Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

I ]_ 4 5 6 7 54-0 The 'Demrmfiration of the Probleme. h1s crarionvntothC"Counccl1 ofTrenr, ann. A ginningroworkeir, and eodeauouringeither 1545.fa~th, Lcr a man abhorre rhe fruirle!fe accordmg toability, nor perfectly: or in rhe confidcnc.e in h1s owne worth, and depend perfe.ction ofparu,bur nor ofdegrees.Telliwholly vponGods mercy;ler him boldGod momes. to bcalwaies prefC~<t with him asa mo£l merAllrhe commaundements ofGod are acClfi.,JJ Father,from whomc he is-alwaies toex· counted to be fulfilled, when wharfocuer ls pect all ioy;and all fcliciry,nQ_r ought he cuor nor done,is pardoned,dugufl.R<tM[/,/ib. r. to let this pcrfwafJon goeom ofhis mindc:,al· cap.19. though he be moleflcd with the men intolleThen are we iull(faithHierJib,r.c.~. m;tr. rable and infiniro d:fliculries that the world, Pdag.) when wee confelfe our felueafinners, rhe Refit, and the diuell--can •nywaies and our iu!lice con!if:teth nor in our proper inflict, rowithdrawvsfromour tru!l vpon merits,but in themerciesofGod. Lookerhe God and his diuine worlhip. And,VVherefirll bookeofB.rnATdslife,cap.13. forerheyneuerwander in the Labyrinth of He that bel.eues i~ Chrill(faithTheodortt, doubt, rhat haue obtained righreoufnelfe ~nRom. ro.) dorh fulfil! rhefcopeof thelaw. through ChriCI:burliuing in fecurity of conWhatw:llrhelawdoe,(fairh ChrJ[•fl•mt, in fciencc,in peace o( minde,1n ioy ofhcart,and B•m. 17)make a man iulllitcanncr: taught by that Spirit which rcflifierh vmo for none did euer fulfil! it. them rhattbey arerhefonnes of God, they He harb obtained the perfechon of the duebe bold to f•y,Abba Father. law,(aithStdu/i,u,inRom, ro. who bcleeucth 7 VVhere rhe Fathers doe fometimes in Chnll; for feeing none is iullr6ed by the feeme to deny rhefpecia!lalfurance offairh, law,becaufe noneharh fulfilled the law, faith they doe fpeakeofprelirmprion, or the carwas fer downe to farisfie for all omillions in nallfecurir:e wherein me~doe drcamcof lithe wholelaw. berry and peace wirhouttempration and haN.:> man euer fulfilled the law (taith C•f~- zard. VVhich of all the company of the nu1,£xc:e.l:b,ro.) which conGflerh inloue, fairhfull(fairhS. d"guf/.duor,ttgrat.cap. r 3·) bur he alone that came not to diiTolue the dares prefume that hee is of the number of law,bur to fulfillir. theprede!linare,as longas he liuorh herevpz Now, rhatthereare twowaiesoffulfilon earth~ lingthe law properly and perfeClly without Sometimes they fpeake ofthe ceruintyof any breach, one in this prefcnr life,and anacontinuance vnto the end without fall or derher in the life to come, none that I •uer fcct:and in this fen(e faith Auguftint 'De ciuit. c heard of,bur the fchoolemen,did euer reach. Deil:b.u.cap.u, VVho is herhat knowcth For rhe auncienr Doctors doe acknowledse that hefhall per(euere in increa(cand act• of no perfecbon at all in this life,bur onely rhar iuflice vnrill the end1vnlelfc he be in!lrucfted which con(ifieth in acknowledging our imof this by reuelarion from him that inflruperfection and cnormities.Sofa:rhS..Auguf/. cteth all concerning this matter by his iufl cont. z. tp.Ptla.rr..l3.<·7. Thatverruewhich is and fecrer iudgemcnr,&deceiuerhno man. in a man which is iufl, in this life i• called perSometimes they fpeake of rhe atfurance fetl with this prouifo,thar vnto the perfcCliofexpcrience,which isalwaies after rheeuenr on thereof,rhcre doe alfo belong both atrue ofrhe thing. Sometimesofrhecertainryof knowledge,and an humble confeffion of the groce and faloarion of others. Sometimesof imperfection thereof. And in rp. 19.adHuro. atfurance by fpeciall rcuelarion, or priuiSuch Charity--ascannot be increafedin Iedged alfurance, not thcordinariecerrainty rhislife,is in no man: and as longas it may be contained in the word &facraments. Someincreafed, that which is leile then it ought to timesofthe dcmonflrariuealfurance, begetbe,isofcorruption, by reafon ofwhich there ring knowledge in the minde,by peculiar and is nor one iufl man vpon earrb rhar doth proper principles, not of the atfurance of D good and linncth not.By which corruption it fairh .And fomerimes ofrhatcerrainry which commerh to palfe,thar no liuing man lhal be is without any !ignes or tokens, called the iullifiedin Gods light. And,dtperjtC/ai•f/i. cerrentieofEHUlence. rtf}'.adRaticdn,l].he[aith:Ao!ong as there 8 The fpecialland particular alfurance of is any rcliqwes of carnal! concupifccnce re· faith was neuer condemned for herefie bemaining--- God is nor wholly beloued, fore the Councellof Trentcondemned ir. nor with thewhole heart; forthe flelh ~·irhour the foole hath no concupifcence. But in his booke,dtSpiritu etlittra,che!all chaprer, Z.uljiOing ofthe Law. hefeeru<rh ro holdacontrary opinion, for there hefaith, that ifhere therecannot befo Supererogation. muchlooeofGod as is duevntoa full &perfetllmowledge, this is nor (oral! that to bee accounted as a fault. But for rbe reconcihati1 THcFarhersdoeaflirme thelawto on ofthefc two places, wee mufl know that befulfil!ed,firfl by imputingthe urhere is two forts of faulu: rhe one when a bedience ofChrifl by faith; and then, by be· thing is done drredJy oppoflre vnto Gods ~:11,