· .The Vemonflratiou ofthe Probleme. 547 they are aoc to be rebap<Jzed. There is noo– the: intention ofthe mimCler requ~red(fatth C 11 rh:n-in•titr@i-1>. d~/ntent. Mini/1. S,:~cram,) but thu bee turend to doe th.at oul\oardly which the Church doch,though he himfclfe neither bclceuc chattber.eis aCbu(ch, nor that chcre it any fptrituall effect of•Baptifme. BoNhiswas fome inucnrionofthe fchoole– meo who could not make new articles of faith; &ifthisopinion be adroirted; I would _fame know of the Paptlls, how thi!y are able toilmnue Idolatry ih theworil>ippmg ofthe Sacrament mtheir malfe/for they know thar no man ca<1 bee cerraine of the intention of A bccaufc bee knew that tliis Charaetcr was commande~ byGod tobe infixcd vpon all men--andolirdebcforc. Whatmeancl when Ifay,tbe Ap•fl••• bath not fealed with hisowne CharaClcr!Donatmbath not bapti· zed in 'Donatlfl his name. And in his fecond bookeagainCl P•rrneni41lcap. 1 3• hefaith the Characterisinrhcbodie: And cap. ro8.hc calleth Baprifme itfdfothc CharaClcr,llb.z. contra lit .Peu!lan. 3 The GharaClerorfealcof baprifme in rhc Fathers doch oftcnrimes fignifie thegift &grace of rhe holy fpirit,Wcarelig"ed with thefpim,fauh d mbrofeJ, (}i.San[/ ,I. r,cap.6. that we may keep< htsfplendor,&iroage,and ~-------------IB gracc:which IS lbll thefpiriroall fealc.And of this opinion is Theodsrd, R1)mtJ, Prim11(tus, A•fe/m,,ondTh" ph;laav pon the z. Cor, I v,11. We as hisfonnes(faahChr;fofto>m,h.,,, z,rnEph )arc li~oed\;uh the holy Spirit. hirn char confeccatet·hit. ' 'The Charafler. ANvnrcmoueable character, which may be imprinted in thefaulc, and conhtl rhcre withoutgracc, eucninamandamncd, :i3aptijme. isne.ucr fpokenofeither in rhc Scriptu.res or Fathers ThefirCl tradition of th"Ch•raCI:r THe Fathers held Baptifroe to bee (faithDur411d.,l,4, Jijl. 4·1• I.) we haue from . abfolutely necclfarie in rhofc that DionJfim Ar(Qpag)ta, who fc:emeth to agree areofyeares ofd1fcr.ttion. Tellimonies. with what we haue faid ofrheCb•r•Cier: for The CatcchumeniCl(faithAm~ro(e, liG. J, hee rociteth a certaine cullomeobfcrued in hriquiiniti•ntur,cap. +)helceueth:··--but vn · chc Primitiue church ~t Baptifmes of men le!le be be baptizrd--he cannot obtaine growne, namely the Biiliop dtd lay hit hands C forgiuenclfe offingeo:nor partake of the gift vpon him or herthat was to bebapufed,fign• offpiriru•ll grace. Toobtainethekingdome ing them with the figne of the crotfe, and ofheauen(fanhAHgujlint/io.4,de Bap.c.u.) commanding chc.n to bee written amongll the CatechumeniCl wantcth baprifme, euen _ the names of the Chri(ltans, thenceforth r_o as the wicked that is baptized wantcth the be with chem admttccdvnco rheorher myflcrrueconucrfion:and tra£1. I 3.in lo.1•.Howwcl rics:andthisexteriorrlleillBapri(mewaathe foeuertbe CatecburoeoiG doth profit, yer charaClerizing·of them, nor did hec mean< bearerh he the burdenofhis finne•, rior can any other Character. Scotus inS'"'·4· dift. G. he lay it off, vottll heattaine vnto Baprifrne. q. 9· chinkcch it vnpoffiblc to proue tbcChaThefame ltkewifo heauerreth in hisr.booke, ra/:ler either out of Scripturesor FatherS,but. d' anim;cap. 9· From that moment (faith the teacbeth rhat wee muCl beleeueit, bocaufe of Auchor,d' fide adP(l.cap. 3·) wherein our Sa· the authoritic of the Ch<;rcb. And Bidin4· uiourfaid, vnlelfe a man bee borne againc Jrji.~.qu<{l.t.doubcethwhethertheChurcb --without the Sacrament of Bapttfme haucdefin~d that there is fuch a charaCler: no man can obraine heauen, or eucdaCling adding tbat there is bur one authoritie life, fauingthofe thatbccing without Bap- (namely of lnnoccncthq. cap.Maiom ex. D tifine, O•eddcthclr blood for ChriCl in the tra,Je Baptijmo) which ruakcth for the Cha· Church,We bcleeuc(fairh the Author ofthe raCier, booke.deecclt:d•gm• c. 74.i•AugHft.)that the zThe ancient writersby the tearme Cha· way offaluation is open onely vnco the bapnClerdoe fomecimes vnderlland the excercizcd. Wcbeleeuethac no Carechuroemfl, nail forme, order and ceremonie ofBap· thoughdyinging.::>odworks, can be capable tifmc, or Baprifmcicfelfc: and in their wriof eucrlaCling ltfe, except by marryrdomc rings, toimprelfc or infi~ethecharaeter,illo wherein all the facred tbrng•ofBapcifmeare bap<J[e or to profclfe the faith in Baprifme. fulfilled. N ati""""''•Orm. 40. deBap.[aich, Iartend vnto the faith in the name ofthe Fa· thatthe Cacechumenifl• are vpon rhe chrethcr, theSonne, and the holy GhoCl, faith !holdofptery,vntowhich they enterbyBap· Auguft,Ser. de geff, cumEmerit. this is the ttfme, Andagame,thatfomearedepriuedof Character.ofmy Lord and Emperour: conBapt•fmc, either by infancy, or fome other cer.,ngthis CharaClcr did hoccommaund fudden chance whereby they areall debarred fouldiers (or rather companions) that they from the enioying ofgrace, though they de· I n,ould imprint this in all tho(a whome they fircit. Thus hold thefeFathers, fo char rhcy gathered into his tencs.faying, GoeBaptife deny char contrition is fuflicient eo obtain< all naMns in rhe name of the Father, the the firClgracc,thoughtherebein ita delire of ISGtme , and the holy GhoCl: P••ldid fcare, . Bapcifme. Zz -4 • Con·