'The 'Demonjlration of the P robleme. 545 wao the opinron ofthe Father.! and they had A · this minde are many of thelater writero, as writren thatthefacra·ments wh1ch arevfed tn . Rojfenjis,Hoji"' in conftff.Petri<,<~p.5$.Ptghisu, theChurch,namely Baptifme,Chrifme,and ln<onlr.ll, JO. and .Aiphon[tu a C•f/ro, in the thcLords Euchari!l, hauetheir etfeCl--- by wordnupti£, h•re(. 3· who defecdothis asrhe theco-operation of the fpirit inuifiblc• .A· commonopinionoftheDmines; as alfo PehxAnder f.IAirs.p4rt.4.q.8.art.z. doth auerrc tnu 4Soto,/(a. :. dt Matrim. Catharj,Ud in plainely that Chrifl did by himfelfe ordaine the que£hon of Matrimonie, expoundeth bntonely two facraments: Baptifme,and the tbewordfacrament,Ephef.).eitheroftbeinEucharW:and he prooueth it by the Bowing carnation of Chrifl, orofthefir(! Marriage ofwaterand blood out ofthe fide of Chri!l. of.Ad•mande~•h : and addeth; By thefeop3· Thename of facrament in theFarbets poflte queflions (to confelfe the rrutb) it is is fometimes taken largely, for any myflery, not fo apparent by the Scriptures,thatMa- (Jgne, or 6gure offame hely and fpirituall trimonic" a facramcnt in that (enfe that the thing. .Auguf/i.e in his ) .epHllefaith,Euety other fixe are called. But hee adioyneth, Ggneof a holy thing is a factament. In this becaufc of the vniuerfall confcnt of the fenfe to .Af<x, r.epif/. t. holy water is a facta· Church, wee confetTe1\.hrrimonie to bee a ment :as alfo in Aug.l.:.depte<At.nmit.& re· B facramenr,and uor oneiy becaufeofthat law mtJJ.<.:6.holybreaJ,&in.A•.(.I.I9.<•nt..Faujl. which commaundetb vs ro capriuate our p.14.the figne ofthe crolre,&c. To fpcake all vodcrllanding vn1o the obeyfance of faith, in a~vord,m thisfenfetherearewhcr feuenbut alfo becaufe they doe infcrre reafons ty facrarncnts then feauen. But fometimes for it, the word [facramenr] istaken properly for Ordination of Bilbopa is not ttuely and thevilible ligneand fealcofthecoucnant of properly afacramcut, laith LHmbard, 4· di· grace: and 10 this fenfe there are not feaucn, f/inCI. •4· andfa dotbA!txander, Ha!<~,Tho· but twofacramcn'rs in the Church.This dou· mtU, and Bonautntwre. To whome of the Iable vndcrflaoding of the word [facramentj tcrfott agreeD•mi.ni<usSo,. in4. dif/i>£f, z4. BeUarmint himfelfe dotb acknowledge. qu<Jf. %• .rtic. 3· & ddure & iuf/iti•Jibr. JO. 4 Neither doe all the Schoole-ruen and qw•fl. J,ortic, : . AndloftphH4 .Anglts, in4. dicanonifl• acknowledge feauen facraments of (linC/,:4.artic. 1J. There are fame alfo that rhe new T eflament, called properly facradenicDeaconfl•ip, and the other lower ormcnrs. For Durandus in hil firfl edition of den to bee facraments properly: of which hisworkevpon the Sentcnces,4.dift,e6,de. CortDurandus is, in4, di{JinC/.:4.q~H.z.who niedMmimonytobeafacramenr,asC~pre· C alleadgethmanyreafons on tillS fide. And oltiJdoth rcllifie,in4.dijl.t6. But afterwards C4i:t~tn(,in 1.rom. opufc, tra. 11, intreatingof in the fame diflin~hon,qu<f/. 3. he mitigated the manner of giumg and receiuing otders: his opinion,andput downe,that Matrimony & in 3.P•rt.Tho,.,qu•ff.64 Artic, 4· ad t.'witb is not a facrament properlycalled fo, and V• FrAH<U a ViC/oria,IVhOnum.zz6.tcllilies,that oiuocally, as the reil of the facraments are, thi• opinion oftheirs is meflprobablc.L•mAnd fo holdcth Lumb•rdhimfelfe,4.difb6. ~arJhimfclfe.-t.dif1inC/,:4Jit,J.faitb,thatthe AsThomu,...di{f.:6,q,.,(l.z.d4.doth telli6e. Church in pro.cetre oftime,ordained hir{clfe Andfo alfo holdethHojlienji1, i•Summ<.lib. Subdeaconsand acolytes. Looke Fran<u a t.ritulodf(Acram. ~niuran: Ber,;~rdsGioffe, V 1floria in his CummeyrHm.!.Z6.Thom.vpon <.lp.<•m in mlef~<,de Sim.& <Ap.honora.3z,qu. t:Je foutth of the /tnten. dijlinff. z J.q••JI. J. :. Aud P•l•d••• who aucrreth thia to be the m i<·4· faith,that the forme ofbaptifme aud common opinion oftbe CanonHh, in4 dijl. the Eucharifl, are extant in the Scripture, z6.qu. '· Some do alfo deny that M atrimo· but theformes of the other Sacramentsare ny lawfully contraaed betweene Chriflians, not fo. is a facrament: fa doth CAittA>II in a li!ll< 5 Our Sacramentsarefaid to beofgreater worke of his concerningMatrimony, q•. J. D vercue then the Sacramentsof theolde law, and Mdchior (anus in his Relettion of Pc· not becaufe thefe did but fignifie& prefigure nitence.parss.and atlarge,locor.com.M.8.< . .f. grace,and theo1her doeconferre and beflow where for hisopinion, bee quotcth many reit, but becaufethe dodrine whereunUJ they flirnoniesout ofthe decretal Ep•flles,Coun· bclong,and the maner of reuelation is more ccls,Fathers,andSchoole·men. Ofthis opi· apparent, and becaufcrheyconcetnc Chr~tl oion is FrAn<U a ViC/ori• in his fummede !•· already giuenvpfor .... Look cAnguf/inr a. <Mm, """'"· 144 and MartinuJ Ledt(m•, in gain!l the Mani<htt Fauj/us,/.19.<.14.& 16. :.tom.4.dif1.44•rt.8. Now many doe holde And for the Schoole-meo,Haltr, pars. 4•1· 7. thatMatrimony is not oncly a facramentof Art.4.'fN,7. BoniUientt~re,Scotnt,DHrlindus,Rithe newTeflamcnt,(as the Councel ofrrent, <h•rdus,and Bsel,in4.dtj/, J.thefeaffirrne,that Seff.S.can. l.wil baueit,)but that itisalfo afacircumcifiondid giue grace ex opereoperaro ; crament ofth<old T e!lamenr, So will Hairs by the worke wrought, A ndamong(\ thcla4 di/f. l 6.arr.J. & s. httue it,and BonltHtpture ter writers,fo[ephAn,~!u,in 4.di/f. I.art.j'.llol~ olCo,4-dtjl,:6.qu,1. and (onethat liued before dcth thefame : and fo dothFrll11cu a TMioria the Schoole-men,) H.a<S.PiCim l.1.de Sar:r. de fo.<r·••m. z. addmg furthermore, that this part,S. cap. 13.& /ib.z.part, 11. <ap. t. and of IS rhedoltrineof all the D oltors. Z z 3 Th