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Th8Vemonjlrationof the Probleme~ I .z Conccrningmfanu, A«guflin~, deo~ig. A ~.,,,,,t.:.c, 1 :.& I. J, cap. 9· teachethvs tho•: !ikleeue noo,neither teach thar infants dying \ before Baptifme, con bee capable of the re. million of their originall finne. Teach not thioifthou wilt be a Chrillian. And rhishee I reoacherh,vi~. epi/1. z8. tu:l HitrDn, & de nAtNrll &[!·at. c.p. 8, Sodoth Fulgffltitu,de~deAd Pct.cAp.Jo.Chrrfoflome, 1. Cor. Am· brofe,de AbrAhAm.ilb.:.cap.vlt. Ijjdort,lib.>. deoffic.cap. t4.qrtgory,t.b.7,epift.s3. and lnno' cmiiHJ III.incap.M• B•p. VVearenot ignoram(ilmh the Author of thecalling of the Gentiles/ib. >.c•p. 8. or rather, >4.)how great acaufe of fiOthfulnelfe itwould be vn· to rhe heart ofthe fatthful,tfin rhe Bapri(me B of Infants thoro were nothin3 ro bee feared of others negl1gencc,andof rhe1r mortality. This hold they. But fomeofthefe, &chiefly A uguf/ine, and Ambro[t, beemgoutof their feruent di(putations with the Pdag'-"'· who d<nyed originall flnne,aqd many others, doe famerimes abate much from the llri~nelfe ofthanheiralfcrtion, Forfo doth Ambro(e in his oration vpon the death of Palentini•n rheyonger,fpeakingvnro the G£lers ofP.Im– tinian.But I perceiue you lament(faith he)be– caufe P•lcnrini•n did nor enioy the Sacra– menrofBaptifme. Tell me, whatistherein you belldes a will and a defire? But this defire hehadlong lince, to be--madea member ofour head Chrifi,and lignified, that hee C \Would forthwith be baptized ofme.-·Hath nor he thereforethat guce which he delired/ bath not he wh>t he required/ And alitleafter. Dorh thismooueyou rharrhefe my!le– rieswere norcdebrared with folemnicylrhen are not the Martyrs crowned that fuffered beeingCarechumenifie: for they fhould nor becrowned, vnletTe they be tntred into our myCleri<s:butifthey be wafhed in theirowne blood, then did his (Pale•rinians) piety and good deGre purifie him. And aboue in rhe fame oration : I did lofchim whom I hoped to haue regenerated in the Gofpell : But he dtd not lofc that grace he (o delired, Thar fuffering doth fometimes fulfill the place of D Baptifme,S.CJpria•gathered no fmal proofe (faith Auguf/m<,de Bap. conrr. '1Jon•rif/.M.4 '"P·••.)from tbevnbaptizcd theefe,to whom our Sauiourfaid, To day !halt thou bee with rue in Paradife; which thing I my felfeofren– times conGdering, doe find that the defeCtof Baptifme io fupplied not only by fuffering forthenamcofChri!l , butalfo by faith and canuerfion ofheart, ifthat peraduenture the llriane!Teof the times doe not allow conue– niency fat rhecelebrationofthia myfiery of Bapufme:-rherefore howgreatly auailea· blethat of rheApofileis [with the heart we beleeue vnto rigbteoufne!Te, and with the mouth weconfelfevntofaluation]cuen with– outthe viliblefacramcnt of baptifme, was declared in that rheefe: and is then inuiubly fulfilled when the my£lcrie of baprifmc i• wanting by reafon ofin.llant necellitie, and notofcontempt<>freligion, And in rhc '3· chapter, thus: Eucn as in the theefe that through necellity lacked rho corporall bap– tlfme, his faluation was perfeaed, becaufe through his godly fairh hee had rhar bap· tlfinefpmrually: fa when we haue thi•pierie r<adoe,though we want that which rherheefc wanted byreafon ofneeellitie, yet is ourfa!-~ uauon e£labhfhed vnto vs. And in his quelli– ons vponLeutricus,/•h.3,cap. 84.he aflirrueth, that hereby it is gathered,thar forue hauebin inuiliblyfanaificd witfiout the viliblefacra-1 menu. Bern•rd ep•[f. 17· hauing allcadged rhefe forcfaid te£lrmonies our of Ambrof• and Auguf/ine,ioyneththis:Belceue me,from rhefe two prllars (Ambrofeand Attgufiine) I am very hardly withdrawne. lf<y,that with thefe I confelfe my felfeither ro knowanght orto c:rre :beJeeuing that aman m~ybee (a– ~ed onely by (airh , and a deGre ro reetiue this facrament, though de.rhaficru•ards, ,,, any orher int>inc1ble powtr doe P' euenr ar.d anticipate thofulfilllflg of this godly ddue. And it is worthy oh(cruation, "'herher ic was fOr thas., t·hatour Sauiourwhenhe fait..[~\ ho· focuer beleeueth and is baptized Jl!all beefa· ued]nurofhis heed aod vigilancie did norre– peare,Whofoeuer is not baptized,butonely, Whofoeuerbeleeuethnot Otall be condem– ned. Herebyintimatingvntovo, thatonely faith ia lomet;mes fuflicient vnto faluation, and that without itnothing is fuflicient. Inn•· ce•tius the third io his Decrerals in the chap– ter, .Apof/•licam de pre/h;rm noo bapri<.aro, writeth thus vnto the Bilhop of Cremon.: I anfwer rhus vnro your demaund , that the Priell whomeyou wrotevmo me to haue di– ed withoutthewatorofbaplifme, becaufehe continued in the faith of our holy mother the Church, and in the confellion of the nameofChri!J,isabfolucd from hisoriginall linne,aod hathattained the ioyes ofhis cele– lliallcounrrey.ThiS we doe vndoubtedlyaf6rme. Looke alfoin thechapt. Dthirum, ae B•prifmo, &c. In like manuer t]erfon in rhe third part of his Sermon vpon the natiuitie ofrhevirginMary , faith, It is euident that God doth nottie the mtrcieof his faluation vnro the common !awes of Chri£lian do– ~rine,or vnto theSacramentt themfelues,in fuch manuer , butthatwitboutpreiodice of the faidlaw, h~ecan fanailie the children that are not yet come forth of thewombc, with the baptifme ofhit grace,and the vertue olrbc huly GhoO.Wherforeiris theduryof women with child-diligtmly to powre fqrth their praym vnto God,- that if the child yet vnborne do<perchanced~e before it can be partaker of the grace of baptifme, that lefus Chrill that nJoll high Prie!l would .vouchfafe to confecratc and bletlert with his mercie, by preutnring(all tncorue– nieoces] with the bapri{me of hiS holy and bldfcdlpirir. The Church (faith Bul m 4· ·- - · dif/tn[/. ' • ..