.'The 'Demonjlrat10n oJ the Prubleme. , Ct:rifii•ns(C•ithA•t.•flint,cont.Fauji.Ma•. A libr, 3o,cap.s.)not Ho:renkes,but Catholikes doe abthine both from Come fom of flelh, and alfo from fame kindes of fruit<s, anU that for rhe taming of their flefh, and tb humble &withdraw their foule from brutilh aod voreafonable motions, not that they rhinke the meates, or fruires any waies vn– deane: and thisvfe is obferuedeither conti– nually, which fe~e doe, or atcertalne ririies and daiea, as almoC! all doe throughout the Lent, euery one as much oraslittle as bee is willing, or aa heeisable, But whereas bee faith (at lea(! aSermon vnder hiJ name,vi<., 6z,dt ump.) that it is fin not to fa(! the Lenr; thisisnotto bevnderC!oodas iftherewerea B law hereof, butinrefpetlof the neglecting of the publike pcnaoce which was commonlyrenewedin thio fa!l, So71mdoret, inEpit. diuin, Dt~ret, (peaking of the eating of flcfh, and drinking of wine, faith, that the Church doth not forbidde the vfe of. rhem : and therefore Come doe m•ke lawfull vfe of thefe goods &ple•furesallowed by rho law, & otherfomeagaine do abUaine from them: but no man ofright iudgement or wifcdome will condemne him that vfeth them. For to abC!aine from them, as well as tc> eote them, is in his choiceand power. AndA uguf/int,in /ib.t.c~p. 33.D1mcrsbut &'cchf•.faith,that ab. llioence and feafling were both allowed by rea[oo and charity J nor is any man am~ flrained to forbeare the vfe of this or that C m.eare, but it is left free toemeryman,as farre aseuery mans health doth permit him.And Proffmdevil• contrmpl.r, lib. •· cap.vlt, faith, that we ought to fa(! and abC!aine,that we do not binde our fdueo to tho necdfity of fa– !ling, leCl thereby wee lhould be brought to doa voluntary thing,not of deuotion, but of compulfion. Concerning faUing (faith Primafuu, in Rom••.capite tof.)thereis no law fer downe, but eucry man as beecan, orwiJJ. Spiridion did ea.tc flelh freely, as Ss;::.omm~ tellifieth 1 tibroprimo,capitevnd~cim. And it wasMo,.. t4nm that fir(! preferibed lawes of faUing, wbich.Eu(tbiru aflirmetliof him, libro qum, c~pitt 1 G. TelcfPhorm indecde commaunded the Cl<argieto fa(! the Lent,abo"tthe yeare D 13o. And Ercombm king of Englan'd, did fir!! commaund.the Englilh men to kcepe it in the yearc G4o, Sigcbm, in Chrtm, This man,faithFlorr.miwt a Monke of Worceller, (fpcaking of &'rcombm) was the fir(! of the kmgs of England that commaunded the i– dols to becde!lroyed,and the fa!l of fortie . daies to be obferued rhtoughout all hisking· dome. , 4 This fa(! ofLent in diuers Churches wa' diucrOy ob(erucd, both in thetime,and , alfo in the kindcoofmeates. Thofethatare atRome(faithSocr•wJibroquinto,capite>t .) doe fa[!threeweekes before the EaCler, ex– t~ptingSaturd•y&Sunday. Thofethat liue ' . in Jllyri•;and all Grcece,and Alexandria, do begmne their fa(lslixe weekes before EaUer, calling that timctheir P•fch•. Others;(be– fides thefecuUome')beginning their fa(! fea– uen weekes before Eaacr,and yet falling but fifteen• Uaies onely, equally diuided byfpa– ces betwecne, doe yet call that whole time, Lent: which breeds nofmall wonder in me, that all thefe dilfenting in thenumber of rhe daies, lhould nerlcrtheleffe call all their falls by the fame mime•. The faU before Ea!ler,though in•erebut of fewe daies, yet was called Lent: perhaps becaufeit con!ifled offotry houres of day & nigh~, asit bin Ellf~/Jim, librqquint.cttpiu 24. andLeoin hi! rounb Sermon bf Lenr, faith, L~t vs fail on Munday,Wednrfday, and Fri· d~y,and on Saturday letv.s •·arch at S.Pttm, Grrgorit fait b, homil. 1G. That theLent wa~a fan of fixe and thirty daie•. And it is a rec«– ued opinion, that before his time the Lent bcgannenot vpon Wcdnefday, becaufe that inthcD~crctals, inc11piu qr•adr~tge/in:. de ttm~ f•cr•t;d•H,, ;(whiehwercmadeafrer him)<he foure daies before the filii Sunday in Lent are added to make vp the number of forty. Thia doth Ambro/e teC!i6e in his foure and thirtieth Sermon,andCAjfia•ur, Col,z r.c.%4, •7· z8.& do teach,thattheLentvfed ahvaies to beginnevponthcSundaynextafter £!.!!j_n– quag<fimaSunday, So hkewife holdeth Al– cui·t;tde diuiH. offic. capite40.andOrdo Rqma.. 111# 111 ct~pitt deStpt«t~ge[. andMicr()!ogru, ea• pitt49·I confefTe there is aSermon extanta– mong!! Saint Auguf/innDeTemport,inFeria quart<~, which is tntituled, A Sermonvpoo cheWednefday in the beginningof the la !I : but tha1 Sermonisnoncof Augujlinu,and ifitbe,lfaythc tide is added by fame of Ja– tertime, and that for the reafons before al– Jeadged, The holy Church(faithEpophAniur, io 'Ilia comp.) did accuC!ome to keepe all ~he Lenr before the feauen daieo of EaC!er, in fa(lmg. Now after this fa!l of 40. daies the Church was wontto keep fifry daieso£ foa!lsvnto the PentecoU. s This fa!lofLentwaa whilomevery f<– uerelyobf<rued, in bread and water,without wine• orfilhes, For the Fathers vfed to eate drie thing•,that is, bread and fait with warer: (oEpiph•niurdoth teQi6o,in finePanAr. They fa!led from Rent and wine, So \fitnelfeth Gregorit ofNyf[a alfo, in his oration of Io· uing th<.poore 1 and the fourth Counce!l of Catthage,cap. Ss. AndHimmaJ LerJaith, they abllained from oyleand apples :and in another place,inEpiraph. Paul~, from wine,Jr. quouts, 61b, hony, and egges. And ChrJ/~ Home,Serm.dt ieiun,faith,tbat the Church ab– Uained from flefl1ar.d w1nes. Microlo11H1,cap. 49.rairh, Wee are not held to fall the Lcnr according to the Canons,if that we cateany thing before euening. A nd A mbro(t ,Serm. 34· oppofcth the faUer in Lent vote> him Z z z rbat 'I