The Vemonflratton o{ the Probleme. The work.f wrought. 1 fHat rhcSacrainents doe !,;iuegrace by [he wurkc wrought, that is, that the Qchon of the Mrm!lcr,or theclementof rtfclfe, and by11 leHi:, by a c<;~rporoll vertue, dotb aClroely, dfetlually, and immediately glUt grace, it bath not bcene held by rhc Church for whole tweluc hundred ycares: . but "a fchola!ticall fiC\ron, approoued by the Councell ofTrent. A decincsin aboxe: rovnd"erl!a~;, erroneous. B~r they ere faid to ccmaine grace,becaufe they do fignifie ir.And beca~fe grace u alwaies giuen in them (vnleffe there be adefed in him that receiuesrhem)it mull be fo vnderllood,thatgrace is in the foule, & not in•ublc !ignes. This alfohce rca– cheth, q. 4· and herein he is followed by Sc•– ttts, Du.r;md. Rif:h4rdm. 0&e~tm1 Marfilius,and· Bitlin.4.d.a.&ofthelater writers very many. • The Fathers f>ytbatthe Sacraments doe glUe grace, but not properly: (•sthe f.1w B dotb cut,not prup~rly)butiymbolically,m a my!bcaU refpeCl, by rea!on of theidigmfi· cation and promife annexed vnto them; be– caufewhcn wervferhcm aright as the tokens ofgrace, God giuerh that grace immediate.. ly. The man (faith Himmtin if•i•4) doth but gmc the water, but God giueth the holy GhoU, whereby tvc are purged from fihh, and our bloody finnes arc purified. In lrke ruanncr Auguflinelibro • Tri.nit.caplte 1-6. (aith. How rhcncanit be tharheisnotGod thatgiueth the holy Gholll Nay r>thcr how grcaraGodishcthatgiueth.Godl For ne· ucr adifc,plethat he had could giuethe holy Gholl: they did pray that it might bee infu· fed vpon thofe vponwhomerheylaidtheir hands, but they infu(ed it nor themfelues: C whrch cu£lome the Chutch doth now ob· (cruc in hir ouer.(cers. And in his quefirons vpon Ltuiucus,bbro J.q../1.84. M•J(n ((aJth he) rn his minifiry did fanCiifie by vifible fa– cramenrs,but the Lord by his inm!ible gr:ce through the holy Spitit, wherein lies all the fruJte and worth of the v1hble facraments; for without that fanClif.cation of inui!ible grace, what are thevrlible(acraments good for/ A lilllcafter:Thercfore here we gather, thar (ome haue had muifib!e fantlification and the benefit rhereot without the vifible f.cramenrs:-- bur that vif:blefanCirfica· on which is performed by the vrfible (acra– menrs, cannot be of any valuewithout}hat other inuifiblefanClification. Whoforhin. keth (faith another, vi<.. Author, qq. dt Vtteri D & N oums1. q~41. S9·)that Baprifit>e is after a carnall manner, this man is not fpirituall: norcan hee obtaine the gift of God,that be– iecLJeth himfelfc changed by water, nor by fauh; for thewarer is (eene, bur that fpitir which is notfeene,workcth faith in him. AI· though God do giue the Sacramentofgrace by wiCked men (fairh l'~(ch•ftu de corp. & ang. D•mini,cap.3s.) yet hegiueth not grace it fclfe, but by himfelfcin whome isremi!lion uf !in•. And ro this affcrtion rhefchool· men themfclucs doe a:grce. We maynot by any rueancs (ay (farrh B•n•utntHrt +dip. z.q. 3·) chatthere ss grace ctlentially contamed in the Sacraments, as water 10 a vetfelJ, or me- . 3 Some.D,iuineodoe denie that grace is g1uen by rhe Sacrament of Olatrimonie, a~ rnongll whome theMallerofrheSenrence• is the chicfe, who demclll it in his fourth bookeand.~·6.difii11C\ion: And fo dcthD•· randru in his third qudlion vpon ihe fame dillmdion,with which many Cononi!htake parr. AndG•dfriJHs for one, tit.dt Sacram. mm iterandP., io his fumme. Tl.eSacraments (quoth hce) are otherwlfe diuided, for thm arefomewherein grace isgiuen:--ando· rhcrfomewhcrcin grace is notgiuen, asma– trtmonie conrratled. H•flsrnfs in like m~n·, ncrjib.z.tit.dt[ JtcrandU,Iairh, I his is the thir~ diu.!ionoffacrarnenr>, becaufe there arc fome rhar doe giue grace)····and o– thcrfome wherein grace 1s n~t giuen, as ma-. trimonie, either m contraCtion or confum– mation. Yea the Exrrauagams alfo hold this opinion,defimoni4,cumin eccle/i~t C(IT'port. And Bernard in Appar.tu,Caith,Weeare ferbidden to tak~ any thing for the benediCii~ns of thole that p:Jarric, becaufe by them grace is giuen, bur to giuc or take any thing for ma· rriruonie, is no finne,-- bec~ulc though it be afa<.:ramcnr,yet £race is notgiuen there· by. Looke alfo in the Decretals, c•pitth•· norantur,31,qu.rfl. t. and inother Car.onilfs, part of whome C•u.rruvi.u doth alleadgein h10 Ep:romc ofthe fourth booke of the Dc– cretals, p~rt. z. §· z. andfart arecircd in the Cenfures of the gloffeo the Canon law, in Cjratian. num. 16. 3c>. Sf. and 10 qreg"i"De· crctais,,Hm.zs.z9.inSixtHMnum.J •· The Miniflers intention. 1 THat opinion which holderh Baprilme robe ofno forcewithQut the mentail and actual! inrcnrion of the Bapri· zer,was not knownc:Vnro lrmocrntifu,:sAn– gtlus refirfieth in his fumrne, where he faith, rhar it is not necctfaric vnro true baprifrur, for the baptizer to haue in his minde to doe that which the Church cloth. The priell (faith Chry(off•mt,hom.i• ''""· 85.) lendeth both tongue& hands. SoNichcl.u thePope faith vnto rheB•lgars demands:Yeu affirm, tharrhere is a lc1v amcngfi you, you know nor whether he beeaChr~ll,an,or aPaynim, "ho hoch baptizedm•ny ofycu. Truly ifhe hauebaptized rh< in the nomeoftheTrinity, they