Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

The Vemonflratir;n of the Probleme. WIJI,and by him toroidden; the other when that is done which Godcommaunderh, bur nor alrooerher with the whole heart, as bee comma;deth: and this A•g•f/mt fpeakerh nor of, but ofthe other in thelarerqu_oratl– on,&contrariwife ofthe former mthe firil. Wee are not iullified by works (faithA>n· ~ro(t,li6ro :.dtla:o~. cap, :,) but by faith :bc– caufe our carnall infirmirie cloth hinderour workes. The Saints themfelues (quothBtrnard, in Cant.Sm,, 7J·l hadneederoprayfortheir finnes,rhar they may hauefalu.rion through mercy,and nntin rruiling to rheirowne rigll– rooufne!fe. And againe, in C•••- so. How !hould that bee commaunded which could nor poflibly be fulfilled/ or if you will baue it roconcerne ooelyrhe alfe.d(ofChariric,) I will not iland in contention with you, fa thatyou grant rho• much to me, that ir can– nor,noreuer !hallbefulfilled in rhisl1fc,by a– nyman. We can hardly do one good worke (faith RAdHiphHs,in LrHit.l.r.c.t.) Without intermix· r10nof fomcGnneor orhenvith 1t, and it is ro bee feared, Iell when \\ICe looke for acom– plete reward of deuotion, the puniOJment for rhefault therewith conioyned, be nor cx– aded of vs, A ingvnderilood ofthe virgins,Scr,8, dcvcr1. Apofl, Thevirgins(quoth he)did labour for rhebeauiyof the heart: Wnat doeilrhou command vs/toab{laine from adultery/doll rhoucollimaund vs this/ wee doeperforme more in louing thee then thou commande(l vs:that is,in thtscommandcment. Lailly, asir exceederh a ccimmandement wh1ch iscorllmonvnroothermen. ThcA– poOiePaol did fpend more (faithAug,/1. de opm.Monac,c:5.) becaufe(as himfelfe witnef· ferh,) he warred at his ownechargcs, Vtrgimric is avolunrarie thing (faithOp– tatut,lib.6,,o,t.Ptirm.)andndt of neceffiry-~·. S. Pan/giues not any preccpr,butonly coon· 3 Sllpererogarion,whereinagood worke of counfell done ouer and beyond rhe fulfil– lingofrhelaw,isacceprablevnroGod, w~sa ilranget voro rhe knowledge of the Farhers. C Foralthough they fay that virginity IS otk red more then due,and aboue rhelawes; and rhat many doe exceed the commandemcnrs with their workes,and performe more in duty the the precepts do bind rhem ro;yer,rhar the law is fo kepr, that the keepers are nor rranfgreffours, they doe not fay; I affirme a– gaine,rhey do oor fay Co. Bur they will haue fupercrogariue workesdone, not that there can bee any duty donewhich is beyond the moralllaw,bur rhefeworkes they holde may furpa!Te, fir(\rhenegatiuepart: for fo faith Chryfo/lome,Hom,8.inRom,4.Nor to Ileale or kill, is in euery mans power: but robeleeue that God can do that which ia orherwifeim– poflible, this requires a minde eleuated, and B felleri1 vs vnto virginiry: So do fomc of rbe other Fathers account virginity aboue the law, that is, aboue the orduJary obferuation ofrhe law among(! other Chri[hans,bccaufc tlJey thought it to be an Angelicall ilatc,Bur yet A :hanajim,lt/Jrc deinc4r.Ver.dochput vir– ginirie from amongilrhe counfcls, and in rhePrecepts: What man,faitl1 hee, either in his hfe,orafrer his dearh, hath beene the au– thor ofkecpingvirginiriel---yet om S.uior Chriil the Kmgof all men,preuailed thu• much in rhefe kmde ofcomandemenrs thatchildrenorbeing of maturity to rcceiu; the difcipline of the laIVes, lhould profelfe vrrgmtty whtch rs aboue the !awes. And in his Apologie toConft,mtim; That holy and heauenly command of erernaii virginity is nor kept nor fulfilled happ1ly, bur ondya– rnongllvs Chriilians. 4 This kinde of fupererogation, which rhe Papi!ls nmv reach,is in fame fort reproo– ued by forne of the Fathers, Nonocan reilore fo much as hee owerh, faith A•f"mt,dtconup.Pirg,c.zt.only Chriil rellored for all that arefaued,morc then bee ought. AndTbom"' inz. z.q11•ft. J 84, art. 3· will haue perfection to conli{l really and cf– feotially in the keepingof the commaunde– menrs, &in(\rumenrally in rheexecuring of the counfels: and for thispurpofe alleadgeth the words of A66ot MuJ[is: FaClings, wat– chmgs,&c.are n<>tperfetlion it felfc,but the inllrumenrs of perfedion, becaufc rhat the a more vehement alfedio towards God: For D rhisisaGgneofaworthy andnobleloue. He honours God that keepcs his commaunde– ments:bur he much more that can argue and difpute through his faith: theother obeyerh God, bur this dorh afcribe him----hisglorie with greater mea(ureand vchemency. Secondly,rhey held fupererogarion aboue exrerna!lalls,and in this fenCe CbrJ{u/1. HoD~, J.i• '- (.r, doth fpcake when he dererminerh rhar the Philofophers had Cupererogarion: Are nor his precepts foeafie(quorh he) rhar onany hauc gone beyond them by Philofo– phicall reafon! Thirdly, rhcy held it as it exceedeth fame onccommaundemeut. So is A.<~,(Hf/intJ fay- • . end of that difcipline dorh not confiil in them, but theyarethe means to bringvovn· rotharend. Pilgrimage. 1 REligious Pilgrimage got (o<;<ing after Ctmfl~tn!ir.u ume, the yeBreo(grace31o.andyctwas nota.rthcnv– fed byall,buronly by the vulgar: ,vr vndcr– rakcn for aoy wor01ip of God, omern fake, bur onely for confirmation oflaitf•. Ir is a part of faith (faithHicromt e-t/1. r54 )to wor– fhip the ground whereupo' Chrifislcete did cread.Stueru~ SHfpiliUJbtar.h/Jror~crmdo,~od