'Ihe Vemm(lration of the Problem •' I e. that hath doned. Wherefore thiS Pop•i1• fall A 11 PopeAg•petede Con(ecr.e, diflin[/, •.! or Lenr, that forbidderh fle!h,andailoweth (in theyeare Sj 3.) did lirllordaine Proceffiwhir-mearcs& fieh,was not heard ofamongfi onsvpon Sondaies,asC•rAn>:.aalfo tell ifieth. the Fathers. Let thofc that are to fall (faith And rhe Arrians of Conllantinople bad .Nfofantu,in pr~1ilic. Tbtel:Jg.trAEiAt. 3· '"P· 1 J. done thefame bcfore,wbichCh7f•f/•111eboth n11m.69.) '"member thatthe Fathers abllaiImitated, and augmented in number and foned from wine and dehcarcs, Audagaine,dt lemnity. Sodoth So>:.•meneaffirm•, bift.eccl. CatJollic, hb.J,cttpo 2 6.1(we looke into the an· lib,8,cap.8 cierlt feucrity and ~i[ciplinc, fcarce any one now adaics a ••uprooue himfclf. true faller: Jfor tiley failed Vlltlll cuen 5 tvevfe to ttkeour Sacramentr. . dinners. 1 6 The fall ofLenl\vas obferued by fame l oftem1mes in the yeare, and not alwaies be1 THat there are feauen Sacramenlsof I fore Eallcr: There was afa(! of Lentimpofed · the new T dlameot properly and vpon the penitenrs,to be ob(erued afrerPen· truely fo called) no Father tor a thoufand tccoG,as Mtcrolt~gzu rccordcth,deobftrH.£ccl. B yeares doth either affirrnc or acknowledge. , cap.z;.TheMonrantfls failed three Ler.u in The!acraments,faith l{idore, (that liued 6oc, theyearc.Hierornf \rnto M•rce0a,Epift.14 af. yeares after Chrill,lib. origi•.G.c.piu 19.) are firmerh it: and addcth, Weaccordmg to ABaptlfmean:l Chrifme: and tbe bod1e and poilol1ke traditton doe fall one Lent m rhe blood of Chri!l. P•(ca,de cama, about the whole ycarc, at atimefitforvs. AndMethoYe:ue 900. faith, The Sacraments of ChrW dm& of Conlfanrinople decreeth ofthe peni· in rheCatholtke Church are bapllfmc, and tents after abturation: Let them fall two thebody and blood ofour Lord, H#go de Lenrs,incominued prayer. SoFr4'nciJ,and o- (an[/o f•[/ure in bts booke of the facramcnts. thers,~ ept thrce,fiue,Gxe Lents. dothfet downe fcauen of them: bot hecex7 TheSwumsamong!l the Fathers were cludcth pennancc, and takcrh in holy water folernne and pub!tke fafls, obfcroed in the for one. N•y, fomeof the Fathers doe ex· Church on the day, from morning vnrill pteDy affitmr, that wafl1ingof the feete is a night, Bu: the Stations of the Church of Sacrament, fo holdeth Cypri•• de abies. peRome at this prefent are not folemntzed dum. Ambrufe, IIbra 3. deSacram. c.p. 1. and frommornmg vntilJ night, nor of the fame Btrnard.Serm.decana.Dom. Lumbard, and 1'erfons,bnt by others,and 01hers Coccdliue- c his fuccedmg traine of fchooJe-men, were ly obferumg them :and now adaiesthc fa(! is tbe'firll that euer direCllyaffirmed,that rherc - ended ere the llation doe begin, which i& llJ!l were feaucm facramcnrs. celebrated after meate, Looke Ambro[ehis. . z The Fathers though they doeComezs.Sermon. times giue the name of facrament vntQ o8 Concerning thefallingsvpon theeuens thee ccrernonieo, yet doeacknowledge bapof great fealls, Bern<ra was the fir!! that euer rifme, and the Lords Supper tobe,thetrue mentioned them,Ser, de vtg,ii.S.dndr.andafSacramenrs,and the chiefe. Indeed they doe ter him [mJOC(Ntitu th~ third, DeobfertJ. ieiun. call other things Sacrament~, but not in th;t c•p.I.&.H. refpeCl and value that they call thcfe tlvo.So 9 Thatthe fa!lingof Emberweekcs isa A~tgujline, de SJm6. ad(attchu. !tbro z.cttpite Tradition of the Apoilles, Leo dothteflifie 6.faith,tloatthe z.Sacraments ofthe Church in rwo feucrall places, 'De itiHn. 7.men{.Ser. 8. flowed out ofthe tide of Chri!l, And Epi,1. · & z.dePent, But how vnccrtaine this is,hereu8. hee faith, that the SDcramcnts are m by appearelh, becaolc Pope c.tixtHJ!he '· number morl few.AndRttptrtm T•itienju,Dt in his EpttllevntoBenedt£ldoth affirmc,that v•CJori11 'lltrb. Dei, lib. J '2. cap.1 I. ·askcth this he did inflitute rhc fall o(Ember weekc.And D querlion : Whata.re the chiefef! Sacraments Tertnflian, de iei11n, doth teilifie, that theCa· of ourfa!uation I and hee anfwererh, Sacred thol•kes of his time did auerre,that the ApdBaptifme, and the holy Eucbarirl of Chr~(l, nles did impofe no.burthen of falling vpon body and blood, thedoublegifrof the holy them,buroncly thePafchall falt. AndAm· Gbo!l,the onegiuen forremtlfion of finneo, brofe in his 34· Sermon affirmes all falls but and rhe other forrhe diuiding of the doum the Lent fall, to bee volunratie and at free and multiplied graces.There arefome Sacra· choice. They are of free choice,faith he, this ments,faithH.tgo d• S••IJ.Vi£/urj.def.cr.par. is the law: vmothcm weeare Cl:irred vp, but 9· cap. 6. ~·herein our faloation doth princtvmo tbis we are compelled. pally confiil,and isconceiued: Such are rhe 1 o To fa (I vpon Saturday is e~prcfly forwater of Bapti(me, and the rcceiuing ol b1dden by the Canon of the Apomcs, '""· r"'' boo;,"" blool. Th= '" ooho 65. and by lgn•tiusm his Epimetothe .Phiwhich though they bee not nrcdfarie vme. ltppiam,wherein heci.called a murrherer of faluation, (becau(e rhar may be had without Cbrill, that taflerh vpon Saturday or Sonthem) yetrhey are helpfulZ.Vnr'? fanthficaI day: yet theRomane Church doth now ub. rion. A-f.trtluwof Paris inhts chromclewrk fcructhis fait. • ring of Wsl/s4m the Conq.uerour,fairh, 1hat it "·a~ . '