tberooderne Epiphan. He that will rrie whether God doe writers. The Enchridion of Colen reachcrh dwell within him or no,--if hee doe dilithat 1t it necellarievnto iu!lifica<ion for cuegently examine the inward parts ofhiiihearr, ry one to bdet"uccerrainly that his Jinncs arc and doe findethcrcin rheloueof God & hiS forgiurn him,So(arharimureacherhand deneighbour, alfuredly,and without dillimula· fendcrhthat rhcfaithfull may haueaJTurance tion, bee neederh notdoubtthatGod both of fairh concerning grace in thiS life. And gouernerh him anddwelleth in him. Caier:rn Rom. 8. fairh, rharthc rcflimomeof He gane him for vs {faith Ambrofe, de la. rhe fpirir is agift by which I neicher f<e, nor coh.& vit.hcar.lih,l.cap.6,) therefore there is knew, but I belceue that I om thefvnoe of nodoubt rbatweneed feareany thing f110uld God. SoMarz'narim the Ca.rmciitc Frier in . . his I .