er he Vemonfiratton ofthe Probleme. Pa•linm,tpi(/,that mens minds A doe draw them to Hterufalem for no other caufe,bur only ro fee, and to touchthe places wherein Ch"ll was cO<porally prefent, And before Conj/Antmts rime, it istolde as a rarcrhing of Aifxandtr, and awonderfull, that hec ha!led vnro Hicrufalcm,roworfhip and vilite rhe holy places, as ENjtbim recor– derh,lib.6 cap,1o,Butmarke therethatalrhis was done by avilion. • Afre!Ward, fucceeding times changed thefe pilgrimages into partof Godsworlhip and religion; but yet the moll orthodoxall Farhers in that refpea did alwaies con· demne 11. So dcth N;U<••s in an eptllleof h1s 1 affirming r}-latltaddcthnotaiotce vnro piety, andtharGodisprefenr rorhofe that B call vpon hiS na:nc,in cuery place alike.The Lordfaith not,fallhA Hg•Pin,Str.dt Mar1.3. znrer Ser.d~ Sm1ll.gocioto theEafl,and feeke mll1cc, or{aylcmro theWell to receiue par– don: forgiu<thine enemy,and thou lbalt bee forgiucn: Doe not fcckc ought of thy fdfe, without thyfelfe. God dorh direchhee vnto thy fclfc,and thine owne confcicnce. Hildebertus Cen11monm(is in an cpiOieto a certain Count,doth affirme,thatPilgrimage is an inexcufable fin in them thatare bound vnto any minillery; and likewife rhat to pre– ferrc things not necelfary, before things ne· cetfarte;& things not duc,before duties:-– and to wander about the world,no Doctor, no Scripture doth atany time,orin any place C mentiOn. And ChrJ{cflom<,Homil. l,in Phi· /em. faith truly, that vnto forgiuencsoffinnes it i• alrogrrhcr necdle!Ie to vndcrtake any Ptlgrimage. · 3 But as for fetPtlgrimages vnto certain• images, there was ncucr Father dreamed of cheru for 6ooyeareo after Chrill,at the Jeall. Fafling,Stationr, ProceJfion. denlcth that any man can rruely all•gne the firll inuentour of Lenr. And lr'"''"• •p•d EN{t~.t.b,.qu•IJI. cap•tt :6, faith, that it i• tuc meercly~tt"" Y.PB' tt.1-JM~u-,:a,,.,u(r:acuCfomc. rifen out oftlmpliclly,andfomepriuare inllt– tutlon. z The fatl ofLent in the firll ages ofthe Church,was a fall ofgrear rdigion and holi– nelfc,kept for the maintainingofmorecoril– modtous and fpiricuall exercifes of inuocati· on and repemanco, and vfed for a remcm· brance of Chrills pallion. What fhould I Uand to relate the often wectingstogerhcr' (faitheujebiiU, Hsfl.ltb, z,c•p.16.) and the exercifcsof the men bce– ingpJaccd rogethcr in oneroornc, and rhc women in another, aparr, and thefeuere or– der of dtfCiplinc,which wee asyet doe cullomablyob[erue,and doc vfe to celebratecfpe – cially vpon the feall ofourLordsp>llion,not onely ID falling and watchmgs, but in the di– hgent hearingof theholySw pturw Ifwehauedoncno good (fauhBaf/, H•m. Z"f. in E6rin,ct:) by lo many admonuiom, which I hauc ncuer omitted toexhOrt you with,in all the time before, and now e(p<e•al– ly in thefe feauen weckr.s of faO:mg, whercm continually,uight andday1haue infl. ucted you in the uoarine ofrhe Gofpelwithout all mtcrmHiion,--- &c. This fall is not appointed vs(faithEpipha– »im, in fine PAn.1r.)whercby to renderany fa· - uour or good turne vnto him that fuffered forv.s, but toconfclfeand acknowledge his pallion which he vnderrookc for v•vntoour faluation. I concerning the Lent-fall, the Fathersarevnccrtainc:fome fay that it is atradition oftheApollles,ofwhich rank are Hurome,Ad M~trc.epifl.s4.and LeoJStrmo– "' f""' & "'"' de ft!!•dragt(. Others fay, that Chrill himfclfe appomted thi• fafl of ,t-ent. Ambroft, Sm n, >s. fa11h, it wasconfc– c-:ated by Chrill, aodSerm.34. A law giuen bySod, a fafl enioyned byChrill.AndTh•– opbit.... ofAlexAndria,P•fc.epif/.t.«dftnem,calFor this ende,(faithChry(of/omt,Hom, l9. •dpop•.A•tioch.)hauewe our fallings,and our Lent,for thisendhaucwelo many holy m(c– tmgs~and bearing, and hitherto rend all our pra1ers,and all our doC\rme,namely,that be– mg by the dilrger:t meditationof Gods pre– cepts cleanfed fromall the fpottesof linne, whereby wee l1aue bcene any way flained for the wholeyearc,trufling to ourfpirirual free– dome, w~may rcceiue that vnbloody Sacri– fice,li~c atgodly and religiousmen ought ro doe. And.73•Homi/, ui••· D fl!!'!d: It is notcnly requ11edofvs (my dea– rell brethren)to meetehere euery day,and to hcare continually of thefame things, and to I fall the whole Lent,&c. •lt may be leth it ;qEuangelicall inflltution. C«/fi••"'· hcc woke ccO•r.u .-•P-JO. faith,(A) That in the primi– thisfrom tiue Churu, their fall was alike throughout ::;f,·;b~o the whole Y"'re : and then deuotion begin– hkc foying mng to growc•ld•, and falling to bee negle– Epifl.~'-'d tled, the p11Cll>commaunded this fall of ~:ljiochium. Lent. Amalarhu,tibr() {tcundD,to~pitequinto, 3 This falling of Lent was kept freely, wirhout any bond of confcience, or any ne– ccffitie of commaund euen vnro rhe ycare of grace,4oo, This is true both m refpea of the ltmireof time, as well asof the lorts of mcates, Tellimontes. Ambri{t,dtEli11 & ltill.c.ll,inulcing VS\'Dto voluntarie fallmg, faith ; Vndergoeyou the yokeof Chrill-- be doth not binde your nccke wuh bands, bur coupleth the minde to him with fauour and gr>ce : hcc dorh not compell a man by nccelliry,but d11eCl<th the willing ofgood work<s. . Chrill!ans